WWE SmackDown Results 9/27/24

WWE SmackDown Results 9/27/24
Paycom Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Corey Graves) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, The Bloodline Segment 

Randy Orton: It’s been a minute. I had some business to handle over on Raw, but, man, I’ve missed being in a SmackDown ring, on a Friday night. So, Oklahoma City, ladies and gentlemen, the millions watching around the world on TV, welcome to Friday Night SmackDown. Guys, I’ve been in the business for a long time, and I can count the amount of people that I trust in this business on one hand. But, guys, Cody Rhodes is one of those people that I can trust. We’ve known each other for a very long time. I know him very well, and he knows me very well, which is why it was so hard for me to see that Cody Rhodes agreed to team up with Roman Reigns at Bad Blood. Yeah, it doesn’t sit right with me, and I need an explanation, because something doesn’t add up. So, Cody, my friend, if you’re back there, and you don’t mind, can you come out to the ring, right now, and give me that explanation?

Cody Rhodes: So, Oklahoma City, more specifically, Randy Orton, what do we want to talk about? I know you want an explanation, Randy. Of all people, you would deserve an explanation. Everything that you’ve been through with The Bloodline. And perhaps I look a bit of a fool, teaming with Roman Reigns, but, Randy, let me ask you, would you rather be a fool, or you rather be a coward? This got tasked to me, and, gosh, listen, Roman Reigns looked me in the eye, he gave me his word. He had also given me his word when he said that he would do anything to keep this title, he wasn’t lying then. He gave me his word when he said that, if I defeated him at WrestleMania, he wouldn’t show his face, he wasn’t lying then. So, I am going to take him at his word. Seems like a lot of our audience, WWE Universe, pro wrestling fans also going to take him at his word. But, of all people, right, I’m standing here with The Apex Predator. I’m standing here with The Legend Killer, which is why I would hope that you would understand, because the legend of this rogue, of this outlaw Bloodline has grown so much, that it is indeed time for it to be killed. And my friend, with the upmost sincerity, I hope that’s not a problem for you.

Randy Orton: No problem, Cody, no problem at all, unless, of course, you make it a problem.

Solo Sikoa: I’m very happy that the three of you are standing in the ring, right now, because it saves me a lot of trouble of breaking this up. Before I get started, Oklahoma City, Acknowledge Me. Cody, I’ll tell you what, I’ll acknowledge the fact that Roman gave you his word. You should trust him, because you’re going to need him. Because the two men you’re standing in the ring with, right now, they’re not going to help you at all. Let’s face, how long have been trying to take out The Bloodline? How long? Because every time you try to do it with these two men, they’ve let you down. So, you can’t stop us together, and they can’t stop us with you. So, the reason you’re going to team up with Roman Reigns, shut your mouth, Oklahoma. The reason you’re going to team up with Roman Reigns, is because every time you tried to take The Bloodline down with these two men, they’ve let you down, every single time. So, acknowledge that, Cody.

Kevin Owens: You know what? The only thing we need to acknowledge, is that nobody cares what you have to say, ever, so shut your stupid face. You want to talk about us letting him down. How about this, let’s see what happens, tonight, when you take on us in a tag team match, right here?

Cody Rhodes: It doesn’t have to just be a tag team match, there’s three of us standing here.

Kevin Owens: Actually, no offense, you have your tag team match against them at Bad Blood, and you got your partner for that, so you can worry about that one. Tonight, I’m talking about Solo and Jacob Fatu taking on me and Randy Orton. Come on.

– We see Nia Jax talking to Tiffany Stratton in the backstage area. She doesn’t understand why Bayley and Naomi are having a number one contender’s match. Can Tiffany explain it to her? Nia grabs Tiffany by her throat. Tiffany apologies for losing the match last week. Nia says that if this ends bad for her, it’s going to end really bad for Tiffany.

– WWE SummerSlam 2025 will take place on August 2nd and August 3rd from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. It will be the very first ever two-night SummerSlam PLE in history.

