WWE NXT Results 6/6/2023

(Photo Credit: WWE)

– Tonight’s WWE NXT opens up with a shot of Baron Corbin entering the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Vic Joseph welcomes us, and he’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. Corbin stops and looks at a poster of NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes, then walks past Tyler Bate, Eddy Thorpe and others. Corbin tells a production assistant to have his music played. Corbin now makes his way out as Alicia Taylor does the introduction. Fans boo as Vic shows us a replay of last week’s attack on Hayes.

Corbin says he never thought he’d walk through these doors again, he got the call and never looked back. He goes on about how the call-ups are full of ego and entitlement. Then he walked in tonight and the people here have no respect and wouldn’t look him in the eyes. Corbin hears people in NXT talk about legacies and so on, and all of this is making him sick.

Corbin says he and the other OG’s started in FCW and took NXT all the way to a packed house in Brooklyn. Corbin says he had no control over the last WWE Draft but he will have a say-so on the next because he will make them regret signing contracts. Corbin says the current NXT group is soft and weak, not as good as they think they are, and that falls on the NXT Champion. Corbin goes on about Hayes, saying he got a taste of main roster reality last week. The music interrupts and out comes Ilja Dragunov.

Dragunov introduces himself and says he is not soft or weak, he is the most intense man in NXT. Dragunov says he has defeated everyone and is next in line for Hayes. Dragunov says Corbin is targeting Hayes to make a point but he’s targeting Hayes for the title. Dragunov makes it clear he will go through Corbin if he has to.

The back & forth continues. Dragunov challenges Corbin to a match tonight. Corbin asks if he’s sure he wants this after NXT Battleground. Dragunov shows off a nasty bruise on his side. Corbin says he will be covered in bruises after tonight. Ilja says he welcomes the challenge. Ilja leaves and Corbin poses. Trick Williams suddenly attacks Corbin from behind for a big pop. Corbin is knocked out of the ring to a pop. Official rush down to keep Trick and Ilja apart.

– We see footage from earlier today with Thea Hail stumbling out of a training session with Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey. She is hurting and Dempsey says he will see her tomorrow. She yells back and says she will be there. Duke Hudson checks on Hail and she says they are teaching how to be tougher. Duke is glad Hail is taking this serious but he reminds her about tonight’s Battle Royal and how she can’t just go in smashing people.

Ivy Nile and The Creed Brothers vs. Ava and The Dyad

We go back to the ring and out comes The Schism – Ava, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid with Joe Gacy. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Bron Breakker talking trash to Ilja Dragunov backstage. Apparently Bron laid Ilja out during the break. We go back to the ring and out comes The Diamond Mine – Ivy Nile, Julius Creed and Brutus Creed.

Julius starts off with Fowler and they go at it. Fowler takes it to the corner and in comes Reid. Julius ducks a swing and slams Reid three times. Julius with a big knee.

Brutus tags in with big knee strikes as fans rally. Julius tags back in to take over. Julius with a huge suplex from the mat to his feet, holding Reid in the air, then handing him to his brother and back to finish the suplex with a big slam. Julius with a dropkick to Reid. Ava tags in and slaps Julius before Ivy comes in. Ivy comes in and tells Ava to bring it, but Ava tags Fowler back in to force Ivy to tag out.

Fowler and Julius go at it now. Brutus tags in and runs over Fowler. Brutus presses Fowler and slams him, then hits a moonsault. Julius comes in and Brutus suplexes him on top of Fowler. Nile suplexes Brutus on top of Fowler, then Julius helps Ivy hit a senton on Fowler. The Diamond Mine stands tall in the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and The Schism clears the apron, allowing The Dyad to double team Brutus for 2. Fans rally now as Fowler works on Brutus, who counters with a big suplex of his own. Reid tags in and jumps on Brutus’ back with a Sleeper. Brutus finally makes the tag, now Julius unloads on both opponents with big throws and suplexes.

Julius kips-up again for a pop. Julius with a moonsault on both opponents. Fowler sends Julius to the corner and Reid dropkicks him. Brutus comes in with a Brutus Bomb but he also gets dropped, and all four are down now. Ava and Ivy tag in and trade kicks and punches now. Ivy with a jumping kick but Ava stuns her with a big right hand.

Ivy counters a move with the Dragon Sleeper but Reid saves Ava. Ivy applies the Dragon Sleeper to Reid now but the referee tells her nothing can happen. Ivy drops Reid and turns back around to Ava hitting her with a mask. Ava covers for the pin to win.

