During his Saturday Night Special, Chris Jericho spoke on coming up with the finish to his match with HBK at Wrestlemania 19. Here’s what he had to say:
Amazing. Definitely the best match on the show, which is what everybody always aspires to do. And we actually did that. I know Kurt and Brock had a great match too, but ours was better because we didn’t have a fucked up finish. Also, it was the first time we’d ever been in the ring together. The angle was great, everything was put together so well, and I just remember I was looking for a pair of black speedos to use as under tights – that’s what I use to use as under tights – and I was in Dick’s Sporting Goods, and boom, this finish just hit me. I went and borrowed a pen and some paper from the checkout girl and just wrote down the finish. It wasn’t the whole thing, but it was probably 65-70 percent of the finish. So, I went to the venue to go over it with Shawn and we see each other, and we both pull out a piece of paper. He goes ‘Listen, I don’t have anything for the finish, but I came up with what I think is a great beginning.’ I said ‘That’s hilarious because I don’t have anything for the beginning, but I think I came up with a pretty good finish.’ And we just went through all our ideas and we were done in like 15 minutes. Then went out there and destroyed it at WrestleMania. That goes to show when you’re putting together matches, it shouldn’t take hours, it should take minutes if you’ve got something great.
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