Booker T gave his thoughts on various topics on his latest Hall Of Fame podcast, including a trip down memory lane to his TNA Wrestling run after being asked about AEW’s banned moves list. Here are the highlights.
On AEW’s banned moves list:
“I mean, like I say, anytime you get checks and balances, it’s a good thing.”
On there being no structure in TNA Wrestling:
“It’s one thing I said about, you know, being in TNA. It was like no structure. I didn’t know who was ,running things sometimes, No one really came and told me, Hey, look, just like I said, talking in the British accent or the African accent, no one came and told me, ‘Hey man, look, don’t do that.’ You know, even though people were wondering why he was doing it? That type of stuff. So when you have somebody in charge, um, and that’s the one thing that’s been different, my whole career about WWE opposed to WCW and whatnot. When I got to WCW, it was, you know, great. It was so loose. When I got to WWE f it was like, oh, man, I remember Dave…., ‘Hey Dave, I need some tickets for the night of the show.’ And he goes, ‘How many do you need?’ I said, um, ’10.’ He goes, ‘We sell tickets here, bro.’ ‘Okay, can I get two?’ So checks and balances make a lot of sense because somebody might come and say they need a hundred tickets. You Feel, you feel me? I understand that totally. I get it.”
If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit with an h/t to Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.