- Continental Classic Blue League: Eddie Kingston vs. Brody King
- Continental Classic Blue League: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Daniel Garcia
- Killswitch vs. The Boys
- Keith Lee vs. Lee Moriarty
- House Rules for the TBS Championship: Julia Hart (c) vs. Lady Frost
- The Righteous vs. FTR
- Komander & Gravity vs. House of Black
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 11/25/23
Live from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary and we’re starting with the Continental Classic!
Match #1. Continental Classic Blue League: Claudio Castagnoli (0) vs. Daniel Garcia (0)
Garcia dives for a guillotine choke but Claudio gets free. European uppercuts by Claudio and some chops in the corner. Both men fight to the outside as Garcia sits Claudio down in the corner, pounding his head off the guard rail and delivers a big running dropkick. Garcia looks for another running dropkick but Claudio catches him and giant swings him into the guard rail! Claudio locks in the kravat throughout the PIP. Garcia fights back with some elbows of his own before running into a clothesline. Claudio looks for a Sharpshooter and locks it in. Garcia grabs the head and cradles Claudio for two. Huge standing European uppercut by Claudio, but Garcia fights back to his feet and the fans are rallying behind him! Garcia hits the ropes but Claudio pops him up and hits a big European uppercut. Ricola Bomb finishes this one.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli (3)
Rating: **3/4. Really felt terribly short here, with a commercial break in the middle of it that took up a good chunk of time.
Kingston says the cold open wasn’t good enough, so now they’re making him explain why the tournament is important to him. Kingston has put up the two belts that meant the most to him, and he’s putting those belts on the line because he wants to make this the most prestigious tournament in America. Kingston says he’s done, he’s got to go get ready.
Match #2. The Artist Formerly Known as Luchasaurus aka Killswitch vs. The Boys
Superkick to Boy 1. Body shots to Boy 2. Chokeslam from the ring to the apron and then to the floor to Boy 1! YEEEEEZUS WHAT A LANDING. Lariat to the back of the head of Boy 2. Finito.
Winner: Killswitch the Dinosaur
Rating: NR
After the match, Killswitch chokeslams Boy 1 on an unfolded chair. Killswitch looks for the ConChairTo to Boy 2, but Adam Copeland is here! Spear to Killswitch and some chair shots to the back. Copeland locks in the crossface with a piece of metal in the mouth of Killswitch, before hitting the ConChairTo! Copeland hits the turnbuckle to celebrate with his music, as Killswitch slowly raises his head up. Copeland can’t believe it, so he delivers a curb stomp and another ConChairTo! Crowd is crazy for this.
Lexi Nair is with Adam Copeland but he says… Lexi, I like you.. but go. Copeland says all of this is on you, Christian, Jay, The Patriarch, whatever you are. Copeland doesn’t care why Christian is how he is, but he couldn’t get past his own ego. Copeland says Christian put Beth’s name, and his children’s name, in his mouth. When Christian said he’d break Copeland’s neck, he’s not just threatening Copeland, or his future, he’s threatening theirs. Now, Copeland is hunting Christian. Ask Nick Wayne. Ask Killswitch. Copeland will take Christian’s TNT title because it’s the most important thing in his world, but Copeland doesn’t even care about it, he wants to hurt him. December 6th, Dynamite, in Montreal!
Match #3. Komander & Gravity vs. House of Black
Matthews with a few shoulder blocks to Gravity. Head scissors around the world by Gravity into a snap German suplex. Gravity tries… something on Black and it doesn’t work. So Gravity jumps for an awkward guillotine choke, as Black pushes him off. Gravity with a half-DDT like move but Black rolls through and boots him in the face. Komander with a springboard hurricanrana but Matthews pushes him back into a German from Black, with a bridge. Two count. Matthews tags himself in and drapes Komander over the top rope, tagging Black who delivers some kick and a big hip toss. Black grounds Komander with a head lock as we go to commercial. Back from break and Komander delivers a jawbreaker to Matthews, but Matthews drives him into his corner. Double suplex by House of Black but Komander flips out, the same for a vertical suplex, and Gravity gets the tag. Double crossbody by Gravity and a bunch of clotheslines to the House of Black in the corner. Matthews tries to throw Gravity into a knee from Black but it looks awkward and Gravity eats the knee HARD. Referee checks on him as Komander tags himself in. Tornado DDT to Black and a double knee gutbuster to Matthews. Two count. Komander tries to walk the ropes but Black catches him with a high kick. Matthews in now as both men walk to the top rope, but Gravity pulls Black off and hits… maybe a jaw breaker? This is brutal to watch. Black rolls to the outside as Gravity kicks both men, and Komander walks the ropes and springboards to the outside with a twisting plancha. Gravity and Komander try double stalling splash/450 splash off the top but the House of Black get the knees up. Double push kicks off the ropes into double knees to the face by House of Black. Pop-up double knees to Gravity. Black sits criss cross apple sauce in the middle of the ring and asks Komander to crawl towards him, only to get curb stomped. This one is over.