First Match: Bayley vs. Naomi In A Number One Contenders Match 

Naomi rolls Bayley over for a one count. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Bayley backs Naomi into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Naomi with a single leg takedown. Naomi with a jackknife hold for a one count. Naomi applies a side headlock. Naomi with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Bayley side steps Naomi into the turnbuckles. Bayley nearly punches Naomi. That leads us to a huge standoff in the center of the ring. Quick shoving contest. Bayley blocks a boot from Naomi. Bayley goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Naomi lands back on her feet. Bayley blocks The O’Connor Roll. Bayley drops Naomi with a shoulder tackle. Naomi drops down on the canvas. Naomi leapfrogs over Bayley. Bayley with a running clothesline for a two count. Bayley ducks a clothesline from Naomi. Bayley with a flying arm-drag. Noami dodges The Running Knee. Naomi with The Tornado Bulldog. Naomi pops back on her feet. Naomi SuperKicks Bayley. Naomi with The Corkscrew Plancha to the outside. Bayley regains control of the match during the commercial break.

Bayley has Naomi draped across the middle rope. Bayley with The Springboard Elbow Drop for a two count. Bayley with a leaping back elbow smash. Bayley follows that with The Saito Suplex. Naomi regroups on the outside. Bayley lands The Suicide Dive. Bayley rolls Naomi back into the ring. Naomi hits The Rear View for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Short-Arm Reversal by Naomi. Naomi with a Leaping Leg Lariat. Naomi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Naomi follows that with The Headscissors Facebuster for a two count. Bayley blocks The German Suplex. Naomi with another Enzuigiri. Naomi drops Bayley with The Blockbuster for a two count. Naomi goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Bayley counters with a Gourdbuster. Bayley with a Sunset Flip into the turnbuckles for a two count. Bayley plays to the crowd. Bayley goes for The Bayley to Belly, but Naomi lands back on her feet. Naomi with The Roundhouse Kick. Naomi with a Running Bulldog into the middle turnbuckles. Naomi dives over Bayley. Bayley delivers The Bayley To Belly. Bayley connects with The Flying Elbow Drop to pickup the victory.

Winner: Bayley via Pinfall 

– Andrade El Idolo runs into LA Knight in the backstage area. He had no problem losing to LA Knight. But where he comes from, you show respect to your opponent after the match. He lost a lot of respect for LA. Carmelo Hayes delivers a blindside shot to LA, then tells Andrade to bring it.

Second Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Andrade El Idolo

Idolo ducks a clothesline from Hayes. Idolo dropkicks Hayes. Idolo slams Hayes head on the top turnbuckle pad. Idolo repeatedly stomps on Hayes chest. Idolo plays to the crowd. Hayes avoids The Shotgun Meteora. Hayes slams Idolo’s head on the middle rope. Hayes is throwing haymakers at Idolo. Hayes repeatedly kicks Idolo in the face. Idolo Powerslams Hayes on the ring apron. Idolo rolls Hayes back into the ring. Idolo hooks the outside leg for a one count. Idolo with a knife edge chop. Idolo whips Hayes across the ring. Idolo with The Back Body Drop. Idolo slams Hayes head on another turnbuckle pad. Idolo transitions into a corner mount. Hayes dumps Idolo face first on the top turnbuckle pad. Hayes with a Sliding Knee Strike. Hayes fish hooks Idolo in the ropes. Hayes with a forearm smash. Hayes HeadButts Idolo. Idolo kicks Hayes in the gut. Hayes clotheslines Idolo. Hayes poses for the crowd. Following a snap mare takeover, Hayes kicks Idolo in the back. Hayes applies a rear chin lock. Idolo goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Hayes lands back on his feet. Hayes SuperKicks Idolo for a two count.