Winners: The Schism

– After the match, The Schism celebrates and heads to the back together.

– We see Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo visiting Tony D’Angelo in jail. Tony is doing good all things considered. Stacks has a woman named Kim Kashdashian trying to get Tony out. He says she gets people off well… Tony laughs and says Stacks may want to re-word that. Stacks and Tony agree that Gallus put Tony in jail. Tony tells Stacks to forget what Joe Coffey did last week… be smart about this, 3-on-1 won’t cut it. Stacks asks what should he do. The jailer says time is up. Tony says that’s why you’re the Underboss… figure it out.

– We see how Blair Davenport was revealed to be the women’s division mystery attacker last week. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Mr. Stone is trying to get Von Wagner to decide on a therapist. Von told the first guy to go screw himself when he asked about anger management, then the second guy was jacked up against the wall. Stone paid both in cash. Stone says they’re on the verge of a breakthrough if Von will just give it a chance. We see a crying man come out of the office of the next therapist. Von says there’s no way he’s doing this, that’s not him, what would his dad think if he saw him crying? Von goes to leave but the doctor, a blonde woman, comes walking out and calls his name. Von changes his mind and tells Stone to wait outside.

Blair Davenport vs. Dani Palmer

We go back to the ring and Dani Palmer is out. Blair Davenport is out next.

The bell rings and they go at it. Davenport with a big right against the ropes. Palmer strikes back and mounts offense but gets kicked hard into the bottom rope, going to the floor. Palmer comes back in to “Dani!” chants but Davenport stays on her and dominates.

Fans rally as Palmer fights up and out, rolling Davenport for two. Davenport levels Palmer with a knee to the gut. Fans do dueling chants now as Davenport kicks Palmer around while talking trash. Palmer catches a kick and fights back, nailing a knee to the face for 2.

Davenport catches Palmer up top and slams her to the mat. Davenport with a stiff knee strike, then a Falcon Arrow for the pin to win.

Winner: Blair Davenport

– After the match, Davenport stands tall and has her arm raised as the music hits and we go to replays. Davenport looks at the camera and sends a warning to the women’s division.

– The camera man stops Dana Brooke walking in the parking lot. She’s here for tonight’s Battle Royal and says she will make her own opportunity tonight. She says if anyone is earning the title shot, it’s her. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Tiffany Stratton. She rants about how she’s already elevated the title, and goes on hyping herself up. McKenzie asks for a prediction on tonight’s main event. Tiffany says Lyra Valkyria is the only one she sees as having a chance because of how Lyra pushed her in their match, but it won’t matter because she will retain her title against the winner.

Trick Williams vs. Baron Corbin

We go back to the ring and out comes Baron Corbin. Trick Williams is out next by himself.

The bell rings and Corbin dominates while taunting Trick on the ropes. Vic says NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes is not here tonight due to last week’s sneak attack. Corbin works Trick around the ring while talking trash.

Trick fights back but Corbin drops him with a right hand. Corbin with more shots in the corner. Trick dodges a shot and nails a dropkick. Trick launches Corbin in the air, then nails the big right hand on the way down to send Corbin to the floor. Trick stands tall as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Corbin has Trick grounded. Trick fights out and stuns Corbin, then knocks him to the floor. Trick follows and slams Corbin’s face into the announce table.

Trick goes for a kick but Corbin moves and Trick kicks the table hard, moving it. Trick goes down clutching his knee and Corbin targets it now. Corbin sends Trick knee-first into the steel ring steps, then poses to boos. Corbin brings it back in at the 7 count to keep control as fans chant “Corbin sucks!” now.

Corbin with a big Spinebuster into a single-leg Crab. Trick gets the bottom rope to break the hold. Trick drops Corbin, then unloads into the corner. Trick with a dropkick and more offense as fans rally. Trick drops Corbin for 2. Trick blocks a chokeslam and stuns Corbin with a kick to the head. Trick charges but Corbin catches him with Deep Six for 2. Trick fights off the top and mounts offense now.

Trick’s knee buckles as he goes for the discus forearm. Corbin takes advantage with another shot to the knee and End of Days in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the match, Corbin stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Corbin says if anyone wants some, he will be back next Tuesday, but for now he’s going to SmackDown to qualify for Money In the Bank.

