Ted Dibiase recently talked about a wide range of topics on his Everybody’s Got a Pod.
During it, the WWE Hall of Famer talked about Chris Jericho and his longevity in wrestling. Here are the highlights:
On what he thought of WarGames:
“It was one of those things that got real hot. It was one of those things that comes along every now and then. You can plan it. You can do this and do that. You’re never just really sure how well it’s going to get over until you do it. And that and that got over just huge.”
On Chris Jericho:
“I know Chris personally. I’ve known him to be a good guy. He’s like anybody else in the business like you might have six friends and one one enemy. I don’t know. I don’t know if Chris has got a lot of enemies. I don’t think so. And, one of the things that Chris did and you can correct me if I’m wrong, but he set up a deal where fans and wrestlers, and obviously, he found a way for the wrestlers to go at a very discounted price or free cruises. Jericho Cruise is still doing it. He hasn’t called me.”
On Chris Jericho’s longevity:
“I retired from the ring at age 40. There are guys who stay in shape well enough to, I would say if you hang around after 50. I don’t. I wouldn’t expect you to be doing too much. There are some guys and I won’t mention any names that I see hanging around way, way beyond their prime. It’s almost like almost embarrassing and I feel sorry for them, but I wouldn’t put Chris in that category.”
If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Everybody’s Got a Pod with an h/t to Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.