It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns to The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this evening for their special two-year anniversary of AEW Dynamite on TNT.
On tap for tonight is Kenny Omega, Adam Cole & The Young Bucks vs. Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage & Jurassic Express in eight-man tag bout that will kick off the show, as well as Jon Moxley vs. PAC vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Lance Archer vs. Matt Hardy vs. Orange Cassidy vs. “Joker” (TBA) in Casino Ladder Match, Sammy Guevara will defend his TNT title against Bobby Fish, Hikaru Shida looks for her 50th win, as she takes on Serena Deeb, plus more!
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite two-year anniversary results from Wednesday, October 6, 2021.
This week’s show kicks off with the traditional signature opening video and then we shoot live inside the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA. where the commentators welcome us to the show as fireworks and pyro erupts.
Kenny Omega, Adam Cole & The Young Bucks vs. Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage & Jurassic Express
We then shoot inside the ring where we see all eight participants in our opening contest of this, the two-year anniversary edition of AEW Dynamite on TNT.
“The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts begins by introducing Kenny Omega and The Super Kliq — Adam Cole and The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt Jackson), and then their opponents, Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage and Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus).
Nick Jackson and Jungle Boy immediately go at it as the bell sounds to get this one off-and-running. The Jurassic Express member gets off to a good start, dominating the offense, prompting Nick to tag in Adam Cole.
Jungle Boy works him over as well and then tags in Christian Cage, who hits the ring and gets in very little offense before tagging Jungle Boy right back in. Jungle Boy does the same and then tags Christian Cage right back in.
Matt Jackson tags in but Cage continues to dominate things with the help of Jungle Boy. The crowd in Philly is eating up the action as the babyfaces fare well here in the early goings. Adam Cole tags back in and now he is starting to take over on Jungle Boy after Nick Jackson gets in a cheap shot from the ring apron.
Kenny Omega tags and then springboards in to continue to deliver additional punishment to Jungle Boy, as The Elite foursome are starting to pull ahead in this one. Jackson tags back in and picks up where Omega left off.
The fans chant “Kenny No Balls” long after Omega tags out. The commentators bring it up on the broadcast. Jungle Boy shows crazy balance on the top rope taking out both Young Bucks and now he helps his team pull back into the lead before tagging Bryan Danielson into the match for the first time.
Danielson wears out Jackson with “Yes!” kicks as the Philadelphia fans chant along. He tags in Luchasaurus, who gets a big pop and then takes over on offense. Each member of the babyface team hits a big splash on Jackson in the corner as the crowd goes nuts. All eight man brawl and Jungle Boy launches himself to the floor, crashing and burning in the process.
We see Michael Nakazawa take a cheap shot on Christian Cage from behind. Brandon Cutler sprays something into Christian Cage’s eyes and then Jackson hoists Cage up for a spiked piledriver on the ramp. Doctor Sampson and others check on Cage as the commentators bring up his history of neck issues. Jackson hits Jungle Boy with a cheap shot and then even one of the officials at ringside.
The Elite mocks Cage looking “seriously hurt” and then continue working over Jungle Boy in the ring again as the commentators speculate that this match could now be a four versus three man bout. The Elite members start utilizing frequent tags to keep fresh guys on Jungle Boy at all times. The Super Kliq do a big rope-running spot only to kiss Adam Cole as he was yanking back on Jungle Boy’s head in a camel clutch style hold. The fans chant “Holy sh*t” afterwards like it was a big spot or something. Fun.
Nakazawa gets involved again from the outside and this time Danielson goes over to stomp him out. Back in the ring, Jungle Boy finally shows signs of life as he hits a double-DDT on both Young Bucks. The fans rally behind him as he makes the much-needed tag to Danielson. Omega is also in the ring and now he and Danielson close in on each other as the fans go absolutely bonkers.
They trade vicious shots back-and-forth as the fans react to each guys’ shot with cheers and boos for the appropriate person. Danielson fires up and starts taking over, clotheslining Omega nearly out of his boots as the crowd goes wild. He backs into a corner and charges at Omega with a big flying kick. He follows up with a bunch of “Yes!” kicks as the fans chant along. He heads up to the top-rope and bring Omega off with a hurricanrana.
He heads back to the top-rope and plays to the crowd before launching off with a diving headbutt. He covers Omega but the Bucks hit the ring to break it up. Luchasaurus hits the ring to deal with them, as does Jungle Boy, but Omega fires back up and cleans house of them. He turns around into a tiger suplex from Danielson for a close near fall. Danielson then looks for the cattle mutiliation. Nick Jackson comes off the top-rope with a senton to break it up. Fans break out in a “AEW!” chant as this match is turning into another instant classic.
