- Brian Cage vs. Komander
- Keith Lee vs Turbo Floyd
- Ring of Honor Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Willie Mack
- AEW TNT Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs. Bryan Danielson
- AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Skye Blue
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 10/14/23
Live from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio! Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuiness are on commentary and joined by Tony Schiavone, but ON THIS DAY…
Here’s Adam Copeland!
Copeland says he wants to address everything Christian said this week, but that didn’t last long.
Here’s Christian, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne… flanked by security. Christian says he’s got a main event to get ready for… so Copeland needs to get out of AEW now, or else Christian will have security remove Copeland, just like he did the BCC.
Enter Bryan Danielson.
Danielson says Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne have ALSO been banned from ringside. So tonight, we’ll find out who’s the better man and who deserves to be the TNT Champion.
Enter Ricky Starks and Big Bill.
Starks says he’s a real AEW champion, and calls Copeland “bug eyes”. Copeland calls Starks a vanilla midget version of the rock and Starks says that comment sent him over the Edge. Starks says they should have a tag team match right now.
Enter FTR.
Cash says last week AEW medical gave them the option of wrestling or not last week, and they made the wrong call. That said, Bill & Starks are not the absolute best, but they’ll work their way back up. Danielson says they should do their match now as Cage shoves security into FTR and company and they get decimated.
A video package of MJF meeting with Patriots owner Robert Kraft for the Stop Jewish Hate foundation is shown.
Match #1. Ring of Honor World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Willie Mack
Arm drag and an enziguiri by Mack. Joe heads to the floor and Mack follows up with a big plancha. Back in the ring, Joe fires some big right hands and Mack drops Joe with one of his own. Forearms by Joe but Joe misses a charge in the corner. Running forearm by Joe and a running big boot in the corner. Running imploding cannonball in the corner by Mack! Two count. Joe responds with a reverse atomic drop, a punt, and a running senton for two. Mack charges and Joe connects with a snap powerslam. Two count. Mack catches a boot from Joe and snaps him down with a Stunner. Two count. Mack goes up top but Joe crotches him on the top rope. Muscle Buster! One, two, three.
Winner and STILL AEW World Television Champion: Samoa Joe
Rating: **1/2. Big ol’ power match here that didn’t last long. Awkward in a few spots but Mack got in a good amount of offense to look like a threat.
Lexi Nair is here with CJ Perry. CJ would ask possible clients if they’ve ever sat on the sidelines and seen someone else take their spot, and they need some guidance… to come to her. Action Andretti shows up and says he could use help, and he’s going to call her.
Match #2. Juice Robinson w/ Bullet Club Gold vs. Christoper Daniels
Pair of arm drags by Daniels and an armbar, but Juice drop toe holds Daniels on to the middle rope. Danielso rolls to the outside and gets jumped by the BCG behind the referee’s back. Daniels turns the tables and throws Juice into the guard rail as we go to a commercial break. Back from break as Juice drops Daniels with the left hand of God and a senton gets a two count. Daniels fights back with a Northern Lights’ Suplex for a two count. Complete Shot by Daniels and a pair of clotheslines. STO by Daniels and a BRUTAL Death Valley Driver. Two count. Daniels calling for Angel’s Wings but Juice drives him back in to the corner and follows up with the cannonball. Juice is Loose finishes this one.
Winner: Juice Robinson
Rating: **1/2. Perfectly acceptable match here between two veterans who know what to do. Daniels is timeless and this was a strong win for Juice.
Post-match, Jay White proposes to Juice Robinson with a mock Dynamite Diamond Ring. Juice then drills Daniels with the ring-aided Left Hand of God. White says Juice is going to take the Dynamite Diamond Ring next week and then White himself will be officially crowned the champion at Full Gear.
Match #3. Kyle Fletcher vs. Boulder
Fletcher flips out of a back suplex but gets gorilla pressed for his troubles. Boulder gets sent to the apron and Fletcher connects with a leg lariat that sends him to the floor. Suicide dive by Fletcher. Back in the ring, Boulder reverses a suplex into a release vertical suplex of his own. Boulder goes up top for a moonsault but Fletcher crotches him and powerbombs him off. Leg lariat to the back of the hear and a Dragon Sleeper finishes this one.
Winner: Kyle Fletcher
Rating: NR
The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass are with Renee in the back. Acclaimed have defended the trios championships three times in a week. Caster wants to know what MJF thinks, as Bowens and Daddy Ass call for a huddle. Caster just needs to say the first things that come to his mind, “Hey Renee… how about those Oral Sessions?” Caster… you idiot.
Menard, Parker, and Garcia are here and challenge them for the trios championships. The Acclaimed accept, and Garcia still isn’t allowed to dance.