– We go to a new Hard Hitting Home Truths segment with Nathan Frazer. He talks about NXT Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar and his new stablemates. Frazer says HHHT is going global… he introduces his new Senior International Correspondent and it’s Dragon Lee. Lee speaks in Spanish and Frazer just says si. Lee has five potential names for Dar’s group – Two Awful Chat Hosts Plus 2, The Oro Mensah Experience, The Jakara Jackson Five Minus 1, The Long Lost Legend of Lash Legend, or Noam’s Rent-A-Friends. Frazer mentions he has a title match with Dar next week. Lee says he will be in Frazer’s corner. Frazer thanks him.

– McKenzie is backstage with Mustafa Ali now. He came to NXT because as a free agent he can do whatever he wants. He’s writing his own story and this next chapter will see him become champion. NXT North American Champion Wes Lee comes in and he’s excited to have Ali in NXT. Lee mentions a title shot but Ali cuts him off… Ali doesn’t want to be handed a shot, he wants to earn it, starting tonight with Joe Gacy. They have some friendly words and Ali heads out.

Joe Gacy vs. Mustafa Ali

We go back to the ring and out comes Mustafa Ali. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Joe Gacy by himself. The bell rings and they go back & forth for the first few minutes. Gacy slams Ali on the floor, then brings it back in.

Gacy grounds Ali then hits the Uranage for 2. Fans rally for Ali now but Gacy spikes him with a big DDT for 2. Gacy charges but misses in the corner and gets kicked. Ali with a neckbreaker. Ali goes to the top but Gacy rocks him.

Gacy climbs up for a superplex but Ali blocks it. Ali with a big Sunset Bomb. Ali pulls himself back to the top and hits the 450 Splash for the pin to get the fairly quick win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali

– After the bell, The Dyad immediately attacks Ali from behind and Gacy joins in. Tyler Bate and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee rush in to make the save. Ali superkicks Gacy out of the ring. The two sides stand tall in the ring and on the floor as Ali makes a six-man challenge.

– Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are backstage hyping Fallon Henley up for the main event. She leaves when Malik Blade and Edris Enofe interrupt, and mention how they may fight each other after it helped Briggs and Jensen, as well as Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank and Tank show up, and Jensen and Briggs leave with them to celebrate with Fallon after she wins. Blade and Enofe turn the invite down. Gallus walks by Enofe and Blade, then stop and insult them about how they won’t win the titles. Gallus walks off and this leads to Enofe and Blade finally agree to fight each other next week.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp

We go back to the ring and out comes Eddy Thorpe to a pop. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and McKenzie is with Noam Dar and his faction. Dar puts over each member and says they are all shooting stars. Oro Mensah goes on about how Dar was the one who believed in him. Dar goes on praising Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson. McKenzie asks about Nathan Frazer’s challenge for next week and Dar says he will never lose the Heritage Cup. We go back to the ring and out comes Damon Kemp. We see how Thorpe defeated Kemp several weeks ago.

We have some technical difficulties in this back & forth mach but the finish saw Thorpe hit a big German suplex for the pin to win.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

– After the match, Kemp has words with the referee as it looks like Kemp’s foot was on the ropes for the pin.

– Gigi Dolin is backstage on the phone with her brother, discussing the main event. Kiana James walks up and they trade insults. Dabba-Kato walks by and they’re silenced by his height. Back to commercial.

Dabba-Kato vs. Scrypts

We go back to the ring and out comes Dabba-Kato. Scrypts is out next. The bell rings and they go at it but Kato takes control. Kato levels Scrypts and slams him a few times.

Kato dominates with power moves, then applies a bear-hug in the middle of the ring. Scrypts fights back but Kato launches him out to the floor. Kato follows with a big chop to the chest on the announce table.

Kato scoops Scrypts for a powerslam but turns around to see Axiom on the steel ring steps. Kato swats him off. Kato brings Scrypts back in the ring but he’s distracted by Axiom on the top turnbuckle. Kato sets Scrypts down and chases Axiom out of the ring. Kato turns back around to Scrypts fighting him and this leads to a quick roll-up for the win.

Winner: Scrypts

– After the match, Kato immediately grabs Scrypts for a big slam. Axiom tries to make the save but Kato drops him. Kato slams them both on top of each other.

– The Schism is backstage and Joe Gacy is furious. Gacy says he is sick of Wes Lee and Tyler Bate’s fake friendship, and Ali’s positive behavior, and says next week they will be exposed. The Dyad says The Schism made a statement tonight with their win and showed how they are still strong. Gacy says they are right… but he has failed twice now. Gacy says he needs to think things over and rectify. The Dyad says they have Gacy’s back next week as they walk off.

