- Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. The House of Black
- Continental Classic Blue League: Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Danielson
- Continental Classic Blue League: Andrade el Idolo vs. Daniel Garcia
- Continental Classic Blue League: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brody King
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 12/2/23
Live from the Erie Insurance Arena in Erie, Pennsylvania!
We get our opening promos from all of the wrestlers in the Continental Classic before we get started.
Match #1. Continental Classic Blue League: Claudio Castagnoli (3) vs. Brody King (3)
Slug fest to start. Claudio eats a couple of lariats and responds with one of his own and neither man budge. Double clothesline and both men are down. The clothesline fest continues on the outside before both men thought better of it and roll inside the ring… only to trade big forearms. Pump kick by Brody. Pump kick by Claudio and a big body slam. Clothesline sends Brody to the floor and Claudio runs all the way around the ring with a European uppercut. Brody gets sent into the guard rail but returns with a big lariat. Elbows between the two men continue before Brody sends Claudio into the front row with an Irish whip. Vertical suplex on the floor by Brody. Hard chops by Brody back inside the ring but Claudio counters with an arm breaker. Big body slam by Brody and a senton. Claudio charges Brody with about two dozen European uppercuts in the corner and looks for the Giant Swing! Brody pushes Claudio off, but he comes back with a double stomp for two. Brody charges but Claudio pops him up with a European uppercut on the way down! Two count. Giant Swing! Sharpshooter by Claudio and it’s locked in. Brody crawls to the rope and barely gets there. Claudio misses a charges and Brody responds with a German suplex. Cannonball in the corner by Brody! ONE COUNT! Claudio escapes a Ganso Bomb and a Death Valley Driver gets a ONE count! Springboard European uppercut but Brody catches Claudio with an anti-air elbow and a piledriver for two. Big lariat by Brody and this one is over!
Winner: Brody King (6)
Rating: ***1/2. Two big, strong, meaty dudes just beating the heck out of each other. Can’t go wrong here and Brody seems to be the early favorite.
A pre-tape from Moxley is shown. Moxley is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Tired of being mad, sad, depressed, etc. Moxley is going to do the only thing he knows how to do… and that is wrestle his way out.
Match #2. Abadon vs. Kiera Hogan
Foot sweep and a running hip attack on the ropes by Hogan. Running basement dropkick in the corner by Hogan gets two. Hogan runs into a huge lariat and an avalanche in the corner. Hogan charges again and Abadon slips through the ropes to avoid, and returns with a bottom rope assisted Ace Crusher. Two count. Spinning back kick and a hook kick by Hogan, followed by a Rude Awakening for two. High kick by Abadon and a running knee to the face. Arm-trapped DDT with the head underneath the knee by Abadon and this one is over.
Winner: Abadon
Rating: *1/2. Barely more than an enhancement match here, but Abadon looks good in her return and the fans are into it .
After the match, the lights go off momentarily and Julia Hart is here! Lights goes off… Hart is gone. Roderick Strong and company interrupt Samoa Joe… and Joe can’t help but laugh.
Video recap of AR Fox vs. Wardlow from Dynamite is shown. Willie Mack is here and don’t put your hands on his friends. AR Fox has tagged with Mack before and Wardlow is going to be a big meal.
