- Cope Open: Adam Copeland vs. ???
- Kyle O’Reilly vs. JD Drake
- Lance Archer & The Righteous vs. Blackpool Combat Club & Katsuyori Shibata
- AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament: Big Bill & Ricky Starks vs. Top Flight
- AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament: FTR vs. The Infantry
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 3/30/24
Live from the Budweiser Gardens in London, Ontario, Canada! Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni, and Nigel McGuinness are here tonight and it’s time for the Cope Open!
Copeland asks if we can be here every night? The crowd chants “Adam!” Now that Adam is done with Christian, who’s next?
Match #1. AEW TNT Championship: Adam Copeland (c) vs. Matt Cardona
ALL. WAYZ. READY. Well this is a surprise. Both men mirror each other with arm drags and shoulder blocks. Both guys are on the apron as Cardona goes right to the eyes and runs Copeland into the steel steps. Twice. Cardona works over Copeland throughout the commercial. Cardona focuses on the neck and the crowd is rabid here. Copeland elbows his way out of a headlock and both men meet in the middle with elbow strikes and stereo big boots. Copeland runs into a boot in the corner but sweeps Cardona’s legs out off the top. Copeland heads up top but gets crotched by Cardona. Copeland fights Cardona off and hits a bulldog from the top rope! Two count. Edge-O-Matic by Copeland gets two. Cardona goes low on Copeland getting back in the ring and hits the Implant DDT for two! Cardona now slapping Copeland in the corner and reminds him he’s the self-made superstar. WOO. WOO. WOO. Broski boot in the corner but Copeland counters with a spear.. and misses! Cardona wants the Ruff Ryder but Copeland counters with a big buckle bomb. Liger Bomb! Two count. Copeland wants the spear but runs into a Rough Ryder! Cardona wants the spear now but Copeland counters with one of his own! One, two, three!
Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Adam Copeland
Rating: ***1/4. I mean, listen. These guys stayed in their wheelhouse and the match was pretty good, but the crowd LOVED it so that made me feel better about it.
After the match… lights go out! Malakai Black is in the ring! Matthews attacks from behind but…
Well, Mark gets kicked in the face and a pop-up knee to the jaw! Number game now but here’s Kingston to make the save! Lights go out and Copeland, Kingston, and Briscoe are left alone in the ring and the fans are chanting for Eddie!
FTR is with Lexi Nair. Lexi says they’re the favorites to win, but Cash disagrees. Time to focus on the tag team at hand.
Tony welcomes The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass to the ring. Daddy Ass is pissed off with Jay White, for the home invasion. Daddy Ass can’t get past what White and company did, breaking into his house. Daddy Ass reminds us that Jay White lost his match in MSG, and he will lose next week, when it’s Jay White vs. Billy Gunn. Caster tells the Ass Boys to let them fight one on one next week. Bowens says Mrs. Gunn would have slapped the pubes off of their faces. The demise of BCG begins next week.
Match #2. AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament: FTR (c) vs. The Infantry
Cash and Dean trade top wrist locks and head lock takeovers to start. Bravo with an axe handle off the top and Dax is in now. Shoulder blocks and arm drags by Bravo before he clears the ring with dropkicks. Stinging chops by Cash but Dean fires back with some of his own and a body slam. Running elbow drop and a two count for Bravo. Bravo goes up top but Dax follows him and bring him down the hard way with a huge superplex. Double Russian Leg Sweep by FTR and we head to commercial. Back from break and Dax is chopping the soul out of Bravo on the outside of the ring. Huge plancha by Dean now takes out both Dax and Cash. Back in the ring, Bravo comes off the top with a diving crossbody and a roll up for two. Dean shoves Cash off the top and another crossbody by Bravo. Two count. Infantry want the 3D but Cash sends Dean to the outside and Dax counters with a huge powerbomb. Diving jackknife cover gets a long two. double suplex by FTR but Dean spears Cash and Bravo rolls him up for two. Superkick, enziguiri combo for two. Around the world DDT by Bravo to Cash. Bravo sends Cash into Dean. Two count. Meeting of the minds between Cash and Dax! Dean rolls Dax up for two! Cash slides in the ring and dumps Bravo… Big Rig! One, two, three!
