Dustin Rhodes recently appeared as a guest on “INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet” for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling.
During the discussion, “The Natural” spoke about
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where he touches on these topics with his thoughts.
On potentially retiring after the Double or Nothing 2019 match with Cody Rhodes: “I was actually. So I didn’t have any idea about what Cody was doing. I thought ok, he was leaving the ring, this is my time right now just to go okay, I’ve had a great career. And, you know, he surprised me with his throwback with the promo, I need my older brother. And it was very emotional. That’s when people started squalling and then there wasn’t a dry eye in the place and it was just both of us. We were crying holding each other, you know, hugging it was just a very strong, strong feeling. So it was really good.”
On thinking about competing in his final match: “No, I did last year a little bit. But then it’s just like I’m not [ready]. It’s one of those I need to sit down and think about this type of conversation with myself and weigh the cons and the pros and not yet. I would say, two to three years, maybe.”
On if he thought Cody Rhodes would ever leave AEW: “I didn’t actually, I didn’t. But I know some stuff that went on. And you know, I think it was just his time he made a smart decision. He made a very smart decision. Look at him now. You know, he is the man here. So it’s incredible. Incredible ride, an incredible journey from him leaving the first time in WWE and saying he’s betting on himself and just taking the ball and f*cking running with it. And he created something really cool. That’s awesome.”
On how his second run is different: “More wisdom, more business sense. He’s gotten very smart for his age in a short period of time. And he studies. He’s a studier of the business, studier or of politics, a studier of all kinds of things. I mean, he studies his vocabulary, he uses such big words and that’s just not me. I’m like, what does that mean? I’ll look it up [and think] Oh, that’s a good word. But I won’t ever f*cking remember it. That’s what kind of sets us different, he wears suits all the time. I can’t, it’s just it’s too hot. You know what I mean? And just comfort for me. But he’s everything, when you look at a true superstar or megastar, he is fitting that bill right now. And he is doing an amazing job of carrying the company along with the great talent that are there, right now he can do no wrong. They’re pushing him to the moon and it doesn’t happen that much to people. So it’s really good to see that a Rhodes is really getting their said due in the business with WWE.”
On if there were any plans to also leave AEW: “No, I’m happy there. I’m very happy in AEW and it’s a good place for me. We’re growing, we’re doing some wonderful things. Business is up. Everything is great. It’s a different style over there as it is WWE, you know. We have some of the greatest professional wrestlers on the planet in that company, man and it is special to watch them even to have a chance to step in the ring with him. My God, there’s some good talent there. They do some amazing stuff. Just incredible stuff like different category stuff. Will Ospreay, they have to build a new category for him because he is insane. And he’s so young. It’s amazing how just the incredible things that he does, it’s nuts.”
Check out the complete interview via the YouTube player embedded below, or at Podcast.ChrisVanVliet.com.