Tony Khan Explains Why He Told Fans Not To Use Profanity On Tonight’s AEW Dynamite Broadcast

Pro Wrestling Sheet’s Ryan Satin took to Twitter earlier tonight to comment on AEW President Tony Khan’s pre-show speech, where Khan asked fans to follow COVID-19 safety protocols and not to scream profanity during the broadcast. Satin writes, “Wonder if the people who compared WWE to a North Korean regime for asking the virtual crowd to cheer will say the same thing about AEW asking the crowd not to curse at a wrestling show. Doubt it.”

He later adds, “Also, I’m not criticizing AEW for this. I’m saying both are totally normal things to do when producing a live wrestling show and the double standard is confusing to me.”

Khan would respond to Satin with, “They’re 2 completely different things, I think.”

When Satin asked how they were different Khan answered, “Because I wasn’t telling them when or what to chant, I was asking them not to chant profanity so we don’t get fined….. It’s not even similar, man.”

Khan later reveals that TNT asked him to give that message to the crowd. He says, “The network specifically asked me not to let the crowd chant that, and I’m a good cooperative media partner.”

Check out the exchange below.

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