AEW superstar Eddie Kingston was the latest guest on Freddie Prinze Jr.’s Wrestling With Freddie podcast to discuss a number of different topics, including the shots he’s taken at WWE over the years and details his battles against mental health issues. Highlights are below.
Says he loves how mad fans get when he mentions WWE:
Side note, I love how mad people get when I mention anything in WWE. I love it. Oh God, when I say ‘sports entertainer,’ they are like, ‘F you, I hope you die,’ and I’m sitting there laughing, because I’m like, c’mon, I got you. I have friends at WWE, do you think I want that place to shut down? Absolutely not! I want my friends to eat. I just do things to stir it up.
Talks his mental health struggles:
There was a period of time I think in 2007, 2008, where I was on a roll. I was at all these big Indies like Ring of Honor and PWG. I was wrestling every weekend, three times, four times a week, and then I would just get in my own head saying, ‘I don’t deserve this’. I’m drinking and I’m sitting in New York in the drunk tank missing flights. Then I would just come back again and everyone’s like, ‘Oh, we’re so happy. You’re back on track’, and then I would go right off. Either someone pisses me off in the locker room and I’m screaming and yelling, or a promoter tells me to do something, or a promoter doesn’t pay me right, and I’m going to the cash box to take the money from him.
(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)