Winners: House of Black
Rating: **. I don’t want to be negative here, and maybe Gravity was hurt, but this was an awful showing for him. The timing was off in nearly everything he did, and it really threw the whole match off. Komander showed up and showed out, and House of Black still looked great, but this wasn’t nearly what it should have been.
Action Andretti and Darius Martin welcome back Dante!
Match #4. House Rules for the AEW TBS Championship: Julia Hart (c) vs. Lady Frost
The rules are… no count out. Both women trade heavy forearms and Frost cartwheels out of an Irish whip. High kick sends Hart to the outside. As Frost tries to follow, Hart trips her off the apron. Hart now runs Frost head-first into the guard rail a bunch of times, before setting a chair up on the outside. Frost flapjacks Hart on the apron but misses a moonsault off the steps and eats a superkick. Hart sets Frost up seated in a chair on the ramp and hits a running clothesline from the stage. Back in the ring, Hart gets a two count. Clothesline by Frost and an awkward foot trip in response by Hart. Clothesline to the back of the head by Hart before locking in Hartless for the win.
Winner and STILL TBS Champion: Julia Hart
Rating: **1/4. Fine match here and another win for Julia, starting out her TBS title run. Tonight does seem a little bit.. sloppy in the ring, maybe?
Don Callis is with Powerhouse Hobbs and Lexi Nair. Callis has no idea the calculation that got The Golden Jets a tag team title shot. Hobbs broke both men and sent them to the hospital. Kenny and Chris… anyone can get got.
Match #5. FTR vs. The Righteous
Vincent attacks the injured ribs of Cash Wheeler before the bell. Drop toe hold and a running elbow drop by FTR. Vincent catches Dax looking with a boot to the face and a running back elbow. Dutch is in now but Dax sends him to the floor with a clothesline over the top and sends Vincent on top of him. FTR attack on the outside now but Dax runs into a diving crossbody block by Dutch. Righteous now keep Dax in their corner, making quick tags and delivering some punishment throughout the break. Huge running splash by Dutch gets two. Powerbomb by Dutch before going to the middle rope and missing a senton. Cash gets the quick tags and delivers rights, lefts, and chops to The Righteous. Cash ducks a big boot and takes Dutch to the floor with a right hand. Vincent is in now and Cash rolls him up, but a blind tag was made to Dutch who plants Cash with a Bossman Slam. Long two count. Righteous look for the assisted Sliced Bread but Dax makes the save and dumps Dutch to the floor. Shatter Machine to Vincent and this one is over.
Winners: FTR
Rating: **3/4. The Righteous have been getting more airtime lately and I think this was a solid tag match. Dutch is such a good big man and FTR can work with anyone, fighting from underneath this whole match as their injuries linger.
House of Black are here. Black has the mic and says that nobody is coming to save FTR right now. No CESARO, no Yuta, and NO CM PUNK. This house isn’t the brotherhood that FTR think it is!
Lights go out.
Lights come back on. House of Black is gone.
Tony Schiavone welcomes Big Bill and Ricky Starks, the AEW World Tag Team Champions, to the ring. Tony wants to know what made them attack, and injure the elbow, of Chris Jericho? Golden Jets? More like the Golden Girls. They travel up and down the road and back again. Starks and Bill don’t even know each other that well! “Bill, when’s my birthday?”
“No idea.”
Huge pop.
Bill said he knew he’d make it back to the top four years ago, when he was in and out of rehab, when he couldn’t get out of bed, and when nobody believed in him and everyone counted him out. Crowd chants for Bill.
Standing in the ring with this guy, with these titles.. Bill would say he was right. He made it back to the top. Bill and Starks are angry, motivated, and will beat the living hell out of, and embarrass The Golden Jets. Bill and Stars are Kobe and Shaq. Pippen and Jordan. Omega and Jericho aren’t even Kukoc and Longly, they’re not even in the starting lineup, they’re the guys that give Jordan his Big League Chew before he gets announced. Starks likes Minty Fresh and Bill liked Big Red.