Luchasaurus tags in and starts manhandling and ragdolling any-and-everything that moves. All hell breaks loose and we get one high spot after another with multiple dives to the floor from the babyface team. Omega ends up firing up and running the ropes for a big dive that takes out the entire pile of bodies on the floor. Adam Cole teases doing the same but stops and does his “Adam Cole Bay-Bay!” pose to the fans. He turns into a chokeslam from Luchasaurus for a near fall.
Fans break out into a loud “This is awesome!” chant as the action continues with multiple run-ins and interferences behind the referee’s back and then right in front of his face. Luchasaurus is looking to be power bombed by Omega with emphasis from The Young Bucks and others but they botch the spot and the crowd gets on their case for it as the commentators try and cover it up on the broadcast and others hit the ring to keep the match going. Luchasaurus rolls out of the ring seemingly in pain as the action continues going nuts in the ring as Danielson fires up once again and the crowd goes bonkers in the process. Finally after a four-way BTE Trigger, we see the Super Elite pick up the win. After the bout, we head to a commercial break.
Winners: Kenny Omega, Adam Cole & The Young Bucks
Jon Moxley Has An Insane 3-Month Old And Is Ready For War
We return from the commercial to a backstage promo from an animated Jon Moxley. He talks about being impatient lately and says there’s no man in AEW that can pin or submit him. He mentions having a three month old that’s driving him crazy at home. He calls Philly his town and says he’s ready to get nuts with ladders tonight.
Jon Moxley Has An Insane 3-Month Old And Is Ready For War
We return from the commercial to a backstage promo from an animated Jon Moxley. He talks about being impatient lately and says there’s no man in AEW that can pin or submit him. He mentions having a three month old that’s driving him crazy at home. He calls Philly his town and says he’s ready to get nuts with ladders tonight.
CM Punk Calls Out Daniel Garcia For Showdown In Philadelphia
From there we return inside the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA. where the familiar sounds of “Cult of Personality” by Living Colour plays as “The Best in the World” himself, CM Punk, makes his way out and heads down to the ring — stopping for his new trademark stage dive in the crowd.
He settles in the ring and his music cuts off but the “CM Punk!” chants continue. He asks the fans if they’re getting tired of it yet. They say no. He says he’s not either so he’s gonna keep this love fest going. He points to his Jordan sneakers and goes on to talk about his humble beginnings and how he once lived in Philly years ago.
Punk goes on to ask the fans if he wants him to wrestle for them or buy them cheesesteaks. The fans cheer and break out into a chant, which Punk struggles to make out at first but then sounds to be one of “Wrestle! Wrestle!” Punk says the I’s have it. He says you can go buy yourself a cheesesteak, he’s gonna wrestle.
He goes on to call out Daniel Garcia. He says if he’s got any balls, he’ll meet him in the ring in Philadelphia on Rampage this Friday night. His music plays again to end the segment. He takes the Jordan’s off and gives them to a young fan dressed up like Orange Cassidy in the front row. Excalibur tells us Tony Khan has confirmed Punk-Garcia for Friday night.
Arn Anderson Is Fired Up, Says Cody Rhodes “Threw Them Away”
We shoot to a vignette. Arn Anderson is shown lighting something on fire. He talks about Cody Rhodes being too Hollywood these days and pointing out how Malakai Black is only focused on hurting people. He lights a suit that belongs to Cody on fire in his front yard. Cody notices him and asks what he’s doing here. He asks if he’s gonna shoot him. Cody talks about him lighting his suit on fire. He tells Cody to take his tie off. He goes to throw it in the fire and Cody tries to stop him. He says he doesn’t have to burn it and throw it away. Arn slaps him. He says you threw us away. We head to a commercial break.
Bobby Fish Has Arrived In AEW
We return from the break and the commentators send us to a special vignette hyping the introduction of Bobby Fish to AEW. We see him working out and training and vowing to make Sammy Guevara’s legacy as the guy with the shortest TNT Championship reign in AEW history.
TNT Championship
Bobby Fish vs. Sammy Guevara (C)
Now we head back inside the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA. where we hear Bobby Fish’s theme music and out he comes to a good reaction from the crowd in attendance. He settles in the ring and his in-ring AEW debut will be up next here on Dynamite.
The theme for “The Spanish God” hits and out comes Sammy Guevara ready to make his first defense of his newly won TNT Championship. As he heads to the ring we see Guevara in a split-screen interview from earlier today. He gives Fuego Del Sol the keys to his new truck as promised.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this TNT title match. Early on we see Fish faring well. He nearly lands a knockout shot and lets Guevara know just how close the shot was to landing and turning his lights out. Guevara goes on a nice offensive run that gets the crowd on its’ feet but then Fish sweeps his feet off the top-rope as he was in the middle of a springboard spot.
