WWE nXt Results
February 6, 2019
Full Sail University, Winter Park, FL
Commentary by Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness and Percy Watson
Opening Segment: The Dream Calls His Shot
Johnny Gargano returns to Full Sail as the new nXt North American Champion. He receives a warm reception, and he’s pretty happy to be champion. He doesn’t get to say too much before nXt Champion Tommaso Ciampa’s music hits. Out comes the champ.
Ciampa says he’s out here to celebrate with Johnny. He followed the champ’s lead and now, they both hold the gold. Now, they own the world.
This is what they dreamed of, driving up and down the highway with one another. This is “our” moment, he says.
Crowd starts a “DIY” chant.
Gargano says there is no “our” moment. He came out on the stage with Ciampa, in Phoenix, to show him he didn’t need Ciampa.
And here comes Velveteen Dream, smiling as the crowd chants for him. He says this is all cute. He calls Ciampa Gollum. He says it’s not about him or Johnny Bad-Ass and his ring, no, it’s about the man who stole Takeover: Phoenix by showing up: me.
Dream talks about winning the Worlds Collide Tournament, which earned him an nXt Championship opportunity. Dream calls out Ciampa for getting in his face and says the Dream is over him. He doesn’t want Ciampa. He leaves Ciampa standing at the bottom of the ramp and walks up the steel steps into the ring.
The Dream wants Johnny Gargano.
Gargano says while Dream was busy sitting in the crowd, he was putting on another match of the year and then, the next night, he represented the entire nXt universe in the Royal Rumble match. Gargano’s feeling a little dangerous and he’s fine with Dream’s request.
Dream wants to know, when they’re face to face, will it be Dream vs. Johnny Champion? Or Dream vs. Johnny Jackass?
They share some words off-mic before Gargano leaves the ring. Ciampa is still there on the ramp, and Gargano stares him down a bit before Ciampa clutches the belt to his chest and walks away.
Second Segment: Jaxson Ryker w. Forgotten Sons vs. Monsoor
We’re reminded of Ryker’s history in the US Marine Corps. He’s squashed all his opponents in singles matches so far.
Ryker takes the lead in this match, driving his knee into Monsoor’s face. He sits Monsoor up on the turnbuckle and clubs him in the sternum repeatedly. Blake and Cutler trash-talk Monsoor from the outside.
Monsoor flies off the second turnbuckle, directly into a spear. No Remorse (sit-out chokeslam). Pinfall and victory.
Winner: Jaxson Ryker via pinfall in 1 minute
Post-match, Ryker reaches for Monsoor, who had left the ring, and hits him again with No Remorse. The referee calls Blake and Cutler to get Ryker out of there.
1 cool point for Ryker who dominated this match and I think these Forgotten Sons have built up enough interest that I want to see them in a real feud .
Backstage, Cathy Kelley stands by as Ricochet is busy in a photo shoot. Suddenly, the Undisputed Era interrupts, specifically, Adam Cole. Cole calls Ricochet a one-trick pony. Ricochet overhears and enters the camera view. Cole says Ricochet’s in the back of the line. The North American Championship has Cole’s name written all over it.
Ricochet asks if Cole remembers who beat who for that title. How about next week Cole goes one on one with the “One and Only”? Cole looks forward to it. Ricochet tells Kelley he’s coming back for his title when the opportunity arrives.
Third Segment: Drew Gulak vs. Eric Bugenhagen
Gulak has come to nXt. He wants to clean up the black and gold brand.
Wow, Bugenhagen can hit the high notes. He’s got a rocker gimmick, being compared to Steven Tyler, but he looks more like a cross between Rick Rude and Sacha Baron Cohen.
He plays some air drums in the ring, as the fans cheer him on. Gulak looks at him with disdain.
Fans call for an encore. Bugenhagen plays some air guitar. Gulak charges. Bugenhagen defends. Gulak with a springboard kick to the face. Powerslam into the ropes. Face to the turnbuckle. Snap suplex. 1-count.
Side headlock on Bugenhagen, but he works himself out of it. He unloads right hands on Gulak. Reversal on the Irish Whip into an abdominal stretch. Bugenhagen asks if the crowd wants to rock and proceeds to pretend to play air guitar on Gulak.
Northern Lights Suplex by Gulak, in response. Gu-Lock (dragon sleeper combined with a body scissors) and that wraps the match up quickly. Bugenhagen’s done wailing tonight.
Winner: Drew Gulak via pinfall in 4 minutes
After the match, Gulak gets the mic and says he’s the best submission specialist in WWE. He’s never been more disrespected in his life. They gave him a guy who looks like Ben Stiller, from Dodgeball. He didn’t come here for posie-pickers. He calls out someone from the back to get stretched.
“BRO”. That’s Matt Riddle’s music and Riddle struts out to the stage.
Riddle says everyone here, in nXt, sets the bar, every day. So get out of nXt or Riddle will come down and tap him out instead.
Gulak says make his day. Riddle says he’s chosen wisely and flips off his flip-flops.
1 cool point for Gulak’s debut. He put forth an impressive amount of variety in his offense and props for the submission victory. 1 cool point for Bugenhagen because that guy showed a lot of character in a short period of time. Rare to see a seemingly anonymous newcomer get a reaction like that.
Fourth Segment: Drew Gulak vs. Matt Riddle
Gulak’s gonna wrestle back to back matches on his first night in nXt. General Manager William Regal made this match official during the break.
McGuiness calls this a dream match as the two men circle one another. Riddle with a single leg takedown. Gulak tries to upend Riddle.
