AEW Dynamite Results 5/15/24

A championship-heavy episode of Dynamite on tap tonight:
  • Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron
  • United Empire vs. Blackpool Combat Club
  • AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Dax Harwood
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels
  • AEW World Championship Eliminator: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Brian Cage

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 5/15/24

Live from the Angel of the Winds Arena (that’s a real place?) in Everett, Washington!

Match #1. Blackpool Combat Club vs. Don Callis Family

Cobb and Fletcher jump Moxley before Danielson even gets to the ring, and we’re off. Danielson’s music hits and he sprints out from the back and the violence continues as the music stays playing. Running dropkick to Cobb by Danielson on a chain in the corner as Moxley chokes Fletcher with his t-shirt. Running knee by Moxley to Fletcher in the other corner of the ringside area. Danielson and Cobb roll in the ring as the bell finally rings. Running dropkick in the corner by Danielson and some YES kicks before the tag to Moxley. Arena chants for Moxley as he connects with a running dropkick to the knee of Cobb. Cobb backs Moxley into his corner and Fletcher gets the tag. Moxley and Fletcher trade elbows and chops before Moxley hits a superplex. Cobb breaks up the pin and pulls Moxley outside the ring, allowing Fletcher to get the upper hand. Body slam by Fletcher gets two. Cobb gets the tag and works the back of Moxley but Moxley sends him into the ropes and tosses Cobb with a rebound German suplex. Hot tag to Danielson! Dropkick by Danielson before going up and over Cobb and connecting with a diving clothesline. Danielson sends Cobb to the floor with a low bridge before following up with a suicide dive, but Cobb moves and Fletcher absorbs the impact. High double leg takedown by Cobb as Danielson rolls back in the ring. Falling lariat by Cobb gets two. Danielson charges but Cobb catches him with a spinning back suplex. Moxley and Fletcher get the tags now and trade elbows and push kicks. Headbutts by Moxley but Fletcher follows up with a running leg lariat. Fletcher charges Moxley in the corner but it’s the King Kong lariat! Cutter to Cobb out of nowhere but Fletcher is up and plants Moxley with the Michinoku Driver. Cobb muscles Moxley into the corner and follows up with a running shoulder block before sending Moxley into a spinning Tombstone! Two count. Busaiku Knee by Danielson to Cobb and a high kick to Fletcher. Sheer drop Deathrider by Moxley to Fletcher. One, two, three!

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

Rating: ***1/2. Danielson’s hometown, a hot crowd, Jon Moxley returning… great week to kick off Dynamite tonight. Fletcher is the fall guy and that’s fine for now.

Moxley celebrates on the ropes but Takeshita grabs a waist lock and German suplexes him from the top! Don Callis Family get the jump but Claudio is here with a giant crowbar to even up the odds and everyone scrambles.

Adam Copeland is here but The House of Black don’t even let him get off the ramp, jumping him from behind. Black throws a few chairs in the ring as Black and Murphy hold a prone Copeland. Black tells Matthews to take off Copeland’s wedding ring. King chokes Copeland out as Matthews takes the ring before setting him up in the corner for the cannonball. Kyle O’Reilly is here to make the save but the numbers are too much. Black Mass to O’Reilly on the outside and a chair assisted cannonball back inside the ring as The House of Black stand tall.

Excalibur shows up highlights from NJPW’s Resurgence over the weekend, including Eddie Kingston’s injury and the following attack by The Elite.

The Elite are in the back and let us know that Team AEW is down a man with Kingston’s injury.

Back from commercial, FTR is with Renee. Cash says they’ve found a fourth for Anarchy in the Arena and Dax says Okada is The Elite’s bitch.

Match #2. The Young Bucks vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

Sydal lays in to Nicholas with kicks and knees as Jack Perry joins the commentary table. Matthew and Daniels get the tag and exchange words before slugging it out. Danielson backflips out of a back suplex and tags Sydal. Twisting moonsault press by Sydal for two. Nicholas gets a blind tag and clotheslines Sydal as we head to commercial. Catapult by Matthew into an enziguiri from Nicholas as The Bucks pose for an egregious period of time. Danielson gets the hot tag and clears the ring with palm strikes and clotheslines. Death Valley Driver to Nicholas. Jawbreaker/DDT combo by Daniels to both Bucks. Uranage by Danielson but Matthew catches him with a superkick. High knee by Sydal. Daniels and Nicholas trade right hands and Nicholas connects with an enziguiri. Nicholas heads up top but Daniels catches him with a rising palm strike. Hurricanrana attempt by Daniels but Matthews holds on to Nicholas’ legs and Daniels lands hard. TK Driver to Daniels! This one is over.

Winners: The Young Bucks

Rating: **1/2. Perfectly acceptable tag team match here

As The Bucks head up the ramp, Matthew takes the mic and says he’s trying to cleanse the toxic atmosphere in the locker room. Unfortunately, The Bucks have to let Daniels go. YOU’RE FIRED. Daniels gets a thirty-day severance package and security is here to bring him to the back. Perry raises a toast to The Bucks and then pours his drink on Tony Schiavone. Tremendous.

