Gabe Sapolsky Offering Lecture On What It Takes To Get Signed By WWE

Former head of EVOLVE and current WWE consultant Gabe Sapolsky has announced on Twitter that he is offering a free zoom lecture on what it takes to make it into NXT/WWE, something Sapolsky says he’s been giving to wrestling schools for years.

He writes, “I’m doing a free zoom lecture this Thursday for indie wrestlers on what it takes to get signed by NXT/WWE. This is the same lecture I’ve been giving to wrestling schools, but this Thursday we are opening it up to individuals who aren’t part of a school that has participated. Please DM or tweet at @odie1kenodi if you are interested. This is for trained wrestlers of all experience levels. Unfortunately, we cannot accept you if you are under contract anywhere. I look forward to giving this free lecture. Thank you.”

More details can be found in the tweets below.

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