During her appearance on Excuse Me, Sadie Gibbs spoke on doubting herself due to feeling like she wasn’t worthy of being signed by AEW. Here’s what she had to say:
The biggest challenge I found I faced was when I got signed. Because for me, that was — that questioned my worth. I didn’t feel worthy of being signed, which was the scary bit. And that’s when you’re in an emotional battle, because you’ve had all this belief in yourself climbing the ladder, and you get to that point and you’re like, ‘Oh my god, I’m here.’ And that’s when it — I don’t know, yeah. That’s the first time I ever felt a sense of questioning myself. But I definitely grew in the time I spent with All Elite Wrestling, I’ve grown and I’m so happy with the person I’m becoming.
You can listen HERE.
Credit: Excuse Me. H/T 411Mania.