Two title matches tonight!
- Ring of Honor World TV Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Keith Lee
- Red Velvet vs. Julia Hart
- Mark Briscoe vs. Jay White
- Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Swerve Strickland
- AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Daniel Garcia
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 11/8/23
Tony Schiavone is with MJF. MJF says it only takes three seconds to lose a title and Jay White did something no one could, and he should savor it. MJF gets a phone call, and it’s a Facetime from Adam Cole. Cole says he’s worried about the match at Full Gear with The Gunns and MJF should take Samoa Joe up on his offer. MJF says he’s got it.
Daniel Garcia, Menard, and Parker are here. Tonight, MJF gets Daniel Garcia the wrestler.
Roderick Strong is here with The Kingdom. Roddy WAS a wrestling legend, but he’s a joke now.
Live from the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon!
Match #1. AEW World Heavyweight Championship: MJF (c) vs. Daniel Garcia
Both men trade front headlocks as Garcia looks to dance, but Menard tells him not to. Garcia rushes MJF in the corner but the ref calls for the break as MJF calls for… “SPORTSMANSHIP!” Garcia slaps the hand away but gets his eye poked. Hammerlock and a body slam by MJF. Arm ringer and an arm bar by MJF but Garcia escapes. Wrist clutch powerbomb maneuver by MJF gets two. Running knees in the corner by Garcia and some hard overhand strikes. German suplex by Garcia and a Saito suplex. MJF evades a charge and connects with a double stomp to the elbow. Double underhook shoulder breaker by MJF gets two. Hammerlock draping DDT to Garcia! Two count. MJF sends Garcia up and over and superkicks him in the face. Chop block by Garcia and a dropkick to the knee. Garcia looks for the piledriver. Deadlift piledriver by Garcia, using only one arm! One, two, no! DragonTamer by Garcia is locked in. MJF bridges and counters back into the Salt of the Earth and this one is over.
Winner and STILL AEW World Heavyweight Champion: MJF
Rating: ***1/2. The finish came out of nowhere but what we saw here was excellent. MJF continues his dominant streak but Garcia sure looked like a wrestler here tonight.
MJF extends the hand after the bell, but Menard and Parker pull Garcia away from the handshake. MJF asks Garcia if he’s going to keep following those two goons, and Garcia walks away.
Match #2. Darby Allin & Sting vs. The OutRunners
Magnum gets taken over by Darby but makes a blind tag to Floyd. Floyd blasts Darby from behind and gets double teamed in the corner. Darby escapes a suplex and tags Sting. Sting clears the ring with clotheslines and Darby looks for a dive, but Magnum sweeps out the leg. Double back elbow to Sting but he doesn’t care. Clotheslines to everyone. Stinger splash. Coffin splash. Scorpion Death Lock and this one is over.
Winners: Darby Allin & Sting
Rating: NR
“Timeless” Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida sit down with Tony Schiavone, in black and white.
Match #3. Swerve Strickland vs. Penta el Zero Miedo
Both men trade hurricanranas before Swerve snap mares Penta and hits a diving European uppercut to the back of the neck. Both men trade overhand chops now but Swerve tries to rip the tongue out of Penta’s mouth! Swerve charges but Penta goes up and over with a backstabber! Swerve rolls to the outside and Penta follows with a suicide dive, but Swerve meets him in mid-air with a forearm. Swerve snake eyes Penta on the steps. Swerve now looks for a dive but lands on his feet, and Penta drills him with a superkick. Tope con hilo by Penta and both men are down! Both men trade JML Driver/Made in Japan attempts before a double high kick and a double clothesline. Slingblade by Penta! Two. Fireman’s carry into a sit-out reverse DDT by Penta! Two count. Swerve rolls to the apron and Penta double jumps from the inside of the ring, over the top, to the apron, right into a Canadian Destroyer! One, two, no! Double stomp by Penta gets two. Penta tries to go up and over in the corner but Swerve counters with an inverted buckle bomb (WHAT). Two count. Swerve stomps Penta to the apron, as Penta slides down only to be caught by his toes on the bottom rope, and Swerve stomps Penta from the inside to the floor! Swerve looks for a 450 and misses! Penta breaks the shoulder before Made In Japan! Two count. House Call by Swerve misses and Penta punts the arm. Swerve flips out of a Fear Factor and picks Penta up into a powerbomb, transitions to a fireman’s carry, and a huge Death Valley Driver! Swerve hammerlocks the arm and SNAPS the other! Swerve Stomp and this one is over!
Winner: Swerve Strickland
Rating: ****. Heck of an outing here from two dudes who can do just about anything. Swerve’s on the roll of his career right now and it’s nice to see Penta stack some wins, and this match didn’t disappoint.
Hangman is here with a chair! Hangman clears the ring and gets to Swerve on the ramp, laying in some chair shots before taking Swerve off the stage with the Deadeye through a table!
Alex Marvez is with Bullet Club Gold. Jay White says now that people can compare MJF to JAY, the choice is clear. No one can compete with the Switchblade, and after he beats Mark Briscoe, he’ll see MJF at Full Gear.
A video package of the Don Callis Family vs. Kenny Omega and company is shown.
Back from break, Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho are with Renee. Before Jericho could continue, The Young Bucks show up. Matt says that they’re getting dressed in the broom closet because Jericho’s bag is so big, and a war of words ensues. Matt challenges Jericho and Omega to a tag match at Full Gear. Omega says they can beat them, and they will. Matt says if the Bucks win, The Elite is back. Jericho can’t wait to beat their spoiled brat asses.
