WWE NXT Results 12/12/23
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida
You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast
Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T)Â
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Transcription by Josh Lopez
Cora Jade, Lyra Valkyria, Blair Davenport, and Nikkita Lyons SegmentÂ
Cora Jade:Â Four months, four long, hard, difficult months. But not for me, for you. Saturday at Deadline, the sun finally emerged from the clouds, and the hog was finally lifted. I know how hard it was for all of you. Me being gone that long. Crying yourselves to sleep in your little Cora Jade t-shirts. Kissing your little 8×10’s of me, goodnight. But don’t worry, because everything is fine. I’m back now, and that’s what you all wanted, right? Tweeting me, every day, every episode, begging me to come back. You guys didn’t like me back then, but all of a sudden, you love me now? Saturday at Deadline was just the best day ever, because I reminded everybody that no matter how deep the NXT Women’s Roster may be, everything is better when Cora Jade is around. But, hey, I’ll give all those women in that Iron Survivor Challenge Match their flowers. That was one hell of a match. But let’s be honest, at the end of the day, nobody was talking about any one of those women. They were all talking about the return of Cora Jade. As I stood there, holding that NXT Women’s Championship high.
Lyra Valkyria: Welcome back, Cora. I couldn’t help but notice, you left out one key detail when you mentioned me, just there. The fact that you jumped me from behind at Deadline. You know what’s crazy? It’s cray that you’ve been away four months, and nothing has changed. You’re still going to try to take shortcuts, just like you always have.
Cora Jade: Did I ruffle some feathers when I got your attention?
Lyra Valkyria: Listen, you may not have changed these past four months, but things around here definitely have. I’ve changed. I’m not the same women you used to mess with. I’m the NXT Women’s Champion. And I don’t care what generation you think this is, I don’t care what you think you deserve. There’s nothing that you can do.
Blair Davenport: Wow, you might be at the top now, Lyra, but I defeated four of the best women in NXT to become your Iron Survivor. Cora Jade, you’re not one of them. Lyra, I’m here to remind you of something important. You need to focus on me, because the time is ticking on your reign. And come, New Years Evil, I will become the champion that I always destined to be.
Lyra Valkyria: Don’t worry, Blair, I heard what you had to say at Deadline. There’s no way in hell you are ever taking this from me. And I’m surprised that you two are not best friends already, considering that you like to jump people from behind.
Blair Davenport: Well, whatever it takes to get the job done.
Nikkita Lyons: Hey, Blair, did you think that I forgot what you did to me in that parking lot?
– A massive brawl breaks out to close the segment.
– Carmelo Hayes got jumped in the backstage area.
– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Dragon Lee. Saturday was a dream come true for Lee. To have Rey Mysterio on his side, it was incredible. Lee wishes Wes a speedy recovery. Lee wants to be a fighting champion. We’ll find out who his next challenger is tonight.
First Match: Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen, and Fallon Henley vs. Meta Four In A Six Person Mixed Tag Team Match
Meta Four with a sneak attack before the bell rings. Legend drives Henley face first into the canvas. Legend with a leaping elbow drop for a two count. Legend pie faces Henley. Legend sends Henley to the corner. Henley kicks Legend in the face. That leads us to a quick shoving contest. Henley ducks a clothesline from Legend. Henley applies The Sleeper Hold. Legend backs Henley into the turnbuckles. Henley slaps Legend in the chest. Henley unloads a flurry of chops. Legend rocks Henley with a forearm smash. Legend whips Henley across the ring. Legend blocks The Sunset Flip. Henley dropkicks the left knee of Legend. Henley with a Leg Lariat. Legend blocks The Springboard Bulldog. Henley tags in Jensen. Legend tells Jensen to bring it. Jensen side steps a superman punch from Mensah. Jensen with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Jensen is throwing haymakers at Mensah. Jensen with forearm shivers. Jensen with a Hip Toss. Mensah kicks the left knee of Jensen. Mensah slams Jensen’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Mensah with a chop/forearm combination. Jensen hammers down on the back of Mensah’s neck. Jensen applies a side headlock. Mensah whips Jensen across the ring. Jensen leapfrogs over Mensah. Jensen with a flying bulldog. Double Shoulder Tackle to Dar. Stereo Sliding Haymakers.
