WWE has dismissed their lawsuit against United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
We noted back in late January how WWE had filed the lawsuit, but details were sealed to the public. Immigration attorney Martine G. Cuomo filed documents on behalf of WWE for the lawsuit, and it was speculated that the suit had to do with WWE not being able to get a talent or employee into the United States, possibly due to recent policy changes amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an update, HeelByNature reports that WWE filed a voluntary dismissal with the United States District Court of Connecticut on March 10. The suit will not move forward.
The case was assigned to District Court Judge Michael P. Shea in Hartford, CT back on January 27. That same day a protective order was filed to ensure details of the case remain confidential. US Citizenship and Immigration Services was required to answer within 60 days, and a pre-trial date was set for March 27.
There’s no word on if a settlement was reached due to the court records being sealed.
Stay tuned for more.
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