Match #3. Continental Classic: Daniel Garcia (0) vs. Andrade el Idolo (3)
Matt Menard joins commentary. Shoulder blocks by Andrade. Garcia whips Andrade but TRANQULOOOO. Garcia locks in a rear naked choke over the top turnbuckle but Andrade frees himself. Low dropkick as Garcia tries to drop down. Plancha to the floor by Andrade. Back in the ring, a shin breaker by Garcia and a pair of Dragon Screw leg whips. Two count. Garcia goes up top but Andrade shoves him hard to the apron and then the floor. Andrade follows Garcia and beats him up around the ringside area as we go to commercial. Back from break and Garcia hits a Saito suplex and both men are down. Right hands by Garcia and now body shots in the corner. Running double knees by Garcia and Andrade is locked up in the Tree of Woe. Garcia punches the knee of Andrade and delivers a running dropkick to the midsection. Brainbuster by Garcia! Two count. Andrade ducks a clothesline and hits a flying forearm. Kip up by Andrade Three amigos! Garcia counters the third suplex with a rear naked choke but Andrade fights out, momentarily. Garcia readjusts and Andrade walks them up the turnbuckles. Superplex by Andrade! Three amigos again. Long two count. Garcia rolls through a cover attempt and locks in the DragonTamer! Garcia then spins out and walks right into the hammerlock DDT! That’ll do it.
Winner: Andrade el Idolo (6)
Rating: ***3/4. Heck of a match here. THIS is the Andrade we’ve all wanted to see in AEW and he looks fantastic. Garcia always wrestles up and delivers in moments like this. The story of the knee was working but Garcia just couldn’t close the deal.
Match #4. The Kingdom vs. The Iron Savages
Double cross body by Boulder takes out both members of The Kingdom. Boston Bayonet by Bennett on the outside but Boulder doesn’t move, and chokeslams him on the apron in response. Enziguiri by Taven gets to, to Bronson. Powerbomb by Bronson and Boulder misses a moonsault Bennett gets the tag and it’s a superkick to Bronson and a Death Valley driver. Running knee to the face and Just the Tip by Taven. NECK STRONG! Spike piledriver to Boulder finishes this one.
Winners: The Kingdom
Rating: NR
Ethan Page is with Lexi Nair. Page says he’s gotten in the best shape of his entire life after losing to MJF. Page needs his crown to be the king of Canada, and he wants Omega next week!
Video package for Mercedes Martinez vs. Willow Nightingale, coming up on Ring of Honor TV.
Match #5. Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels vs. House of Black
Matthews and Sydal to start. Leg trip and pin attempts by Matthews get nothing. Sydal gets tossed in the corner but bounces Matthews head off the turnbuckle. Diving crossbody but Matthews holds on and lands a back elbow to the face. Hook kick by Sydal and a running enziguiri by Daniels, who’s gotten the tag. Twisting moonsault by Sydal gets two. Black gets the tag and Daniels connects with a dropkick. Step up knee by Black and a tag to Matthews, who tomps the arm. Pump kick by Black and a moonsault off the middle rope to the outside as we go to break. Abdominal stretch by Black and Daniels is isolated in the far corner. Quick tags to Matthews who continues to ground and pound Daniels. Sydal gets the hot tags and a tieres to Black follows. Black misses a high kick but Sydal connects with a leg drop reverse DDT for two. Sydal goes up top but takes him time and here’s Black. Superplex by Blac is blocker by Daniels and it’s a pair of diving Meteorda’s by Matthews and Sydal, who now square off. Both men trade knees and a rolling elbow by Matthews. Rolling elbow by Black! Black pulls Sydal outside by Daniels takes him out with a suicide dive. Angel’s Wings but Matthews is here, to throw Sydal from the apron. Sinning back kick and a curb stomp by Matthews. Sydal tries to come off the top but eats an anti-air flying knee! Black Mass! One, two, three.
Winners: House of Black
Rating: **3/4. Fine tag match here that the fans were all about… much like anything the House of Black does. black and Matthews gel nicely as a team.
Lights go out… here’s FTR! Black says the only people that have been there for FTR in this locker room… were HOB. Black offers FTR a spot on the team, but they take their time and get destroyed instead. Matthews holds Dax and makes him watch Black hit the Black Mass on Cash. No one is here to save FTR, just like Black said last week. Black Mass to Dax! Fans chant for House of Black.
Toni Storm tells Skye Blue to walk backwards, because people are only nice to her for her buttocks.
Video package for Copeland and Christian is shown.