Match #4. Ring of Honor World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Keith Lee
Double shoulder block and nobody moves. Joe goes to the eyes and drops Lee with a shoulder. Lee gets a running start and drops Joe with one of his own. Joe chops and strikes Lee down in the corner. Leap frog by Lee and a drop down before taking out Joe with a big crossbody. Both men fight to the outside as Lee lays into Joe with some body shots by the guardrail. Lee works Joe over in the corner with shoulder blocks. Joe fights back with jabs, sending Lee to the far corner before looking for a vertical suplex. Lee counters with one of his own and both guys are down. Double knee breaker by Joe! Two count. Big dragon screw leg whip by Joe, who now focuses the attack on the big leg of Keith Lee. Manhattan drop and a big boot by Joe. Joe looks for a senton but Lee holds on and German suplexes Joe! Lee eats a lariat as Joe charges again, but Lee pops Samoa Joe up into a powerbomb! Both men are down but Lee gets a slow cover for two. Lee picks Joe up but Joe slides out from behind and locks in the Kokina Clutch! Lee tries to fight out but eventually goes to sleep!
Winner and STILL Ring of Honor World Television Champion: Samoa Joe
Rating: ***1/4. Two big ol’ meaty men bumping meat, as Big E says. Lee put up a heck of a fight but Joe is Joe and Joe does Joe things.
Joe takes the mic and says he’s the greatest ROH TV champ of all time. Joe says he wants to be more than that, and he vacates the belt! The next gold on Joe’s shoulder will be the AEW World Championship.
Orange Cassidy is with Hook in the back. Cassidy says Moxley is nuts if he doesn’t think Cassidy has been thinking about him every day since he left him in a pool of his own blood. Cassidy says he needs to beat Moxley to be the International Champion that he knows he is. Cassidy vs. Moxley at Full Gear!
Match #5. The Gunn Club vs. The Bollywood Boyz
3:10 to Yuma. K bye.
Winners: The Gunn Club
Rating: NR
Match #6. Julia Hart vs. Red Velvet
Lost the feed for a second, but Hart with a big hair toss on the ramp. Head scissors into a sit-out bulldog by Velvet. Pair of running knees by Velvet to Julia on the middle rope. Moonsault by Velvet gets two. Hart goes up top but Velvet follows her and catches her… Iconoclasm gets two. Hart cuts Velvet off and positions here in the corner. Moonsault by Hart and this one is over.
Winner: Julia Hart
Rating: NR. Missed the first half of the match but the second half was fine.
Hart locks in Hartless after the bell but Skye Blue makes the save. Both women stare each other down as Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale make their way to the ring as Julia Hart heads to the back.
Match #7. Mark Briscoe vs. Jay White w/ Bullet Club Gold
If Mark Briscoe wins, then he gets Jay White’s shot vs. MJF at Full Gear. Headlock takeover by MJF, who holds on, before getting dumped by Mark. Hard chops by Briscoe and a big vertical suplex. One count. Chops by Mark before setting White up on the top rope, and sending White from the top, to the apron, to the floor, with some Red Neck Kung Fu! Baseball slide to the outside by Briscoe and the Cactus Elbow from the apron! Juice distracts Mark and allows White to hit a big DDT. Two count. White fakes a knee injury so Bullet Club Gold can swarm Mark on the floor. Mark sends White into BCG and looks for the apron Blockbuster, but White moves and Mark connects hard with the floor. Back in the ring and both men trade hard elbows and forearms. Flying back elbow by Briscoe and the neck breaker for two. Both men trying for the uranage but Mark arm drags his way through and hits the Fisherman’s Buster for two. Mark looks for the Death Valley Driver but White gets free and dragon screw’s Mark through the ropes. White charges again but the Rolling Death Valley Driver connects. Froggy Bow! One, two, no! Mark looks for the JayDriller but counters with a high-angle uranage. “Hit the Kiwi! Kiwi Crusher!” – Juice, from the outside. And now… Kiwi Crusher by White! Two count. Back elbow by Mark but White drops his level and chops blocks the knee. Mark counters the Blade Runner with a big exploder. Mark runs into an elbow and counters with a huge lariat! Both men are down and Mark calls for the Jay Driller! Back drop by White. Boot by Mark but White counters with a knee breaker. Sleeper suplex by White and a sheer drop brainbuster! One, two, no! Chop to Mark and a Blade Runner attempt, but Mark chops his way out with Red Neck Kung Fu. Another sleeper suplex and a straightjacket brainbuster! Blade Runner and this one is over!
Winner: Jay White
Rating: ****. Mark Briscoe rules. Remember when people were worried Jay White would get lost in the shuffle?
MJF is here! Well, MJF’s music is here. MJF is waiting behind Bullet Club Gold and he lays out The Gunns and Juice with the Dynamite Diamond Ring! White makes eye contact and then bails. MJF says playtime is over and White will have to get in the ring with the generational talent… MJF. MJF says White will have to kill him to beat him, and for the first time in his life, he’s fighting for more than just him. MJF is fighting for Adam Cole. For everyone at home. For everyone in the arena. He’s not just a scumbag.. he’s OUR scumbag.
Lights out!
The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are being jumped in the back by four masked men. Bowens gets tossed through a glass window! The devil makes eye contact with the screen ad MJF retreats to the back to find The Acclaimed. MJF makes it to the back and finds everyone beaten up, losing it. Samoa Joe shows up… “Looks like you’re running out of friends, champ!”
Final Thoughts: Strong wrestling-centric episode of Dynamite tonight. The thread of the show from beginning to end was MJF and the heavyweight title picture, and when Dynamite has a thread… it’s a better show. I’m a sucker for a good whodunnit mystery to boot, so I’m very invested. Mark vs. Jay White, Joe vs. Keith Lee, and Penta vs. Swerve all delivered tonight and we got Sting? Easy thumbs up, fun show. 8/10.Â