Apparently there’s a rumor going around on Impact Wrestling previously having plans for Sammy Guevara to join The Decay with Crazzy Steve and Rosemary, but that is incorrect.
Last week we covered why Guevara had heat from Impact and AEW officials, and why he’s not scheduled to be used in Impact after previously being flown in for TV tapings. You can click here for those details.
The report from last week noted that Guevara was scheduled to be a part of a six-man tag team match that would’ve aired on next Tuesday’s Impact, where the winning team would then advance to a Triple Threat to determine a new #1 contender to TJP’s X Division Title. Guevara was reportedly set to team with Chris Bey and Ace Austin to face Trey Miguel, Josh Alexander and Willie Mack. The planned spot for Guevara went to Black Taurus of The Decay, and now the six-man will feature Taurus, Austin and Bey vs. Miguel, Alexander and Mack on Impact TV. This goes with the report on Guevara wanting to bring the X Division Title back to AEW with him, which we covered at the link above.
In an update, apparently some websites took that news and reported it as Guevara was originally scheduled to join The Decay with Rosemary and Steve, but Taurus got the spot in the group when the deal with Guevara in Impact was nixed. That led to rumors going around on Impact having plans for Guevara to join The Decay. Fightful Select clarified today and said sources from both companies have confirmed that there were never any plans for Sammy to join The Decay. The only spot planned for Sammy that ended up going to Taurus was in the six-man match. One Impact source also stated that there was an idea for Sammy to wrestle Austin at some point.
Stay tuned for more.
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