Deonna Purrazzo Would Love A Knockouts Trios Championship But Wants The Knockouts Tag Division To Be Build Up First

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Deonna Purrazzo is open to adding another layer to the Knockouts Division in IMPACT.

The current reigning Knockouts Champion discussed this topic during a recent interview with Straight Talk Wrestling, where she was asked about the company adding Trios Knockouts Titles. Here is what she had to say.

Absolutely (I’d be interested if IMPACT added Knockouts Trios Titles). Like I said, I want all of the opportunities for our division so there’s more women that come in the door and it makes sense for us to do that then 100 percent. Find me two other people and I wanna be a trios.

While Purrazzo is interested in the idea of a trios division she hopes IMPACT continues to build its Knockouts tag team division as there are only two regular tag teams.

But I think, you know, we do have a Knockouts World Tag Team Championship division and we have kind of just two tag teams right now that rule that division. The Coven, who are the current champions and then the Death Dollz so I think before there’s a trios division, I think we grow that Knockouts tag team division first but like I said, if there’s ever the opportunity and the women to do it, then let’s do it, 100 percent and IMPACT is the right place to do it because they’ll treat it right and it’ll get story and time and it won’t just be a thing thrown to the side.

In a separate interview, Purrazzo spoke about her goal of chancing the perception of women’s wrestling. You can read her comments about that, which include her goal for this Knockouts Title reign, here.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)

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