Legend sends Henley crashing into Briggs and Jensen on the outside. Legend sends Henley face first into the steel ring post. Legend slams Henley’s head on the ring apron. Legend with clubbing blows to Henley’s chest. Legend drops her weight on Henley’s back. Legend bodyslams Henley for a two count. Legend with The Canadian BackBreaker Rack. Legend drives Henley face first into the canvas. Legend goes for another Elbow Drop, but Henley ducks out of the way. Legend goes for a Bodyslam, but Henley lands back on her feet. Henley tags in Jensen. Jensen scores two elbow knockdowns. Mensah reverses out of the irish whip from Jensen. Jensen with a Springboard Crossbody Block. Jensen takes a swipe at Dar. Mensah sweeps out the legs of Jensen. Mensah clotheslines the back of Jensen’s neck. Mensah is choking Jensen with his boot. Mensah tags in Dar. Dar with a Mid-Kick. Dar rolls Jensen back into the ring. Dar with two arm-ringers. Dar with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Dar delivers a gut punch. Dar wraps the left leg of Jensen around the middle rope. Dar with a running dropkick to the left knee of Jensen. Dar tags in Mensah. Mensah slaps Jensen in the back. Jensen with heavy bodyshots. Mensah drives his knee into the midsection of Jensen. Jensen sends Mensah crashing to the outside.
Mensah kicks the back of Jensen’s left knee. Mensah tags in Dar. Stereo Forearms for a two count. Dar applies The Sleeper Hold. Dar with clubbing elbow strikes. Dar is trying to keep Jensen grounded. Dar backs Jensen into the ropes. Dar with a Mid-Kick. Dar hooks the outside leg for a two count. Dar applies a rear chin lock. Jensen attacks the midsection of Dar. Dar kicks the left hamstring of Jensen. Dar uppercuts Jensen. Jensen decks Dar with a back elbow smash. Jensen with a Lariat. Jensen goes for a Step Up Enzuigiri, but Dar counters with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Dar applies The Ankle Lock. Briggs had to get out of the ring because the referee was distracted by Jakara Jackson. Mensah with a Flying Leg Lariat. Mensah tags in Dar. Mensah with a Rising Knee Strike. Dar with The Discus Back Elbow for a two count. Legend goes for a PowerBomb, but Henley counters with a Hurricanrana to the outside. Mensah with a Flying Uppercut off the apron. Henley starts brawling with Tiffany Stratton. Jensen with an inside cradle for a two count. Dar hits The Nova Roller. Briggs tags himself in. Briggs tees off on Dar. Mensah attacks Briggs from behind. Briggs rocks Mensah with a forearm smash. Briggs with a Big Boot/DDT Combination. Briggs connects with The Clothesline From Hell to pickup the victory.
Winner: Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen, and Fallon Henley via Pinfall
– Carmelo Hayes is medically cleared to compete despite being attacked in the parking lot. He wants Trick Williams to handle his business with Ilja Dragunov. Melo will call out his attacker later on tonight.
– Lexis King crashes the opening ceremony for the 2023 Men’s Breakout Tournament.
Second Match: Oba Femi vs. Myles Borne In A First Round Match In The 2023 Men’s Breakout Tournament
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Femi outpowers Borne. Femi tells Borne to bring it. Borne drop steps into a side headlock. Femi whips Borne across the ring. Borne runs into Femi. Borne slides under Femi’s legs. Borne dropkicks Femi. Femi rocks Borne with a forearm smash. Femi drives his knee into the midsection of Borne. Femi sends Borne to the corner. Borne dives over Femi. Borne dropkicks Femi into the top turnbuckle pad. Borne with a straight right hand. Borne repeatedly stomps on Femi’s chest. Borne tees off on Borne. Femi with a shot to the midsection of Borne. Borne with a drop toe hold. Borne stomps on Femi’s back. Borne with a Double Foot Stomp for a two count.
Borne repeatedly drives his knee into Femi’s back. Femi with heavy bodyshots. Borne drives his knee into the midsection of Femi. Femi reverses out of the irish whip from Borne. Femi catches Borne in mid-air. Femi clotheslines Borne. Femi tells Borne to get up. Femi with two haymakers. Femi scores two elbow knockdowns. Femi ducks a clothesline from Borne. Femi with a Belly to Back Suplex. Femi with a Running Uppercut. Borne ducks a clothesline from Femi. Borne Powerslams Femi for a two count. Femi regroups on the outside. Femi sweeps out the legs of Borne. Borne with The Kitchen Sink. Femi sends Borne chest first into the canvas. Femi connects with The Pop Up PowerBomb to pickup the victory.
