Cody Rhodes On ‘All In’ Footage Being In His New Documentary: “You Cannot Tell The Story Unless You Cover All In”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Cody Rhodes opens up about his new Peacock documentary.

The American Nightmare spoke on this topic during a recent interview with Denise Salcedo of Instinct Culture, where he was asked about being vulnerable for the documentary and if he felt listened to by the production team.

No because I had really minimal requests. Here’s why I had minimal requests. I’ve done enough reality TV where you think, ‘Oh, you’re a producer. Please, ask for this and you’ll get it.’ Then you’ll find out they’re not interested in what you have to say. They’re gonna run their show and that’s their job. So now my expectations are really low. So I have, ‘Hey, these are two things I’d like to see in there.’ They were really small.

Cody mentioned that he didn’t have too many requests, with one major one being that WWE allow footage of the All In pay-per-view from 2018, a show that helped launch AEW.

I wanted to see if they found any footage of me wrestling when I was in high school or younger. Found it. I was adamant that All In be covered. You cannot tell the story unless you cover All In, and All In is not mine, it’s someone else’s. That’s a troublesome but also beautiful thing, in the spirit of it. So for it to be covered here, I was really happy, and for WWE to allow it to be covered kind of goes along with how WWE has treated me since I’ve come back. The song says, ‘Wrestling has more than one royal family.’ It doesn’t say sports entertainment has more than one royal family. There hasn’t been a revision to me. Kevin Dunn and Vince (McMahon) and Bruce (Prichard) and Stephanie (McMahon) and Hunter [Triple H] have just tried to make me bigger, and I thank them greatly for doing that because they haven’t changed me in the process.

Elsewhere in the interview, Cody spoke about his competitive spirit and how he hopes to be the face of Monday Night Raw, naming Seth Rollins as someone who he is competing with for that spot. You can read about that here.

(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)

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