Jim Cornette, speaking on the latest episode of the Drive-Thru, shared his thoughts on the recent rumors of CM Punk’s potential return to WWE. He began,
“So, this has been obvious what was going to happen. Survivor series is in Chicago, great time to make a debut. Royal Rumble is in January, great time to f**king win it. A world title of some description, would be at WrestleMania, great time to wrestle for it. The f***! This is not news; this is common sense taking place.”
Cornette also shared his excitement at the prospect of a CM Punk-Cody Rhodes program, should WWE decide to go with The Rock-Roman Reigns route for WrestleMania.
Cornette then added,
“This is not surprising, and this is exactly what we figured would happen once that he was free of any paperwork with AEW. They’re going to give him a f**king very nice deal, I’m sure the new ownership, because they’re spiking numbers, they’re doing media negotiations, they need to get the ratings up, they’re bringing all the stars back, hands on deck. Color me very unsurprised.”
Cornette concluded by saying that if CM Punk finally does come back to WWE, it would reflect really poorly on AEW, who have already lost Cody Rhodes to WWE.
The latest report on CM Punk’s rumored return can be found here.
If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Jim Cornette’s ‘Drive-Thru’ with an h/t to Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.