The Undertaker Thinks The WWE Championship Belt Should Be Traditional and Not Custom

Photo Credit: NASCAR

The Undertaker speaks on the WWE world championship title.

The Deadman was asked on the Six Feet Under podcast whether he ever considered holding a custom belt when he was world champion, similar to John Cena’s spinner belt or Daniel Bryan’s economy belt. He says that he is old school and believes that the championship should be traditional.

No. I’m a traditionalist. I’m old school. Whatever the world title is, that’s what I wanted to represent. As cool as [the custom belt] is, it’s one of the nicest looking belts I’ve seen, I would have wanted one of the traditional belts, unless it was the spinner belt, which was awful. If I had my choice, the spinner belt or [custom belt], I would have gone with the [custom belt]. I always like the traditional championships. Back then, it was more about being the champion than marketing. I’m not opposed to making money. I just think there are certain traditions and things that should be untouched. The championship should be the championship.

Elsewhere in the interview, Taker spoke about this legendary WrestleMania streak being broken by Brock Lesnar and how there were a lot of talents backstage who were upset that it actually happened. You can read about that here.

(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)

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