John Morrison On Why He Left The WWE In 2011

During his interview with Chris Van Vliet, John Morrison spoke on why he decided to leave the WWE in 2011. Here’s what he had to say:

I thought I was gonna be back in a year or two. I left because I wanted to make a movie. And not just be in a movie – I’m a film major, studied at UC Davis, and that’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to do the whole process – write produce, star, work on the action design. When I left, I thought that was gonna take a year, maybe two. Nope. That’s not how movies work. The whole process with coming up with an idea until release was five years. It took a really long time. I could probably do it a lot faster now because I could’ve avoided some of the pitfalls. But I had always intended to go back to WWE and as the years went by, I kept in touch. I was never on bad terms with anyone.

I remember when they were in LA, I would visit and I wanna say 2016 or 2017 – I had a conversation and we’d love to have you back but if you’re signed with Lucha Underground, it’s probably not gonna happen. And I signed again with Lucha. It wasn’t like a screw you WWE thing, I was still not finished with post on Boone: The Bounty Hunter and had a lot of things going. Lucha Underground – I liked and I always feel like that’s an underrated show that a lot of people missed out on. They made me a really nice offer and I took it in a nervous way because you always wanna finish at the highest level and I saw having my final run at WWE. So when I hit Vince up about coming back, I was really excited when they seemed interested.

You can listen HERE.

Credit: Chris Van Vliet. H/T 411Mania.

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