Fish then takes over and quiets the crowd down as he goes to work on the TNT Champion. As Fish continues to dominate the action, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the match continues. When we return from the break, we see Fish still dominating the action as the commentators plug next week’s Dynamite airing on a special night, as the show airs on Saturday.
A Spanish Fly from Guevara shifts the momentum back in his favor. He heads to the top-rope as the fans rally behind him with some “Let’s go Sammy!” chants. He ends up getting crotched by Fish, who heads up with him. He comes off the top with an avalanche falcon arrow for a close near fall. Fish hits the exploder onto the buckle on Guevara for another close near fall.
We see Bobby go for a big kick but Guevara avoids it. He then hoists Fish up and connects with the GTH to retain his title in his first defense since winning it.
Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Sammy Guevara
After The Match: Dan Lambert, Men Of The Year Attack; Inner Circle Makes Save
As soon as the match ends, we see Dan Lambert leading his MMA fighters down to the ring through various parts of the crowd. Junior Dos Santos, Paige Van Zant and The Men of the Year — Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page — all hit the ring. They attack Sammy Guevara as the commentators talk about this being mostly about Scorpio Sky.
Fuego Del Sol hits the ring to try and help but they get the better of him too and beat him down. Now Chris Jericho’s theme hits and out he comes with Jake Hager. The Inner Circle duo clears the ring of Dan Lambert, The Men of the Year and the MMA fighters.
Lambert then gets on the mic and talks about AEW Rampage coming up in Miami. He says there’s only one baddest man in the 305 and that’s Jorge Masvidal. He talks about a six-man tag-team match with The Inner Circle taking on The Men of the Year and Junior Dos Santos. He says Jorge Masvidal will be at ringside with him.
Jericho says he didn’t hear a word that Lambert said. He says this … and his mic cuts off. He gets another one and then tells Lambert that he and The Inner Circle are gonna beat the sh*t out of them.
The Acclaimed With A Message For The Lucha Bros
After they restore order in the building we shoot to a message backstage from the top ranked contenders in the tag-team division, The Acclaimed. We hear Max Caster do a rap against The Lucha Bros and then Anthony Bowens tells them outright that they’re taking the tag titles from them at Rampage. We head to a commercial break.
TBS Women’s Championship Debuts When Dynamite Moves To TBS On Jan. 5
We return from the break to Tony Schiavone in the ring with women’s referee Aubrey Edwards holding a title under a cloth.
Schiavone says it’s now time to make the big announcement from Tony Khan. He talks about making history one year ago by introducing the TNT Championship.
On January 5th, Dynamite will move over to TBS. Schiavone says how about that for some old-school stuff? He says we will also have a new championship.
He goes on to introduce the TBS Women’s Championship. The crowd reacts and then Schiavone tells Edwards, his partner on AEW Unrestricted, to unveil the brand new the TBS Title belt. It gets a gasp from the crowd, literally. It has some light blue coloring on it along with the TBS logo.
Darby Allin vs. Nick Comoroto
Now we head to a pre-taped sit-down interview segment between Jim Ross and Darby Allin. Allin talks about MJF’s comments about the car wreck in his past. He talks about it being the reason for his face paint.
We head to the ring as Darby Allin’s theme hits and he heads down to the ring for his advertised match against Nick Comoroto from The Factory.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running. We see Allin get off to a quick start, taking the offensive lead here in the early goings. Comoroto slows him down and takes over, shifting the momentum in his favor as we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
As we settle back in from the break, we see Allin hit a top-rope cutter on Comoroto and immediately follow it up with his Coffin Drop off the top-rope. He scores the pin fall victory.
Winner: Darby Allin
After The Match: Sting Handles QT Marshall
Once the match ends, we see Darby celebrating to the fans as Sting stands in the ring behind him. QT Marshall hits the ring and attacks Sting. Sting no-sells it and takes QT out with his Scorpion Death Drop to a big pop from the fans.
The Dark Order Are Still On The Same Page
We now shoot backstage to The Dark Order. They start off seeming on the same page but then some bad jokes lead to some potential issues among them. They are asked if they’re all on the same page and they claim they are.
Malakai Black Accepts Challenge From Dante Martin
In the ring, Tony Schiavone is standing by with Dante Martin. He says he’s ready to fight anyone they can bring him. The lights in the arena go out and the fans go nuts.
When they come back on, Malakai Black is standing in the ring behind Martin as a spotlight shines down on him.