Riddle transitions into an armbar, belly-down style, but Gulak reverses out of it, pulling Riddle’s hair to gain an advantage.
Riddle picks up Gulak and slams him down, but Gulak holds on. Another attempt at the armbar by Riddle. Double wristlock. Gulak slaps Riddle’s side as he grasps Riddle’s arm, bending it behind his back.
Pretty quick pinfall attempts and the two break apart, staring one another down.
Side headlock takedown by Riddle. Gulak traps Riddle with a headlock, using his legs. Senton by Riddle, after he kicks Gulak. Running clothesline into the corner. Gulak counters with a brutal dropkick. Another dropkick!
Gulak with a side headlock, attempting to choke out Riddle. After a minute, both men are up on their feet. Gulak shoulder tackles Riddle for a 1 count. Another pinfall attempt, but Riddle kicks out again.
Knee to the back of Riddle’s neck as he stretches Riddle’s arms out behind himself. Double armbar and Riddle’s in some pain. Gulak bends back the fingers of Riddle’s left hand. He flings himself free, writhing.
Snap suplex and a cover for 2. Gulak works the arm stretch again but the crowd cheers for Riddle to break free. Cradle suplex does the job and the two men fall to the mat in fatigue.
Roundhouse kicks to Gulak’s chest. Gulak catches the third for a dragon screw. On the apron, Riddle pulls Gulak back into the ring with a sleeper hold.
German suplex, with a bridge, by Riddle 1-2- Gulak reverses it into an armbar, pulling on the wrist and fingers of Riddle’s left hand. Trying for the crossface chicken wing hold, Gulak latches it in, but Riddle breaks free. Punches and chops between both men.
Riddle deadlifts Gulak from between his legs up for a powerbomb. Knee strike! 1-2- Gulak kicks out!
Riddle just drives elbows into Gulak’s side. BROMISSION! Gulak taps out.
Winner: Matt Riddle via pinfall in 9 minutes and 45 seconds
Gulak shakes Riddle’s hand after the match, as the crowd chants “BRO”.
2 cool points for both guys. This was a fantastic TV match and it could have been a main event. The amount of reversals and types of submissions by Gulak was truly impressive. Riddle had to fight hard for this win, but he looked very comfortable against the Philadelphia Stretcher. He laced in some legitimate chops and kicks, and made his submission count after wearing down Gulak. Riddle remains undefeated and his rank is rising.
Main Event: Bianca Belair, Kairi Sane & Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler (c), Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir
Highlights include:
Watson points out that Belair’s ring attire is inspired by Black History Month, a pattern of black heroes and important figures adorning her outfit. Props to her for that.
Belair shows off her flips and scares off Baszler, Shafir and Duke with some strength. She even press slams Sane in the air. Sane comes down with an elbow drop on Duke for a 2 count. Crowd’s loving it.
Duke tackles Sane into her home corner. Shafir tags in. Sane chops at Shafir, and Shafir just calls for more. Off the ropes, Shirai comes in to help Sane out but never tagged in. The referee tells her to go back as McGuinness complains loudly about that misstep.
Shafir and Sane up on the turnbuckle. Sane kicks at Shafir. Headbutt. Baszler distracts Sane so Shafir can pull Sane to the mat. Baszler’s tagged in. Immediate 1 count.
Baszler punches Sane in the back and then throws her back to the corner. Duke’s tagged in to continue the punishment. Roundhouse kick to Sane’s back. 1-2- kickout by Sane.
A few quick tags by Baszler and co, and they continue to hurt Sane. Belair is goaded by Baszler, but has to stay on the apron.
Shafir with a headlock that gets the crowd chanting for Sane to free herself. She almost does after Shafir tags Duke, but Duke pulls her back. Sane throws Duke to the floor below. Quick tags by Shirai and Baszler and we have a flurry of dropkicks.
Shirai stuns Shafir, who interferes, with a hard right. Tiger Feint Kick on Baszler. Springboard dropkick to re-enter the ring. 1-2- kickout by the Women’s Champion.
Sane’s tagged. She stands tall on the top turnbuckle and delivers the InSANE Elbow! 1-2- count is interrupted by Shafir’s kick to the back of Sane.
Both women stretch towards their respective corners. Belair tags Sane. She drops Shafir and Duke off the apron. KOD on Baszler! 1-2- she’s attacked by Shafir and Duke. They rush Shirai who lowers the top ring rope. They fly to the floor and then get attacked by a flying Kairi Sane splash.
Shirai’s tagged for a beauty moonsault and pin on Baszler. 1-2-3.
Winners: Io Shirai, Bianca Belair & Kairi Sane via pinfall in 8 minutes
Belair reluctantly celebrates with the Sky Pirates as the show ends.
1 cool point for Shirai who got the shine in this match. Aside from that awkward moment where she helped out on a double team with Sane without tagging, her in-ring presence was bright and energetic, drawing plenty of applause from the fans. Belair’s character work gets her a cool point, too, for not being overly pleased with the way they won. After all, she did hit Baszler with the KOD, which allowed for Shirai to get the spotlight moonsault.
All the girls had moments to look strong, except for Baszler, who took it pretty easy. She let Duke & Shafir do much of the work, and, to be fair, they need that in-ring time anyways.
Not your typical post-Takeover show tonight. Having two strong matches to close the show, in back to back segments, is a rare thing for any week of nXt TV. No tag team presence this week either, so I’d say we’ll likely see War Raiders next week. Curious to see who will be next to take on Ciampa. So far, not even Dream seems interested in a rematch.
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Catch up on nXt results: nXt Results- January 30, 2019
nXt Results- January 23, 2019
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