Match #4. AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Skye Blue
Blue still seems… off. Statlander cartwheels out of hand spring and connects with a few headlock takeovers. Back elbow by Blue and another headlock by Statlander. Shoulder block by Statlander but a head scissors by Blue. Headlock takeover by Blue but Statlander holds on for a back suplex. Statlander runs into a high kick and Blue hits a neckbreaker through the ropes from the apron. Statlander returns fire with a stalling vertical suplex and a hammer throw in the corner. Blue responds with an STO and a neck crank. Statlander gets out of the submission and fires some clotheslines in and plants Blue with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Discus lariat missed by Statlander and a satellite DDT by Blue! One, two, no! Sunset Flip Powerbomb by Blue! Blue comes off the top with a crossbody but Statlander catches her in mid-air with a powerslam for two. Knee to the face but Blue and a thrust kick to the face. Running knee on the ropes by Blue! Head scissors attempt by Blue but Statlander holds on… Saturday Night Fever! One, two, three!
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion: Kris Statlander
Rating: ***1/4. Another awesome showing here from Skye Blue, but Statlander is just top of the food chain right now.
Statlander offers her hand to Skye Blue but Blue rejects it, and Willow Nightingale hits the ring to separate the two.
Kyle Fletcher is here and calls out Kenny Omega for Dynamite on Wednesday!
Rush is back! Rush, Dralistico, and Preston Vance are driving in a Bentley and if you mess with the bull… you get the horns.
Match #5. Keith Lee vs. Turbo Floyd
“Ohhh, Bask in His Glory.” Floyd goes low with kicks to the knee. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty are shown watching in the back. Lee just tosses Floyd with a standing back body drop and a huge pounce. Pop-up Spirit Bomb and this one is over.
Winner: Keith Lee
Rating: NR
Match #6. AEW TNT Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs. Bryan Danielson
Ankle pick by Danielson but Christian kicks him off. Head scissors by Danielson but Christian gets free. Hip toss by Danielson into the omoplata but Christian retreats to the outside as we go to commercial. Back from commercial and Danielson locks Christian in the Romero Special, with a fish hook to boot. Christian makes it to the ropes but Danielson follows him to the outside and throws him in to the guard rail, following up with a running dropkick in the corner. Christian chops the knee out of Danielson from behind as every fan in the arena seemingly chants “F you, Christian!” Christian misses a charge in the corner and eats it sternum-first. Danielson comes off the top with a headbutt but misses and eats the mat, seemingly coming down hard on the surgically repaired forearm. Christian focuses the attack on the forearm, but Danielson sends Christian over the top and to the floor. Suicide dive by Danielson but Christian drills him with a forearm in mid-air! Danielson wants a German suplex from the apron to the floor but Christian fights off with a Pele kick through the ropes. Christian shoves Danielson into the turnbuckle on the outside before hammerlocking the arm and back suplexing Danielson ON THE ARM ON THE APRON! YOU SCOUNDREL. Christian with an armbar through the commercial break. Outside the ring, Christian slams Danielson’s arm on the announce table a few times before heading up to the top rope. Danielson meets Christian up top and fights him off, before coming off the top with a diving headbutt. Up and over by Danielson now and a diving clothesline, but the arm is still hurt! Yes kicks by Danielson. Christian rolls to the outside and kind of blocks the suicide dive, but Danielson goes up top again with a shotgun dropkick. Two count! Danielson charges and Cage gets the knees up. Danielson looks for a hurricanrana off the top rope but Christian rolls through for a two count. Thumb to the eye by Christian and a frog splash off the top! Two count. Killswitch by Christian but Danielson counters with some Yes kicks. Christian bides his time and hits the falling reverse DDT but with the hammerlocked arm! Christian looks for the spear but he runs into a boot. High kick by Danielson! LONG two count. “It’s time to kick his f’ing head in!” – Danielson. Wrist trap stomps by Danielson! Busaiku Knee by Danielson but Christian catches him with a spear in mid-air! Killswitch! One, two, no! Christian looks for another spear but hits turnbuckle! Busaiku Knee! ANOTHER LONG TWO! Lebell Lock by Danielson! Christian is trying to fight to the ropes and BARELY gets there! Danielson drags him to the middle of the ring but the hurt arm is making it impossible for Danielson to lock it in fully. Big Bill is here but Starks comes from behind the referee’s back and takes Danielson out with the belt! Christian rolls on top of Danielson and gets the win!
Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Christian Cage
Rating: ****1/2. Masterful stuff here from two veterans in the business. I say it after every Danielson match but he’s on a level not many can touch right now, and to see Christian wrestling the best matches of his career is amazing. Unreal main event and the fans were on their feet the entire time.
Post-match, Nick Wayne, Luchasaurus, Bill, and Starks beat down Danielson. FTR is here to make the save! Adam Copeland joins them! Copeland and Luchasaurus pair up as FTR disposes of Bill. Shatter Machine to, wait, no, Bill saves Starks. Big boot to Luchasaurus and… Nick Wayne is left all alone in the ring. Copeland spears him in half!
Final Thoughts: Big opening segment tonight with almost anyone who’s anyone on the show, and the crowd loved it. Lots of quick matches, but I assume something was changed last minute since we didn’t get the promoted Brian Cage vs. Komander match. The main event, however, absolutely over-delivered and closed the show with a hot crowd that went home happy. Collision continues to rule. 8/10.Â