He takes his ring attire off and sprays the mist in Dante’s eyes before hitting a big roundhouse kick that knocks him out. The lights go right back off and the commentators question what is going on.
The lights come back on and Dante has disappeared but Malakai is still in the ring. He grabs a microphone. He says The House of Black accepts as he looks down at Dante on the floor. The fans pop. We head to another commercial break after this.
Ricky Starks Attacked By The Returning Brian Cage
As we settle back in from the break, the FTW Champion Ricky Starks is introduced. He talks about having the same mindset as the man who created the title, Taz. He talks about the title having a nice history in Philly. He says he doesn’t hold the same respect for the man who held the FTW title before him. He goes on to talk smack about Brian Cage. He says he was gonna challenge him to a Philly Street Fight but he says Cage isn’t here.
Finally, some terminator-sounding music hits and Brian Cage sprints down to the ring to attack him. He beats him down and Starks escapes out the back door with the help of Powerhouse Hobbs and Hook. They head to the back as Cage plays to the fans in the ring.
TBS Women’s Title Reaction From Some Of Women’s Locker Room
Thunder Rosa, Skye Blue, Ruby Soho and Jade Cargill are then featured in a quick vignette talking about being in the tournament to crown the first-ever TBS Women’s Champion.
Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb
We head back inside the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia as we see a trophy being held up high in the ring, as Hikaru Shida looks to become the first female to 50 wins in AEW here tonight.
Hikaru Shida’s theme hits and she makes her way out and heads down to the ring for our next match of the evening. The commentators do a plug for a Tony Schiavone outside project.
Now the theme hits for Serena Deeb, who Jim Ross calls the best women’s wrestler working today. She settles in the ring and her music dies down.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running as these two immediately start getting after it. Shida pulls into the offensive lead and hits a nice dropkick on Deeb in the corner. She follows that up with a nice running knee left from the floor while Deeb was laid out on the ring apron.
Shida heads under the ring and pulls out a chair. She unfolds it and gets ready to run and jump off of it but Deeb recovers, notices the chair and folds it back up. She slides it back under the ring and heads back into the ring as the fans boo. We cut into a mid-match commercial break out of the blue as the action continues with Deeb taking over on offense.
As we settle back in from the break, we see Shida in the middle of trying to fight back into the offensive lead. The two trade shots in the middle of the ring and then Shida swings Deeb in a front-face-lock airplane spin that gets the crowd back on their feet.
We see Shida head to the top for a missile dropkick that connects. She goes for the cover, but Deeb kicks out to keep this one alive. Deeb takes over and hits a couple of high spots for some near falls of her own. She starts focusing her attack on the knee of Shida. Shida fights back and hits a rising knee strike on Deeb in the corner.
Shida flattens Deeb and then covers her, but again Deeb kicks out. She hits the falcon arrow and goes for the pin again but again Deeb kicks out. Deeb blocks Shida’s finisher and hits her with her Detox spot for a close near fall. Shida kicks out and Deeb starts looking for the Serenity Lock. She gets it and Shida taps out. She doesn’t get her 50th win tonight, folks! After the match, Deeb takes the first female to 50 wins trophy and blasts Shida over the dome with it.
Winner: Serena Deeb
Darby Allin Challenged And Attacked Backstage
We shoot to Darby Allin walking backstage as Alex Marvez approaches him and informs him that MJF has asked for a match against him next week. He asks if Darby accepts. Darby says of course and says he never thought MJF would ask.
He goes to walk off but a limo pulls up in front of him. Allin is hit from behind with a chair. Guys get out of the limo and steal the camera. They record as more guys in hoods and masks attack Darby. They slam him into the steel barricade and stop sign laying backstage. We see an F10 onto the barricade. Another masked man comes out and takes Darby’s skateboard. They all surround a laid out Darby and choke him with his skateboard. The commentators talk about this obviously being MJF and The Pinnacle. Darby is left laying as they walk off.
Lio Rush Wants His People To Call Dante Martin
After the commentators run down the lineup for Rampage and next week’s Dynamite, they remind us of the recent signing of Lio Rush.
Now we shoot to a special message from Lio Rush. He addresses Dante Martin. He tells him he’s a fan. He says if he’s gonna take the challenge from Malakai Black, maybe he has his people call him and maybe they’ll talk soon. We head to a commercial break after this.
Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. Reacts To New TBS Women’s Title
We return from the break to Tony Schiavone standing by with Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and her crew — Rebel and Jamie Hayter. He asks her about the new TBS Women’s Championship. She says she’s excited because the jealous b*tches backstage can fight for another belt.