Winner: Oba Femi via Pinfall
– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Tiffany Stratton. She wants to vent. She’s so sick and tired of Fallon Henley. Fallon is beneath her on so many levels. Tiffany wants to show Fallon where she truly belongs.
Third Match: Dragon Lee (c) vs. Tyler Bate For The WWE NXT North American ChampionshipÂ
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Bate applies a side headlock. Lee sends Bate to the corner. Following a snap mare takeover, Lee drops Bate with a shoulder tackle. Bate drops down on the canvas. Bate leapfrogs over Lee. Bate catches Lee in mid-air. Bate goes for The Airplane Spin, but Lee lands back on his feet. Bate with a side headlock takeover. Misfired Toe Kicks. Double Dropkick. Double Kick Up. That leads us to a quick stand off in the center of the ring. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Bate applies a wrist lock. Lee reverses out of the irish whip from Bate. Bate crawls under Lee’s legs. Bate rolls Lee over for a two count. Bate goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover, but Lee lands back on his feet. Bate with the bypass. Lee goes for a Hurricanrana, but Bate lands back on his feet. Both guys are knocked down after a double clothesline.
Lee has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Lee slams Bate’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Lee repeatedly stomps on Bate’s chest. Lee with a straight right hand. Lee blocks a boot from Bate. Bate with a knee lift. Bate with a diving uppercut off the middle turnbuckle. Bate dropkicks Lee to the floor. Bate with The Stage Dive. Bate rolls Lee back into the ring. Bate with The Exploder Suplex. Bate pops back on his feet. Bate with The Standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. Lee blocks The Airplane Spin. Lee with a Pop Up SuperKick. Lee SuperKicks Bate to the floor. Lee with The Suicide Dive. Lee rolls Bate back into the ring. Lee with a Corner Dropkick. Lee sweeps out the legs of Bate. Combination Cabron.
Lee nails Bate with The Shibata Dropkick for a two count. Lee goes for Operation Dragon, but Bate counters with The Airplane Spin for a two count. Bate is throwing haymakers at Lee. Lee kicks Bate in the face. Bate uppercuts Lee. Lee with a Snap German Suplex. Bate rises back on his feet. Bate with The Handspring Lariat for a two count. Bate ascends to the top turnbuckle. Lee gets Bate tied up in the tree of woe. Lee with a Flying Double Foot Stomp. Lee goes for a SitOut PowerBomb, but Bate lands back on his feet. Bate goes for The Tyler Driver #97, but Lee counters with The Hurricanrana for a two count. Lee with a Pump Knee Strike. Bate responds with Bop and Bang. Lee avoids The Handspring Lariat. Lee connects with Operation Dragon to pickup the victory. After the match, Lee hugs Bate.
Winner: Still WWE NXT North American Champion, Dragon Lee via Pinfall
– Josh Briggs wants a shot at the Heritage Cup.
– Lexis King will now be participating in the Men’s Breakout Tournament.
Fourth Match: DIJAK vs. Eddy ThorpeÂ
Thorpe dodges The Big Boot. Thorpe with forearm shivers. Thorpe and Dijak are brawling around the ringside area. Dijak punches Thorpe in the back. All hell is breaking loose in Winter Park. Dijak drives Thorpe back first into the ring apron. Dijak slams Thorpe’s head on the announce table. Dijak talks smack to Thorpe. Thorpe sends Dijak crashing into the steel ring steps. The referee finally starts the match.
Dijak drives Thorpe back first into the turnbuckles. Forearm Exchange. Thorpe with clubbing mid-kicks. Dijak drives Thorpe back first into another set of turnbuckles. The top rope falls off. Dijak attacks Thorpe with the turnbuckle bar which forces the disqualification. After the match, Dijak had to be pulled off by the referees. Dijak dumps Thorpe ribs first on the middle turnbuckle.
Winner: Eddy Thorpe via DisqualificationÂ
– Chase University Vignette.
Fifth Match: Riley Osborne vs. Keanu Carver In A First Round Match In The 2023 Men’s Breakout TournamentÂ
Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne are watching this match in the Chase U Students Section. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Carver brings Osborne into the mat. Osborne applies a side headlock. Carver goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Osborne lands back on his feet. Osborne with a double leg takedown. Osborne rolls Carver over for a two count. Osborne dropkicks Carver. Osborne with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Osborne slips over Carver’s back. Carver with a Lariat. Carver catches Osborne in mid-air. Carver with The Fallaway Slam.
