On the latest episode of The Snake Pit with Jake Roberts, the WWE Hall of Famer talked about his time on the WWE creative team in 1996 and continuing to push to be on the AEW creative team. You can check out some highlights below:
On questioning WWE creative when he was part of the team:
“Yeah, I am. And it got me a lot of heat too. Yeah. I questioned a lot of stuff and Vince a couple of times he’d just say, ‘Okay, that’s it.’ And he’d tell everybody else to go home and say, ‘Jake, stay here. You’re gonna help me rewrite this whole TV.’ TV is not hard to write if you just have a little common f**king sense. I don’t know what it is about me, but I’ve always been able to do that. It doesn’t take me any time, to come up with an angle, to come up with anything. What I’ve had, you know, turn King Kong Bundy babyface? Who does that? Goddamn damn right. It worked. Cause we made it believable Man.
On wanting to help with AEW creative:
“I would love to do it. I really would. but Tony’s got a great team up there. They’re working their asses off. No doubt about that. And they, you know, when you’re part of a creative team, you’re gonna have some stuff that misses. It’s just a law of numbers. Not every one of ’em are gonna be right. But I think it’d make his life easier and maybe give him more time to think outside the box.”
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