- FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Shane Taylor
- Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Red Velvet
- AEW International Championship Eliminator: Roderick Strong (c) vs. Rocky Romero
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AEW Battle of the Belts X
Live from the Truist Arena in Highland Heights, Kentucky!
Match #1. FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Shane Taylor
Fight quickly spills to the outside where Hook lays in some ground and pound in the corner. Taylor rolls in the ring and Hook follows, but he eats a stiff jab and drops Hook. Chops by Taylor in the corner and Hook is in trouble. Taylor with a front suplex to Hook over the top rope. Taylor now returns the favor from earlier in the match, bringing Hook to the outside and beating on him in the corner. Leg drop by Taylor to Hook on the apron! Two count. Hard elbows by Taylor as the referee continually makes sure Hook wants to continue. Hook escapes a bear hug and uses his speed to deliver some clotheslines. Headbutt by Hook. Deadlift German suplex! Two count. Hook charges Taylor in the corner but gets JOE-A-NAGE’D. Diving splash off the middle rope by Taylor! Two count. Taylor calls for the knockout but misses a huge left. RedRum by Hook! Hook jumps on the back and gets the hooks in, as Taylor runs him into the top turnbuckles. Taylor drops to his back and Hook lets go, momentarily, before syncing it back in and Taylor goes out!
Winner: Hook
Rating: **1/2. David vs. Goliath match here with Hook overcoming the odds, in Hook fashion.
Rocky Romero is here with Lexi Nair. Best Friends are like brothers to him, but Rocky has to focus on what’s important to him… the AEW International Championship. Kyle O’Reilly is here and he wishes Rocky lucky.
Match #2. AEW International Championship Eliminator: Roderick Strong (c) w/ The Kingdom vs. Rocky Romero
Hip toss by Strong and a step up arm drag by Rocky. Hard chops by Rocky but Strong works his way back to the center. Traditional backbreaker by Strong gets two. Snap mare and a running low dropkick by Rocky. Big boot by Strong as he sends Rocky into the rocks but Rocky Spiderman’s the middle ropes and Strong flies to the outside. Dropkick off the apron by Rocky. Strong pushes Rocky into the ring post from the apron, and then back suplexes Rocky on the guardrail! Back inside the ring and Rocky counters with a running head scissors. Rocky looks for another but Strong holds on and hits another backbreaker. Rocky tries to fight back with some low leg kicks and forearms. Strong heads to the outside and Rocky gets a running start and takes out Taven on the far side, and then Strong on the near side. Back in the ring, running Sliced Bread by Rocky! Two count. Forever clotheslines by Rocky but Strong cuts him off with a running elbow and a Sick Kick for two. End of Heartache attempt but Rocky counters into a hurricanrana! Satellite DDT by Rocky! Two count. Both guys on the top rope now as Rocky looks for avalanche Sliced Bread… and gets it! Long two count. Uh oh… Wardlow is here at ringside. Rocky gets distracted and that allows Strong to catch him with a brutal anti-air knee ocming off the top rope! One, two, three!
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: ***1/4. Perfectly acceptable match here. The wily veteran Rocky was able to weather the storm early on, and it took Wardlow’s presence to give Roddy the win. Bad guy doing bad guy things.
After the match, Kyle O’Reilly is here to congratulate Roderick and check on his friend, Rocky. Wardlow beings stomping on Rocky and Kyle pulls him off, only for Roddy to hit him in the back of the head with the title!
Match #3. Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Red Velvet
Shoulder blocks by both women. Athena cartwheels out of a head scissors and a pair of hip tosses by Athena. Leg lariat by Velvet sends Athena to the outside, and she follows up with a moonsault off the apron. Both women now back up and, on the apron, as Velvet charges and Athena hits snake eyes on the turnbuckle from the outside. Back suplex by Athena to Velvet on the apron! Athena now in control and taking her time punishing Velvet as we go to commercial break. Spinebuster by Athena gets two. Head scissors by Velvet sends Athena to the middle rope as she follows up with a double dropkick to the back. Head scissors by Velvet into a version of Destino! Two count. Fireman’s carry by Athena and she plants Velvet with a Wasteland. Two. Hurricanrana out of the powerbomb by Velvet gets two. Wheelbarrow by Athena into a big slam. Two count. Head scissors into a DDT now by Velvet. Two count. Velvet goes up top and Athena rolls to the outside but Velvet dives anyway and gets caught, and suplexed on to the hard floor. Athena whips Velvet into the LED board by her hair a few times. Inside the ring, Athena looks for a Gory Special but Velvet rolls her up for two. Superkick by Velvet and she heads up top…O-Face! One, two, three!
Winner and STILL Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion: Athena
Rating: ***. Athena continues to be the most dominant champion in either Ring of Honor or AEW, delivering match in and match out. Heck of a showing by Velvet here, who is growing as a performer by leaps and bounds.
After the match, Athena and Starkz attack Velvet, and but Velvet fights both women off. Queen Aminata is here to make the save with headbutts to Starkz and an Air Raid Crash to Athena!
Final Thoughts: I don’t mean to be that guy, but… Red Velvet in the main event? Queen Aminata just beat her on Ring of Honor TV like, two weeks ago. The rest of the show was good, and it was what you’ve come to expect from the Battle of the Belts. Solid wrestling, with zero title changes. Eventually, they’re going to have to make it a real “Battle of the Belts” and someone is going to have to lose a championship… at some point. That said, the wrestling was good and that’s all you can really ask in a sixty-minute show. Nice angle advancement with The Undisputed Kingdom and Kyle O’Reilly, too. 7.75/10.Â