Carver with a running shot across the back of Osborne. Carver with clubbing shoulder blocks. Carver follows that with a Belly to Back Slam for a two count. Carver applies a rear chin lock. Osborne gets back to a vertical base. Osborne with heavy bodyshots. Forearm Exchange. Osborne slaps Carver in the chest. Osborne ducks a clothesline from Carver. Osborne with a Leg Lariat. Osborne with a Corner Dropkick. Carver delivers The Pounce. Osborne responds with a Roundhouse Kick. Osborne connects with The Shooting Star Press to pickup the victory.
Winner: Riley Osborne via Pinfall
– Dragon Lee will puts his North American Title on the line next week against one of Drew Gulak’s associates.
– Kiana James and Izzy Dame pokes fun at Thea Hail over her crush on Riley Osborne
Sixth Match: Lyra Valkyria & Nikkita Lyons vs. Cora Jade & Blair Davenport
Lyra Valkyria and Blair Davenport will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Lyra with a full nelson switch. Lyra rolls Davenport over for a one count. Leg Sweep Exchange. Following a snap mare takeover, Valkyria dodges The PK. Davenport avoids The Spinning Heel Kick. Davenport tags in Jade. Jade talks smack to Valkyria. Valkyria with forearm shivers. Jade reverses out of the irish whip from Valkyria. Valkyria dives over Jade. Valkyria with a Hip Toss. Valkyria with a side headlock takeover. Valkyria dropkicks Davenport. Valkyria with a Bulldog for a two count. Valkyria whips Jade into the turnbuckles. Valkyria tags in Lyons. Lyons with a Biel Throw. Jade tags in Davenport. Lyons bodyslams Davenport. Davenport tags in Jade. Jade with a forearm across the back of Lyons neck. Lyons with Two Mid-Kicks. Davenport trips Lyons from the outside. Jade with a Rising Knee Strike. Jade tags in Davenport.
Davenport kicks Lyons in the face. Davenport with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Davenport applies a rear chin lock. Davenport transitions into The Cobra Clutch. Lyons with heavy bodyshots. Davenport answers with a throat punch. Davenport applies a front face lock. Davenport tags in Jade. Jade kicks Lyons in the gut. Jade sends Lyons acros the ring. Jade with a Springboard Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Jade sends Lyons face first into the canvas. Jade applies a front face lock. Jade punches Lyons in the back. Lyons rolls Jade over for a two count. Jade thrust kicks the midsection of Lyons. Jade with a sliding back elbow smash. Jade tags in Davenport. Lyons uses her feet to create separation. Lyons tags in Valkyria. Valkyria with two clotheslines.
Davenport reverses out of the irish whip from Valkyria. Valkyria with a Running Crossbody Block. Valkyria delivers her combination offense. Valkyria with The Fisherman’s Suplex. Davenport regroups on the outside. Valkyria with a Diving Dropkick through the ropes. Valkyria rolls Davenport back into the ring. Valkyria gets distracted by Tatum Paxley. Valkyria goes for a Flying Crossbody Block, but Davenport ducks out of the way. Davenport goes for The Falcon Arrow, but Lyons gets in the way. Valkyria headbutts the midsection of Davenport. Jade with a running forearm smash. Valkyria with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Davenport hits The Falcon Arrow for a two count. Lyons dumps Jade out of the ring. Davenport with The Big Boot. Jade made the blind tag. Meeting Of The Minds. Davenport connects with The Kamigoye. Lyons pulls Davenport out of the ring. Lyons with a Mid-Kick. Jade goes on to steal the victory.
Winner: Cora Jade & Blair Davenport via Pinfall
– Next week on NXT, Gallus will battle Hank Walker & Tank Ledger. Plus, Thea Hail & Jacy Jayne vs. Kiana James & Izzy Dame. Tiffany Stratton will go to war with Fallon Henley.
