Eric Bischoff gave his thoughts on various topics on the latest episode of his 83 Weeks Podcast.
During it, Bischoff talked about wishing he would’ve brought in former WWE star Ken Shamrock to WCW after using fellow MMA star Tank Abbott in the promotion.
“Shamrock may have never been interested in coming to WCW,” Bischoff said. “I just didn’t feel there was a hole in the roster for someone like him at that time.”
“I kinda regret it, because he is, was, and still is a good character,” Bischoff stressed. “I’m a fan, you know, whatever I see in [the] interviews with him now, talking about MMA and documentaries about his past. Very impressive guy! I love his story, both he and his brother. I love the background of their story, and I wish I would have looked closer at him.”
H/T to Wrestling Inc