- Kiera Hogan vs. Lady Frost
- Matt Sydal vs. Serpentico
- ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Ryan Nemeth
- Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. The Dark Order
- Emi Sakura vs. Alice Crowley
- Brandon Cutler vs. Blake Christian
- Marina Shafir vs. Angelica Risk
- NJPW World TV Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Christoper Daniels
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
Ring of Honor TV 8/24/23
From the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee! Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman are on commentary tonight.
Match #1. Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. The Dark Order
Castle and Silver to start. Both men pose at each other to start. Boy 1 gets tagged in and military pressed with one arm onto the top rope. Running European uppercut by Silver. Tag to Boy 2 and it’s a clothesline to Silver. Reynolds in now but a straitjacket takedown by the Boys. Evil Uno trips Boy 2 up and Reynolds levels him with a forearm. Triple team beatdown in the corner by Dark Order. Uno in now with some heavy chops before tagging Reynolds. Round kicks by Silver as Boy 2 tries to fight back. German suplex by Silver and a tag to Uno who drops the knee. Two count. Avalanche by Uno. A second one. Short-arm clothesline by Uno and a two count. Boy 2 gets the knees up and tags Castle. Castle clears house with suplexes and back elbows. BRING ME A BOY. Castle uses both Boys as projectiles. Splash by Castle to Uno gets two. Uno sends Castle over the top as Reynolds comes off the apron with a diving DDT and a double stomp from Silver. Cutter by Boy 1 to Uno. Double suicide dive by the Boys are cut off and Boy 1 is thrown into the barricade. Dark Order finishes this one with the triple team Razor’s Edge like manuever.
Winners: The Dark Order
Rating: *1/2. Barely more than a squash.
Match #2. Kiera Hogan vs. Lady Frost
Both women trade elbows back and forth but Frost runs into a back elbow. Missile dropkick off the middle rope by Hogan and a neckbreaker. Superkick by Hogan gets two. Running knee in the corner by Hogan but a second one misses. Step up kick by Frost and a flying cannonball in the corner. Two count. Frost looks for a corkscrew kick but misses, as Hogan counters with Face the Music and gets the win.
Winner: Kiera Hogan
Rating: *. Well that was quick.
Match #3. Matt Sydal vs. Serpentico
Snap mare takeover by Sydal. Foot sweep and a twisting, standing moonsault by Sydal for two. Running back elbow in the corner by Sydal for two. Hurricanrana out of the corner by Serpentico and a flying Flatliner for two. Superkick by Serpentico and a basment DDT. Two count. Snap suplex by Serpentico as he calls for a double stomp of the top and misses. Jumping back kick by Sydal and now a kick combo sends Serpentico into the ropes. Spinning heel kick by Sydal. Fisherman’s Buster by Sydal gets two. Another cradle gets two. Serpentico goes up top but Sydal hits a jumping hurricanrana. Diving twisting neckbraker by Sydal finishes this one.
Winner: Matt Sydal
Rating: *1/2.
Match #4. Leyla Hirsch vs. Leila Grey
Waist lock and a mat return by Hirsch. Arm drag by Grey. Two. Shotgun dropkick by Grey. German suplex by Hirsch. Maria Kanellis is on the ramp watching now. Snap suplex by Hirsch and a bear hug. Grey comes back with a pair of clotheslines and a knee in the corner. Attitude Adjustment by Grey gets two. Arm trap Angle Slam by Hirsch and a straight armbar finishes this one.
Winner: Leyla Hirsch
Rating: *. Yup.
Match #5. Brandon Cutler w/ Colt Cabana vs. Blake Christian
Pop up head scissors by Christian and a cazadora into a frog splash. Both men fight to the apron where Cutler looks for a piledriver but Christian hits a dropkick to the floor. Fosbury Flop by Christian before rolling Cutler inside for a two count. Springboard 450 by Christian but Cutler gets out of the way and connects with a Michinoku Driver and a pair of elbow drops for two. Airplane spin by Cutler and both men are stunned. Shoulder block by Christian. Cutler runs into a Pele and a Spanish Fly. Two count. Rolling Death Valley Driver and a kick to the face by Christian get a two count. Cutler reverses Christian into a pump handle slam for two. Superman pin by Cutler gets two. Twisting handspring kick by Christian and a 619. Springboard 450 by Christian and this one is over.
Winner: Blake Christian
Rating: **. Best match on the show so far, nice to see Christian back.
Match #6. Athena & Billie Starkz vs. The Renegades
Double superkicks and double dropkicks by Starkz and Athena. Starkz gets caught trying to dive but Athena follows and takes everyone out. Athena directs traffic and Starkz can’t follow directions just yet. Basement dropkick by Starkz to Robyn gets two. High kick by Starkz but Robyn escapes a suplex and tags Charlette. Starkz sends Robyn up and over and connects with a boot to Charlette. Double fisherman’s suplex by Renegades. Bossman Slam by Charlette. Athena makes the hot tag and uses Starkz to take out Robyn. High kick to both Renegades. Athena uses Starkz and powerbombs her on both of the Renegades. Inverted Alabama Slam by Athena sends Starkz on to one of The Renegades for two. Boot by Robin and a sit-out Death Valley Michinoku Driver to Starkz gets two. Pump kick by Starkz to Charlette after she dumps Athena to the floor. Death Valley Driver/big boot combo by The Renegades and Starkz lands on the top of her neck in a scary moment, but she seems fine thankfully. Double chokeslam to Athena gets two. Athena counters with a roll up and gets two. Rolling elbow by Athena as she goes up for the O-Face and nails it. Starkz makes the blind tag and hits the Swanton for the win.
Winners: Athena & Billy Starkz
Rating: *3/4. Lots of awkwardness in this match, unfortunately. I like what we’re seeing with Starkz and Athena, but this one was ugly at times.
Match #7. ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Ryan Nemeth
Nemeth calls out anyone, even a champion, and here’s Claudio. Nemeth tries to talk his way out of it but instead he swings Nemeth for what seems like a year. Big European uppercut and this one is over.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli
Rating: NR
Match #8. NJPW TV Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Christopher Daniels
Wrist lock by ZSJ to start. Daniels escapes with a headlock takeover. ZSJ out the back now and connects with a neckbreaker. Kravat by Daniels into a snap mare and some chops to the back of ZSJ. Side Effect by Daniels gets two. ZSJ escapes a suplex with an arm ringer and the target on Daniels arm is clear. Hammer lock stomp by ZSJ, followed by an attack on the knee. Back suplex out of nowhere by Daniels. Clotheslines by Daniels and a flying lariat. Death Valley Driver by Daniels gets a two count. Pele kick to the arm by ZSJ. Both men trade uppercuts and elbows in the middle of the ring now as ZSJ quickly dives for a straight armbar but Daniels stacks him up for two. Daniels transitions into a Koji Clutch! ZSJ grabs the ankle and transitions to a wrist lock. Kimura trap by ZSJ but Daniels rolls him up for two. ZSJ blocks the Angel’s Wings but ZSJ rolls to an omoplata with a double arm bar and Daniels gives the verbal tap.
Winner and STILL NJPW TV Champion: Zack Sabre Jr.
Rating: **1/2. Nice chess match here in the main event, but ZSJ is borderline untouchable.
Final Thoughts Seemingly a throw away show this week. The main event was good but everyone on this show was completely forgettable.