Hayes with forearm shivers across the back of Idolo. Hayes applies an arm-bar. Idolo gets back to a vertical base. Idolo whips Hayes across the ring. Hayes with The Springboard Clothesline for a two count. Hayes goes back to the rear chin lock. Idolo with elbows into the midsection of Hayes. Chop/Haymaker Exchange. Hayes reverses out of the irish whip from Idolo. Idolo with a forearm smash. Idolo whips Hayes across the ring. Idolo dodges The Springboard Clothesline. Both guys are knocked down after a double clothesline. Forearm Exchange. Idolo scores the elbow knockdown. Idolo with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Idolo ducks a clothesline from Hayes. Idolo goes for a Flying Forearm Smash, but Hayes counters with The First 48 for a two count. Hayes mocks Idolo. Idolod avoids The Shotgun Meteora. Idolo with a flying forearm smash. Idolo pops back on his feet. Idolo hits The Shotgun Meteora for a two count. Misfired Clotheslines.

Hayes drops Idolo with The Springboard DDT for a two count. Hayes applies The Figure Four Leg Lock. Idolo reverses the hold. Hayes grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Chop Exchange. Hayes with a forearm smash. Idolo reverses out of the irish whip from Hayes. Idolo sends Hayes crashing to the outside. Idolo ascends to the top turnbuckle. Hayes sweeps out the legs of Idolo. Hayes and Idolo are trading back and forth shots. Idolo HeadButts Hayes. Idolo with The Double MoonSault for a two count. Hayes runs around Idolo. Hayes delivers The La Mistica. Hayes turns a Vertical Suplex into a Cutter for a two count. Hayes ascends to the top turnbuckle. Idolo unloads two knife edge chops. Idolo goes for The SuperPlex, but Hayes counters with The Cutter for a two count. Hayes dives over Idolo. Idolo clocks Hayes with The Discus Back Elbow. Hayes wisely exits the ring. Hayes gets distracted by LA Knight. Idolo with a Running Boot. Idolo tells Knight to get out of the ring. Hayes shoves Idolo into Knight. Hayes rolls Idolo over to pickup the victory. After the match, Hayes runs away from Idolo. Idolo starts bickering with Knight. Knight asks Idolo to shake his hand. Idolo decides to leave the ring.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes via Pinfall 

– Kevin Owens doesn’t want any help from Cody Rhodes during tonight’s main event. Now is not the time to address the brewing problems between both guys. Randy disagrees with Kevin’s perspective. Randy says that he would love for Cody to help if the numbers game gets too much.

– WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event will take place on December 14th on Long Island, New York.

– AJ Styles Vignette. He will return to the blue brand next week.

Third Match: Michin vs. Piper Niven w/Chelsea Green 

Michin side steps Niven into the turnbuckles. Michin with a chop/forearm combination. Niven repeatedly shoves Michin into the canvas. Michin ducks a clothesline from Niven. Michin dropkicks Niven. Niven holds onto the top rope. Niven reverses out of the irish whip from Michin. Niven drops Michin with a shoulder tackle. Michin kicks Niven in the face. Michin with a Headscissors Takeover. Niven responds with The Uranage Slam. Niven goes for a Running Senton Splash, but Michin ducks out of the way. Michin gets distracted by Chelsea. Niven with a Flying Cannonball Senton off the ring apron. Niven has complete control of this match during the commercial break. Niven goes for a Bodyslam, but Michin lands back on her feet.

Michin with forearm shivers. Niven delivers The Pounce. Niven with a Running Cannonball Strike for a two count. Michin avoids The Running Crossbody Splash. Michin decks Niven with a back elbow smash. Michin delivers her combination offense. Michin with a Spinning Back Kick. Michin with an Overhead Kick. Niven blocks The O’Connor Roll. Michin hits The Crucifix Bomb for a two count. Michin with Kawada Kicks. Michin ducks a clothesline from Niven. Niven with The Black Hole Slam for a two count. Niven drags Michin to the corner. Niven goes for The Vader Bomb, but Michin ducks out of the way. Michin goes for Eat Defeat, but Niven counters with The Piper Driver for a two count. Chelsea is shouting out instructions from the outside. Michin with heavy bodyshots. Michin SuperKicks Niven. Michin ascends to the top turnbuckle. Niven with a running haymaker. The referee gets distracted by Chelsea. Niven goes for another Running Cannonball Strike, but Michin ducks out of the way. Michin kicks Chelsea off the apron. Michin connects with Eat Defeat to pickup the victory.