Match #6. El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Kip Sabian
Both men fight through arm drags to start. Vikingo bounces Sabian’s head off the top turnbuckle and feigns a dive. Spinning hook kick by Vikingo and a high kick from the apron. Twisting tieres by Vikingo. Vikingo charges for another dive to the outside but Sabian catches him with a knee to the face. Arabian Press by Sabian lands. Hammer throw by Sabian sends Vikingo in the corner and hard. Boots by Sabian and an imploding cannonball. Two count as we go to full commercial break. Inverted Torture Rack into a GTS by Vikingo back from commercial. Outside in twisting Phoenix Splash by Vikingo! One, two, no! Vikingo goes up top and Sabian meets him with a double jump hurricanrana for two. Michinoku Driver by Sabian gets two. Jumping forearm by Vikingo, before going up top, walking the ropes, and dives to the floor with a twisting 360 plancha! Running double knees in the corner and a 630 senton finishes this one.
Winner: Vikingo
Rating: **3/4. This match didn’t get a lot of time but what we saw definitely generated the “oohs” and “ahhs” from the crowd.
Vikingo extends the hand to Sabian afterward and Sabian declines.
Lexi Nair is with Keith Lee. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty are here, and Taylor says the people have been waiting on Lee vs. Taylor… so let’s do it at Final Battle.
CJ Perry is in the back and Miro tries to storm into Andrade’s locker, but Perry begs him not to lay a hand on her client.
Match #7. Continental Classic Blue League: Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston
Danielson is sporting the eye patch. Both men start slow, trading feints early. Hard overhand chop by Danielson and Kingston responds in kind, dropping Danielson. Palm strikes by Kingston and a push kick to the stomach drop Danielson again. Low ankle pick by Danielson and right roundhouse kicks, now brutal chops that Kingston welcomes. One count. Standing double armbar by Kingston but Danielson reverses and hits a big German suplex. Big boot by Danielson. Make that two. Low dropkick by Danielson to Kinston sends him to the floor. Danielson follows and Kingston back suplexes him on the floor! Kingston lays in some hard chops and he’s in control now, beating on Danielson around the ringside area. Kingston now beats Danielson on top of the announce desk and then back into the ring. Kingston sets Danielson up on the top rope and chops him some more, before eating some 12-6 elbows and falling to the floor. Shotgun dropkick by Danielson. FIGHTING SPIRIT! Danielson with some body shots before countering a Uranage with the Lebell Lock! Kingston blocks it, forcing Danielson to transition to the crossface. Kingston gets on top and delivers some heavy elbow strikes! Danielson is hurt! Backdrop Driver by Kingston! Spinning back fist! One, two, no! Northern Light’s Bomb! Another two count! The entire crowd is chanting for Eddie, amazingly. Knees to the injured orbital bone by Kingston, as Danielson back body drops him and kicks him in the face. Yes kicks by Danielson but Kingston is up! HARD chops! Roundhouse kicks by Danielson! FIGHTING SPIRIT! Ghetto Blaster by Kingston and a half-and-half suplex! Danielson catches a spinning backfist and hits the Regal Plex! Both men are down. More kicks to Kingston as he tries to fight back. Another Regal Plex, this time with a bridge, for a two count. Arm trapped head stomps from Danielson! Both men collapse as Kingston rolls to Danielson and flips him off, screaming in his face. Busaiku Knee! One, two, three!
Winner: Bryan Danielson (3)
Rating: ****1/2. I loved every single minute of this match. Two of my favorite wrestlers in the world right now and they delivered a brutal, emotional, beautiful, story. Danielson looks great and Kingston makes everything a struggle. Gimme this always.
Final Thoughts: The Continental Classic is delivering on all fronts for me. The matches feel more important, there’s a reason for them, and the wrestlers are making the fans feel it. Tonight was a great pro wrestling show from top to bottom, and helped build future matches outside of the tournament. Great stuff. 8.5/10.Â