Match #6. Keith Lee vs. Lee Moriarty
Both men trade kick attempts as Moriarty ducks a spinning back kick from Keith! POUNCE by Keith! Dropkick by Moriarty sends Keith into the apron. Running bulldog by Moriarty gets a one count. Arm breaker by Moriarty as we go to a commercial break. Keith shoves Moriarty away, but Moriarty flies for an armbar. Keith catches him in mid-air and…my stream freezes. Comes right back and Keith misses a charge in the corner and Moriarty tries to introduce him to the turnbuckle and can’t, so he settles for a boot to the face and a diving bulldog from the middle rope. Moriarty with a high kick but Keith catches it, and Moriarty kicks the injured arm. Moriarty rolls to the apron and looks for a springboard but Keith catches him with an anti-air headbutt! Fireman’s carry into a powerslam finishes this one.
Winner: Keith Lee
Rating: **1/4. Fine match here, and it’s nice to see Keith Lee on TV on a more regular basis. There’s been somewhat of a story here between Lee and Shane Taylor Promotions… so why not promote this match even a little bit?
After the match, Lexi Nair is with Keith Lee. Lee was going to talk about how good Lee Moriarty was, but instead, he’s tired of the lack of opportunity and the lack of representation. So, Keith Lee is going to take it. You know, who you are.
Match #7. Continental Classic: Eddie Kingston (0) vs. Brody King (3)
The chops have started. Both men lay them in as Kingston grabs the wrist, but Brody goes to the body and drops Kingston. Cannonball by Brody in the corner. Kingston rolls to the outside and Brody follows. Brody chops Kingston hard, and Kingston responds in kind. Brody sends Kingston into the steel steps and follows up with a charge, but Kingston moves and Brody hits hard. Brody still, able to set Kingston up in the corner of the safety rail and crush him with a running low crossbody! Body slam and a senton back inside the ring by Brody. Two count. Brody is beating on Kingston in the corner as we head to PIP. Brody looks for a superplex off the top but Kingston tries to fight him off and does… momentarily. Superplex now by Brody! Two count. Brody whips Kingston to the corner but Kingston collapses to the ground, before fighting to get back to his feet. Desperation lariat by Kingston takes Brody off his feet! Running clotheslines in the corner by Kingston and now machine gun Kenta Kobashi-like chops. Exploder by Kingston but Brody blocks it and German suplexes Kingston. Brody picks Kingston up but the spinning back fist connects out of nowhere! Long two count. Both men eventually make it to their feet and exchange chops, as Kingston drops the straps. BRODY. KINGSTON. BRODY. KINGSTON. These strikes are brutal. Brody eventually charges Kingston, who kicks him in the leg and connects with a Ghetto Blaster! Spike DDT gets a two count. Kingston looks for the Northern Light’s Bomb but Brody isn’t moving. Same for the piledriver. Back body drop by Brody and a salto suplex. Brody looks for the lariat but Kingston catches the arm. Exploder by Kingston! Half-and-half suplex! SAITO SUPLEX! One, two, thr–no! 2.9999! Reminder, if it goes to a time limit draw, each wrestler only gets one point. Piledriver by Brody but Kingston’s foot is underneath the rope. Brody with some elbows to the face and Kingston calls him on. Short-arm clothesline by Brody but Eddie ducks! Spinning back fist but Brody eats it! Big boot by Brody and the Ganso Bomb! One, two, three!
Winner: Brody King (3)
Rating: ****1/2. THIS RULED SO HARD. Two of my favorite wrestlers in the world right now just doing what they do. Having a brutal, hard-hitting, war with one dude BARELY outlasting the other. With all of the other matches on this show seemingly cut a bit short, I’m glad this one got 15 minutes plus. Outstanding.
Final Thoughts: Lots of wrestling tonight, eleven matches over a three-hour period. For Collision specifically, a few of the matches should have been a heck of a lot longer. We don’t need seven matches, and we sure could use a little more story in some of them. The wrestling was average tonight, with the main event delivering as expected, and everyone else was fine. The House of Black/FTR seems like it’s going to be interesting and deliver some very strong matches. The Continental Classic is already giving up what we expected, and I’m excited to see it continue, as AEW is really making it feel like something special. 7.5/10.