- Red Velvet vs. Anna Jay
- Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, & Jake Hager vs. Orange Cassidy & The Von Erichs
- The Don Callis Family vs. Hunter Grey & Paul Titan
- El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander, & Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Action Andretti & Top Flight
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Rampage 12/15/23
From the College Park Center in Arlington, Texas!
Match #1. Orange Cassidy & The Von Erichs w/ Danhausen vs. Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, & Jake Hager
Marshall and Parker to start. Quick jockeying between the two and Ross gets the tag and hits a dropkick. Hager and Cassidy tag themselves in and Hager sets Cassidy up on the top rope, as Cassidy goes hands in pockets. Dropkick by Cassidy and a kip up, followed by an around-the-world DDT. Cassidy drops the elbow sleeve but Menard clotheslines him from behind and Parker hits a running knee behind the referee’s back. Two count. Cassidy in trouble now as the former-JAS members are making quick tags and cutting the ring in half. Power double leg by Hager. Hager Bomb but Cassidy gets his feet up and tags Marshall. Right hands and dropkicks to everyone. Clotheslines in the corner to Menard and Parker but Parker gets the feet up, only to get dropkicked off the top rope to the floor. Marshall sends Ross into Menard and a PK. Hager takes both guys out as Cassidy flies in with a diving DDT and gets blocked, but counters with Stundog Millionaire. Double dropkick to Hager by the Von Erichs and a suicide dive by Cassidy. Parker looks for a roll up on Marshall but Marshall counters and gets the win.
Winners: Orange Cassidy & The Von Erichs
Rating: **1/2. Crowd loved it and the match was entertaining, but you can’t beat the Von Erichs in Texas.
Menard, Parker, & Hager continue the beatdown after the bell. Danhausen looks to curse them but Kevin Von Erich is here! The Von Erichs force Menard and Parker to the floor as Kevin Von Erich incapacitates Jake Hager with the Iron Claw!
Match #2. Don Callis Family vs. Hunter Grey & Paul Titan
Both men get jumped before the bell. Fletcher with some body shots to Titan and an avalanche by Hobbs in the corner. Running enziguiri by Fletcher. Spinebuster by Hobbs. World’s Most Dangerous Slam. /fin
Winners: The Don Callis Family
Rating: NR
Callis takes the mic and runs down The Golden Jets. Callis says they can run but they can’t hide, especially in the tag team division. Callis implements the Don Callis Family Rules, which are in essence, the Freebird Rules, and any two members of the family can be used interchangeably.
Saraya is in the back with Ruby Riot. Saraya says Ruby is nothing without her, and Ruby needs her. Ruby says if Saraya can do it by herself, she’s going to have to.
Match #3. Anna Jay vs. Red Velvet
Interestingly enough, Anna Jay’s first single’s victory was over Red Velvet in September of 2020. Jay extends the hand and tries the back heel kick, but Velvet saw it coming. Both women trade pinfall attempts and get a bunch of two counts. Velvet misses an enziguiri but punts her in the face instead. Velvet connects with some body shots in the corner but gets sent to the apron. Running spinning back kick by Anna before bending Velvet around the ring post. Jay beats down Velvet throughout the commercial break. Snap suplex by Jay as we return from commercial. Velvet counters a second and responds with her own. Back elbow by Velvet now and a leg lariat. Velvet says the time is now… stir it up. Running knees to the back of Jay. Jay avoids the corkscrew kick and hits the Gory Bomb for two. Matt Menard is here and causes the distraction, as Velvet hits a rolling elbow. Velvet takes out Menard with an elbow but Jay locks in the Queen Slayer from behind and Velvet taps.
Winner: Anna Jay
Rating: **. Not a bad showing here but I’m not sure what the Matt Menard interference does for Jay.
A recap of The Devil vs. MJF feud is shown.
Match #4. Top Flight & Dante Martin vs. Penta el Zero Miedo, El Hijo del Vikingo, & Komander
Around the world tieres by Komander on Dante to start. Dante goes through the ropes and flips to the other side to avoid Komander, who flips over the top and to the floor. Martin backflips. Both men trade pinning combos and escapes, as Vikingo and Andretti gets their respective tags. 360 tieres by Vikingo but Andretti cartwheels out. Andretti and Vikingo go move for move in a stalemate, as Darius and Penta get the tag. NO FEAR as Penta face washes Darius. Overhand chops by both men but Darius hits an arm drag and a dropkick. Superkick by Penta. Diving back elbow by Darius. Slingblade by Penta. Two. Double superkicks by Komander and Vikingo to Dante and Andretti. Triple plancha by the Lucha trios. Double clothesline by Top Flight sends Komander and crew to the floor. Triple suicide dives by Top Flight and Andretti. Arm ringer by Darius and a diving double stomp by Dante, who gets the tag. Two count. Snap mare, low kick, basement dropkick combo to Vikingo for two. Darius grounds Vikingo in the Top Flight corner throughout the commercial break. Vikingo fights back with chops and a diving double arm drag to Top Flight. Penta gets the tag and superkicks everyone. Cazedora into a double DDT by Penta. Springboard senton to Andretti and a diving twisting DDT from the middle rope. Dante with a pop-up face buster. Vikingo with an inverted GTS to Andretti. Double jump guillotine leg drop to Martin, who was hanging from the middle rope. Ripcord facebuster by Darius to Vikingo. Penta with low kicks to Darius and a superkick. Twisting Death Valley Bomb by Penta to Darius but here’s Andretti with a springboard back elbow. Facebuster by Komander and a diving forearm by Dante. Dante and Komander are on the apron as Andretti drops Penta with a Death Valley Driver on the apron and Komander hurricanranas Martin to the floor from inside the ring. Dante with a German suplex to Komander on the apron. Vikingo with a Code Red on the apron. Monkey flip to Andretti on the apron. Destroyer to Andretti on the apron. Everyone is down and this is exhausting. Penta is in the ring with Andretti. Chop by both men back and forth. Vikingo and Darius join. Komander and Dante join. Chops for everyone. Triple superkicks by both teams. Triple big boots. Everyone is down. Top Flight gets sent to the floor and Penta and Vikingo charge, but eat a pair of Spanish Flys. Komander with a springboard into a sit-out half nelson bomb for the win!
Winners: Top Flight & Action Andretti
Rating: ***3/4. I don’t even know what to say about this but I couldn’t follow it, nor could I take my eyes off of it. If you love this style of match, it was for you. Top Flight and Andretti are only getting better since the return from injury, too.
Final Thoughts: Average episode of Rampage until we got to the main event, which had the fans going bananas for fifteen minutes straight. No real matches of huge importance tonight, but a quick hour of wrestling after the four-hour Ring of Honor PPV, so I won’t complain. 7/10.