#1 Contender’s Battle Royal: Brooklyn Barrow, Cora Jade, Elektra Lopez, Fallon Henley, Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne, Jakara Jackson, Kelani Jordan, Kiana James, Lash Legend, Lola Vice, Lyra Valkyria, Roxanne Perez, Tatum Paxley, Thea Hail, Valentina Feroz, Yulisa Leon

We go back to the ring for tonight’s Battle Royal main event to determine the first challenger to NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton as Lyra Valkyria is out. Cora Jade is out next with her kendo stick. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Wes Lee is with Tyler Bate and Mustafa Ali in the back. Ali talks about magic between Bate and Lee, and says the fans want to see them go at it one-on-one. Bate agrees but doesn’t want to ruin their friendship. Lee appreciates Bate’s concern. Ali mentions next week’s six-man match against The Schism and says after that they can discuss Bate vs. Lee. We go back to the ring and out comes Roxanne Perez, then free agent Dana Brooke. The ring is full of other Superstars. The bell rings and they all go at it.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson double team Cora Jade early on. Jacy Jayne eliminates Brooklyn Barrow it looks like. Jakara is knocked out but Oro Mensah catches her and puts her back in. Jade eliminates Lola Vice to boos.

Brooke works on Elektra Lopez in the corner. Gigi Dolin and Kiana James go at it now. Dolin is eliminated. Lash and Jakara eliminate Kelani Jordan. Fallon Henley works on Jakara some more but Oro catches her again. Hail flies out and eliminates Jakara while Oro holds her. Lash comes out and unloads on Hail, spiking her into the steel ring steps to lay her out.

Legend works on Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz back in the ring now. Legend is eliminated. Jakara, still at ringside, eliminates Leon and Feroz. Jade and Dana go at it. Perez works on Jayne. James and Dana double team Jade but she hangs on. Lyra ends up eliminating Lopez.

Back from a break and Blair Davenport is now at ringside. Perez goes out and attacks Davenport, and goes for Pop Rocks, but Tatum Paxley eliminates herself to help Davenport double team Perez, stomping away on her. They roll Perez back in but Jayne eliminates Perez. Davenport and Paxley taunt Perez.

Lyra superkicks Jayne, then unloads on Dana, Jade and Fallon. Jayne tosses Lyra out but she hangs on and pulls herself back in. Lyra eliminates Jayne. Jade eliminates Lyra.

We’re down to 4 now – Jade, Brooke, James and Henley. Henley unloads on Fallon, then hits a big neckbreaker to Jade. James and Fallon go at it now. Fallon eliminates James. Dana and Fallon go at it now. Jade gets involved but Dana hits a double clothesline. Dana poses to boos, then hits the handspring elbow from corner to corner. Brooke tries to dump Fallon but Jade assists and Fallon is eliminated. Jade and Brooke fight it out now. They both collide and go down in the middle of the ring with clotheslines.

Hail suddenly jumps onto the apron as she was never eliminated. A “Chase U!” chant picks up as a fired up Hail goes at it, double teaming Jade with Dana. Jade fights them both off and Hail takes out Brooke. Jade decks Hail and dumps her but she hangs on.

Brooke and Hail with the double team. Brooke with a big neckbreaker to Hail. Jade with a high knee on Brooke. Jade goes for another knee but Brooke catches her in mid-move against the ropes. Hail comes from behind and eliminates them both at once to win.

Winner and New #1 Contender to NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton: Thea Hail

– After the match, the ring fills up with Chase U students as Hail celebrates. WWE NIL athletes The Cavinder Twins hoist Hail up on their shoulders. We see Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey applauding from the entrance-way.

– Bron Breakker is in the back parking lot now. A camera man asks Bron why he attacked Ilja Dragunov tonight. Bron says because he’s not letting Dragunov spit out that nonsense about being the most intense in NXT. Are you kidding? Bron says he’s going to start holding everyone accountable, from top to bottom. Speaking of the top… how about WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins? Monday Night Rollins, the Workhorse of WWE? Bron calls on Rollins to prove it. Bron says Rollins was the first NXT Champion and Bron was the most dominant, so why don’t Rollins come to NXT and put his title on the line against Bron? Breakker walks off as NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

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