Toni Storm, Harley Cameron, and Luther are joined by Renee. Toni says her maternal instincts are kicking in and Harley has to pay for what she did to Mariah May. Flat on your back with an arse on your face. Chin, tits, le shoe.

Malakai Black accepts Copeland’s challenge for a barbed wire cage match, but if Copeland loses, he’s got to bend the knee.

Match #3. Hook vs. Sebastian Wolf

T-bone suplex by Hook. Crossfaces by Hook. Redrum. Finito.

Winner: Hook

Rating: NR

Hook grabs the mic. This isn’t why Hook is here, Hook’s here for Chris Jericho.

Enter Chris Jericho and Big Bill.

Jericho hopes Hook learned a few lessons after he hit himself in the head with a baseball bat. Jericho says he doesn’t mind sharing the spotlight and Hook says he wants the spotlight on Jericho when he gets beat for the FTW Championship, tonight. Jericho says it’s not a fighting moment, it’s a teaching moment. Jericho says Hook is selfish, and he won’t retire just yet. “For the World” is the name of the title belt, by the way, not “For the Hook”. Jericho says if Hook wins a qualifying match on Collision, maybe he’ll give him a shot. Hook says something else sounds good, and he hits Jericho on the head with the microphone. Bill attacks Hook from behind but Katsuyori Shibata is here to make the save. The Learning Tree head to the back and Jericho must have taken a corner of the microphone because the back of his head is bleeding pretty good.

Swerve said the stomp on Collision was the nail in the coffin of The Embassy.

Match #4. AEW World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator: Swerve (c) vs. Brian Cage

Running double knees by Swerve to start as Cage retreats to the outside. Suicide dive by Swerve but Cage catches him in a suplex, but Swerve lands on the apron and stomps Cage. Pump kick off the apron by Swerve and an arm breaker over the top rope. Rolling Thunder Cutter by Swerve gets a one count. Cage is favoring the left hand and Swerve immediately focuses the attack. Cage fights back with some hard chops in the corner and bounces Swerve’s head off the top turnbuckle. Back elbows in the corner by Cage but he runs into a boot. Military press by Cage who then dumps Swerve into the turnbuckle upside down! Back suplex on to the guard rail as the fight spills to the outside. Another back suplex, this time on the apron, as we head to PIP. Deadlift superplex from the apron by Cage gets a two count. Drop toe hold by Swerve sends Cage into the middle turnbuckle. Yakuza Kick by Swerve to the injured arm of Cage. Big boot by Swerve but Cage returns with a lariat. Swerve pops up anyway and kicks Cage in the face. European uppercuts by Swerve in the corner and a diving European off the middle rope to the back of a seated Cage. Deadlift brainbuster by Swerve! Two count. Rolling Thunder again by Swerve but Cage meets him with a knee to the face. Cage looks for Weapon X but Swerve transitions to a straight armbar. Cage picks up Swerve and powerbombs him into the buckles and follows up with high angle Flatliner! Two count. Drillclaw attempt by Cage but Swerve rolls through for two. Swerve ducks a discus lariat and catches cage with a headbutt. Foot trip by Swerve and a superkick and Cage is hung upside down by the middle rope on the outside. Swerve Stomp over the top to the floor! Swerve rolls Cage back in the ring and comes off the top with a 450 for a long two count. Swerve wants the JML Driver but Cage counters with a pair of powerbombs for two. Elbow by Cage and a superkick by Swerve. Cage pops Swerve up and Swerve tries to stomp but both guys fall back and it looks more like a powerbomb. Swerve hammerlocks the right arm with his leg and snaps the injured arm. Housecall by Swerve and this one is over.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Rating: ***1/2. Excellent win for Swerve as Cage proved to be a very formidable opponent. Swerve overcomes adversity and can now focus solely on Christian.

After the match, Swerve takes out a chair from under the ring and lays into Cage, but here comes Christian. Nick Wayne shows up out of nowhere and low blows Swerve from behind. Killswitch is here too, holding Swerve, as Nick Wayne blasts Swerve in the face with a glass 8×10 photo of Swerve and his family. Christian and Mother Wayne finally make their way to the ring, and Christian reminds Swerve that he embarrassed his son Nick Wayne last year at his home. Christian wants to embarrass Swerve now, asking him if his daughter is proud of her absentee father? Christian rubs the damaged photo in the face of Swerve, covering it in his blood. Christian reminds Swerve that he said he was going to take something from Swerve every week, and this week… it was his blood.

Renee is in the back with Hook and Katsuyori Shibata. Hook says he’ll beat anyone to get back at Jericho. Shibata inquires if that means him, too? Samoa Joe shows up out of nowhere and says if these two stop playing themselves, they’ll be dangerous.

“He’s too large to be wearing a floral pattern.” – Shibata. Unbelievable.