Casino Ladder Match
Orange Cassidy vs. PAC vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lance Archer vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Jon Moxley vs. “Hangman” Adam Page
Orange Cassidy’s theme hits after Justin Roberts runs down the rules for our Casino Ladder Match main event here on the second-year anniversary edition of AEW Dynamite at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA.
“The Freshly Squeezed” one comes out with the Philadelphia 76ers mascot to a big pop from the Philly fans. He settles in the ring and then his music cuts off.
“The Bastard” PAC’s theme hits and out he comes to fire and pyro as he heads down to the ring. The bell sounds as these are the first two competitors in the bout.
We see PAC jump off to an early lead. The action spills out to the floor and it looks like a ladder is going to be introduced for the first time in this match. The countdown clock appears.
The fans count down from ten and then Andrade El Idolo’s music hits as he is the next competitor in this Casino Ladder Match. The commentators bring up his history with PAC, who waits for him in the ring. Andrade grabs a ladder and heads to the ring but PAC baseball slide dropkicks it into his face.
Now the ladder is set up in the ring and we see both Andrade and PAC climb up opposite ends of it. Andrade ends up hitting a flip-over power bomb to bring PAC down off the ladder the hard way. He sets a ladder on PAC in the corner but when he goes to charge at him, Cassidy stops him and does the lazy kick spot as the fans over-react in typical fashion.
As the countdown clock appears on the screen again, we see Cassidy turn things up and hit some fast-paced offense. The countdown clock wraps up and Matt Hardy’s theme hits to bring him out. As soon as he hits the ring, Cassidy goes for the Orange Punch but Hardy avoids it and catches him with a Side Effect. We head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.
We settle back in from the break and discover that during it, Lance Archer was added to the contest as the next participant to come out after the latest countdown clock. He goes on a nice offensive run as soon as he hits the ring, taking out any-and-everyone in sight and setting up the ladder under the poker chip hanging above the middle of the ring.
He heads out and brings another ladder into the ring and sets it up like a bridge in between the ladder in the middle of the ring and the ring ropes. He lays Cassidy on this ladder bridge and climbs to the middle rope. He hits a big splash on him.
The countdown clock appears again and the fans chant along with it. When it expires, “Wild Thing” hits and Jon Moxley begins making his trademark entrance through the crowd. He is met half way by Lance Archer, who heads out into the crowd after him. They brawl back-and-forth and head down to the ringside area.
In the ring, Archer’s head is stuck in the ladder rungs and Cassidy hits some Orange Punches on him. He jumps on his back and nearly gets the poker chip without climbing the ladder but the action continues. The countdown clock appears and when it expires, we see the Joker mystery entrant as the theme hits to bring out “Hangman” Adam Page.
Adam Page and Moxley trade shots in the ring as the fans chant “Cowboy sh*t!” over and over. Page clotheslines Moxley over the top and then pulls the ropes down as Archer charges at him, and Archer spills out to the floor. He hits a fall-away slam on Cassidy on a ladder leaning on the bottom rope in the ring. He takes Andrade off the ring apron and then dives onto Hardy holding a ladder on the floor. PAC hits the ring and blasts him with a chair to slow down his momentum.
PAC lays Page on a table below a ladder set up near the corner of the ring, with a ladder bridge set up down below at the ringside area below the corner. We see Page get off the ladder as PAC and Andrade fight on a ladder. Andrade bumps on the ladder bridge outside the ring. Page puts PAC through the table off the ladder in the ring. The fans chant “Holy sh*t” as Page fires up but turns around into a Paradigm Shift from Moxley. The fans actually boo at that.
Moxley sets the ladder up under the poker chip in the middle of the ring. Cassidy springs to life and sprints up the ladder. Mox bites Cassidy’s face and then Hardy pushes the ladder over to knock both off. Hardy lays Cassidy on a table bridge set up outside the ring. He climbs up a ladder next to it and hits a big leg drop to put him through it. Archer takes Moxley off the ladder the hard way in the ring.
Archer makes sure the ladder is set up properly in the ring and then begins to climb. As he does, Page emerges with a Buckshot Lariat from the ring apron. He begins his climb but Moxley blasts him from behind with a chair shot. This slows him down enough for Mox to climb up the other side of the ladder. He punches away at Page and continues to climb up higher than Page. Page recovers and exchanges punches with Mox near the top of the ladder. Mox drops and Page is left alone on the ladder.
With Page alone on the ladder he looks to the fans, who explode. He reaches up and pulls down the poker chip. “Hangman” Adam Page wins the Casino Ladder Match and will move on to earn a future AEW World Championship opportunity. That is how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner and earning future AEW Championship shot: “Hangman” Adam Page