Trick Williams, Ilja Dragunov, and Carmelo Hayes SegmentÂ
Trick Williams:Â I love it, baby. Cut the music. Thank you for that. Alright, let me get straight to business. Deadline was a movie. Hey, look, I walked into that match against four of the best here in NXT. And I walked out of this match your Iron Survivor. Now, usually I would come out here, and talk about my opponents, but not this time. I got nothing but love for those boys. We put on a banger last Saturday. And I heard that NXT is coming out with an award show at the end of the year. I nominate that match against any match that’s happened in NXT this year, let’s talk about it. But here’s the thing, I was in the ring with some dogs, but they made a big mistake. Trick Williams has been balling his whole life. I’ve been clutch. Forget Steph Curry, I’m Trick Curry, Trick McGrady. I’m 23 in LA, never mind who you thought I was. I’m Trick James, Bitch. In three weeks, we got New Years EVIL. I’m imagining it now, the baddest man in NXT against the hottest NXT Superstar under the sun.
Ilja Dragunov:Â A few months ago, you and I stood across this ring from each other. And you thanked me for pushing you to another level. Do you remember that? Well, on this day, I said that I admire your courage. I’m proud of you, Trick. I couldn’t watch it live because I was getting into the zone with my own match. But I went back and watched the iron survivor challenge. You won from the jaws of defeat with a few seconds left. A misstep here and there, then I would be having a conversation with someone else. You’ve been riding a wave of momentum that’s never been seen before. I mean, whoop that trick. It’s the talk of all of WWE. And I say this with respect to your journey, at New Years Evil, it comes to an end.
Trick Williams: Ilja, if you look me in the eyes, and you said that a few months ago, I probably would’ve played it cool. Deep down I wondered, did I have what it takes to face Ilja Dragunov? But this isn’t a few months ago, dog. I’m here to the show the world what I can do. This is my time. I’m talking that talk. I’m the man here in NXT. In three weeks, I’m going to beat the best that NXT has to offer. And I’m going to be your new NXT Champion.
Ilja Dragunov: I like you, Trick, I really do. But I sacrificed too much to become NXT Champion, I’ve sacrificed too much to stay champion, but I will do whatever it takes to remain NXT Champion.
Carmelo Hayes:Â Trick, man, look, I apologize for interrupting you, but I couldn’t wait any longer man.
Trick Williams:Â Hold on, Melo, like this is not the time, brother. This is between me and Dragunov.
Carmelo Hayes: I know, but remember the business I told you we had to take care of earlier? Look, man, for two months, they dragged my name through the dirt, and that ends tonight. Because I know who attacked you, because it’s the same person who attacked me.
Ilja Dragunov: Listen, Trick, I’ll see you at New Years Evil. And I’ll leave you gentlemen to handle your business.
Carmelo Hayes: Ilja, don’t go. Ilja, it was you. It all makes sense now, Trick. It was Ilja who took me out, and it was Ilja who took you out, Trick.
Ilja Dragunov: What the hell are you talking about? I had no part with whatever happened to you both.
Trick Williams: Tell me, dog, what’s going on?
Carmelo Hayes: Think about it, who gains more from us separating than him? Look, I put all of the pieces together. Man, all the instigating that he was doing, saying that you assisted me at Great American Bash, all of that. You know why he did that? Because if he faced one of us, then he had to face the both of us. And by the looks of it, he didn’t want to take that chance.
Ilja Dragunov: Oh, Melo, I knew you were arrogant, but I didn’t know you were delusional, too.
Carmelo Hayes: No, no, no. Delusional? You’re more calculated than you look. You know that if you pitted Trick and I against each other, and you attack Trick, then you would’ve had all of this to yourself. That you knew that the whole world would point their finger at me. Man, I had him beat at Halloween Havoc. You know it, but you came out and distracted me, and cause him to win. Trick, that was his plan all along. Man, I know I would’ve done anything to keep that championship, but you, you had me beat.
Ilja Dragunov: Melo, listen, I don’t know what kind of Boogeyman you are creating in your head, but I didn’t attack you, if you did get attacked.
Trick Williams: Ilja, wait on. Tell me you didn’t just say that.
Ilja Dragunov: Trick, listen, looks me in the eyes. Honestly, man to man, I did not attack you. But you need to talk to your friend, really.
Carmelo Hayes: No, it’s too late for all of that. We’re on the same page now. There’s nothing you can do about it.
Trick Williams: Hey, I think you got your point across, bro.
Carmelo Hayes: No, I didn’t. He needs to know what it feels like to have something taken from him, Trick. The same way you did, the same way I did. You don’t deserve that championship like Trick does.
Melo tries to snatch the NXT Title out of Dragunov’s hands. Melo accidentally clocks Trick with the title as the show goes off the air.
Checkout Episode 390 of The Hoots Podcast