Winner: Michin via Pinfall 

– Next week on SmackDown, Michin will battle Chelsea Green in a Dumpster Match. Plus, The Guerrillas Of Destiny will put their WWE Tag Team Titles on the line against DIY & The Street Profits In A Triple Threat Ladder Match.

– Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill will be hosting The Bad Blood PPV.

– Naomi tells Bayley that they are going to run this back after she beats Nia Jax at Bad Blood. Tiffany Stratton pokes fun at Naomi. Naomi says that she’s going to talk Nick Aldis and they can have a match next week.

Fourth Match: Randy Orton & Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu w/The Bloodline 

Kevin Owens and Jacob Fatu will start things off. Rockers Punches. Owens with forearm shivers. Elbow Knockdown Exchange. Owens with a Senton Splash. Owens taunts Sikoa. Fatu tags in Sikoa. Owens ducks a clothesline from Sikoa. Owens with a chop/haymaker combination. Sikoa answers with a straight right hand. Sikoa HeadButts Owens. Orton and Fatu are tagged in. Orton kicks Fatu in the gut. Orton with an uppercut/haymaker combination. Fatu with Two HeadButts. Fatu kicks Orton in the gut. Fatu with two uppercuts. Fatu clotheslines Orton over the top rope. Fatu poses for the crowd. Orton with a toe kick. Orton with a Belly to Back Suplex onto the announce table. Fatu rises back on his feet. Orton ducks a clothesline from Fatu. Belly to Back Suplex Party. Orton is fired up.

The Bloodline regains control of the match during the commercial break. Sikoa is raining down haymakers in the corner. Sikoa puts Owens on the top turnbuckle. Sikoa and Owens are trading back and forth shots. Owens with The Bionic Elbow. Owens goes for The Swanton Bomb, but Sikoa gets his knees up in the air. Running Hip Attack Party. Fatu with repeated headbutts. Fatu talks smack to Owens. Fatu whips Owens back first into the turnbuckles for a one count. Fatu with more transitional headbutts. Owens is displaying his fighting spirit. Fatu drives Owens back first into the turnbuckles. Fatu tags in Sikoa. Sikoa with a big haymaker. Sikoa repeatedly stomps on Owens chest. Sikoa fish hooks Owens. Fatu delivers a cheap shot behind the referee’s back. The referee is trying to get Orton out of the ring. Owens reverses out of the irish whip from Sikoa. Owens with The Inverted Atomic Drop. Owens clotheslines Sikoa. Sikoa stops Owens in his tracks.

Owens with three haymakers. Owens finally tags in Orton. Orton with a series of haymakers. Sikoa shoves Orton. Orton clotheslines Sikoa. Orton ducks a clothesline from Sikoa. Orton with Two Powerslams. Orton kicks Sikoa in the chest. Orton hits The Draping DDT. Orton blasts Fatu off the ring apron. Sikoa with The Samoan Drop. Orton sends Sikoa tumbling to the floor. Orton tags in Owens. Owens with Two Running Lariats. Owens with Two Running Senton Splashes on the floor. Owens follows that with The Frog Splash off the apron. Owens with a Roundhouse Kick to Sikoa. Owens lands The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Owens gets distracted by GOD. Sikoa delivers The Spinning Solo for a two count. Cody Rhodes tees off on GOD. Rhodes nails Tanga Loa with a DDT on the floor. Rhodes rolls Tama Tonga back into the ring. Orton connects with The RKO. Fatu SuperKicks Orton. Fatu lands The Suicide Dive. Owens avoids The Samoan Spike. Owens connects with The Stunner. Fatu shoves Rhodes into the referee. Fatu plants Owens with Two SuperKicks. That allows Sikoa to pickup the victory. After the match, Owens starts shoving Rhodes. Orton is trying to play the peacemaker. Owens hugs Rhodes as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu via Pinfall 

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