During his interview with Wrestlezone, Madman Fulton spoke on the comparisons that his alliance with Ace Austin receives to that of HBK and Diesel from the 1990s. Here’s what he had to say:
Ace Austin and I have our respective plan. We know where we want to go, unlike the whole oVe and Sami Callihan scenario, [Ace] is taking into account what I want to do, what my thought process is. He’s not just dragging me along and giving me orders. We’re working together as a team and when that moment comes, there’s a plan that we have to worry about, not anybody else.
The comparisons are obvious. You have your very talented, younger playboy and you have the big monster behind him. I get that and I have watched Kevin Nash’s work, I’ve learned from him and I grew. The way the business works is we have everything that they’ve done we have ready and available to watch, to learn and grow. We have every wrestler from them leading up to now. There’s so much more available to us, so our potential is much, much higher than anything Michaels or Nash could have produced on their own. I think the longer than this runs and the more we get to show ourselves, the more everybody is going to realize that it doesn’t matter what teams you want to compare us to. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton are going to be Ace Austin and Madman Fulton—we’re not the next Michaels and Nash. We are the now, we’re Austin and Fulton.
You can listen to the interview below:
Credit: Wrestlezone.