Match #5. Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron

Headlock takeovers by Storm and a Thesz Press. Running hip attack to Cameron who was seated on the apron as Storm shifts her focus to Serena Deeb standing on the apron. Cameron pulls Storm face-first into the steel steps and takes control. Cameron putting the boots to Storm throughout the commercial before landing a high kick over the apron. Storm ducks a charge from Cameron and hits a Backstabber out of the corner. DDT by Storm. Fisherman’s suplex with a bridge (aka Perfect Plex) by Storm gets a two count. Soul Food by Cameron and a Shining Wizard for two. Cameron charges Storm again but it’s a double goozle by Storm into a Sky High. Two count. Jackknife cover by Cameron. Roll up. Both women trade several pinning combinations before meeting back in the middle of the ring. Storm fakes a right hand that causes Cameron to duck, allowing Storm to finish this one with Storm Zero.

Winner: Toni Storm

Rating: **1/4. This was short and sweet. Cameron has gotten some time on TV in back-to-back weeks and has impressed. Storm continues to deliver both on the mic and in the ring.

The Undisputed Kingdom and Roderick Strong are face-to-face in the back. Ospreay says Strong is too comfortable with his title, mainly because he’s flanked by The Kingdom or it’s because he’s retired the Tiger Driver 91′. Ospreay says Strong has never respected him from PWG, Progress, etc. and now Ospreay has no respect for him. Strong says he’s absolutely right, but Ospreay doesn’t deserve the North American championship. Ospreay says he’s going to take the one thing that actually makes Strong important, at Double or Nothing.

Renee is in the ring as she welcomes both Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Mone for the TBS Championship contract signing. Willow respects Mercedes, but does Mercedes respect the title? Willow says the championship is what matters to her, and she won’t let Mercedes walk into AEW and take that away.

Mercedes says Mone changes everything. In 2018 Mercedes was main eventing in Brooklyn while Willow was still in training. Mercedes does have a lot of respect for Willow, she’s a great champion… but there’s a difference between being great, and the greatest of all time. Mercedes sits courtside, throws out the first pitch, because that’s what a CEO does. Willow losing to Mercedes will still be the best moment of her life. Willow says to keep it up, because the last time they wrestled, Willow walked out a champion and Mercedes didn’t walt out at all. Woof. Mercedes slaps Willow in the face and Willow responds with a Babe With the Powerbomb through a table!

Match #6. AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchikda Okada (c) vs. Dax Harwood

There are no seconds at ringside, as per AEW Continental Championship rules. Renee gives us a breakdown as each wrestler makes it to the ring in a nice touch, and here we go! Okada is quickly surprised by how hard Dax chops so he rolls to the outside and throws Dax into the ringpost. Standing armbar by Okada followed by a neckbreaker. Okada looks for the running elbow in the corner but Dax fires in some jabs. Spinebuster by Dax and both men are down. Dropkick by Okada! Both men roll to the outside again as Okada cuts off Dax and sets him up on the guardrail… draping DDT! Dax fights to get back in the ring but slips at 7, making it back in at 9.9999. Dax plays possum and ducks a Rainmaker attempt, responding with a pair of German suplexes. Big boot by Okada but Dax eats it and comes back with a Dragon suplex. Two count. Both guys maintain wrist control and fire in elbows and chops, with Dax lighting up the chest of Okada. Okada tries for another dropkick but Dax catches the legs, only to get pushed off into the corner turnbuckle. Dax tries for a piledriver but Okada reverses with the Air Raid Neckbreaker of his own. Okada heads up top for the elbow drop but Dax catches him with a superplex. Discus lariat by Dax. Dax wants the slingshot powerbomb but Okada flips over with a jackknife cover that gets two. Okada wants a tombstone but Dax reverses with one of his own! Long two count. Dax goes up top for a diving headbutt and Okada moves at the last second. Dax counters a Rainmaker with a double  leg right into a Sharpshooter attempt but Okada immediately makes the ropes. Okada grabs the championship belt and throws it in the ring, only for the referee to grab it and remove it, allowing Okada to go low and finish this one with the Rainmaker!

Winner and STILL AEW Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada

Rating: ****. Excellent, hard-hitting main event here. The Continental Championship rules guarantee no outside interference but can’t guarantee no foul play. Bad guy Okada has to resort to cheating because Dax put up a hell of a fight.

After the match, The Elite storm the ring and put the boots to Dax. Cash is here to make the save but the numbers are too much for him.

Darby Allin is here! In his hometown!

Darby helps clear the ring with his skateboard and Team AEW stands tall!

Final Thoughts: Lots of strong wrestling on the show tonight as you can feel AEW gearing up for Double or Nothing. Eddie getting hurt threw a monkey wrench into the Anarchy in the Arena match, but it gave us a good thread for the show tonight. Toni Storm is as entertaining as ever as Willow and Mercedes got even more personal. Speaking of personal… how good is Christian? Swerve is against all odds every week and this seems like one of the best storylines revolving a current AEW World Heavyweight Champion we’ve had in some time. The Elite vs. Team AEW has taken yet another turn and Jack Perry is such a fun bad guy. Excellent show tonight. 9/10. 

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