Winners: FTR
Rating: ***1/4. FTR moves on in the tournament and the story of The Infantry behind the underdogs and trying to get the pin at every single turn was well done.
Lexi Nair is with Big Bill and Ricky Starks. They’re not looking past Top Flight and respect their skills, but they’re going to the dance as the number one seed.
Back from commercial, and Adam Copeland is fired up in the black at House of Black. Copeland says he’s got friends too and he wants The House of Black at Dynasty in a six-man. Mark says he’s got some business to handle with Eddie first at Supercard of Honor and Eddie agrees. Eddie says House of Black do spooky stuff but at Dynasty they’ll be spitting up teeth.
Match #3. Kyle O’Reilly vs. JD Drake
Drake with some heavy chops and a quick arm ringer, into almost a standing Cobra Clutch. Both guys trade low kicks and Drake hits a Shining Wizard for two. Drake wants the Vader Bomb but he misses and now misses a cannonball in the corner. Kyle chops Drake down with some leg kicks and roundhouse kicks to the body. Running elbow in the corner and some arm ringers. Axe and Smash by Kyle! PK gets two but Kyle dives on a straight armbar and Drake taps!
Winner: Kyle O’Reilly
Rating: NR
The Undisputed Kingdom hit the ring and help Kyle celebrate.
Match #4. AEW Tag Team Tournament: Big Billy & Ricky Starks vs. Top Flight
Hip toss and armbar by Darius. Starks responds with one of his own but ges cradled for two. Dante makes the blind tag and hits a diving clothesline in the corner. Half and half headlock suplex by Dante and a senton from the apron by Dante. Two count. Big Bill is in now and he tries to corner Dante, but Dante chops and runs. Bill catches him and drops him with a right hand. Double goozle by Bill but Top Flight connect with a double dropkick. Dante springs off the back of Darius for a dropkick sending Bill flying from the apron. Double dropkick to Starks and Top Flight are in control. Flying forearm by Dante but Bill counters with a huge big boot after a trip from Starks on the outside. Starks gets the tag and hits a diving big boot as we go to commercial. Body slam by Starks and his version of the People’s Elbow gets two on Dante. Dante in trouble at Starks and Bill make quick tags throughout the break and isolate him from Darius. Bill misses an avalanche in the corner and posts himself. Martin springboards from the apron with a cannonball and Darius gets the tag. Flying forearms by Darius and hard right hands to Starks. Back elbow and a Pele kick of the turnbuckle to Starks. Dropkick to Bill and Dante low bridges him. Darius rolls Starks up and traps him in some sort of handstand pin for two, but it looks like Starks didn’t get the shoulders up and the boos reign down. Starks runs into a superkick and an assisted Tornado DDT to Starks gets the… win? Starks is hurt as the Doctor slides in and that seems to be the reason he couldn’t kick out of the pin earlier.
Winners: Top Flight
Rating: **3/4. Feels like this one got cut a little short here but it was fun while it lasted. Top Flight advances and let’s just hope Starks is alright.
Christopher Daniels is here in the back and he challenges Malakai Black for Rampage.
Match #5. Thunder Rosa vs. Lady Frost
Both women trade arm ringers and Frost cartwheels her way out. Shoulder block by Rosa but Frost kips up. Arm drag by Rosa and a step-up hurricanrana that sends Frost to the corner. Stiff chops by Thunder in the corner but she eats a hard right hand. Handspring hurricanrana by Frost and a diving flipping neckbreaker. Chops by Frost in the corner now but Thunder responds with a huge lariat as we go to commercial. Thunder pulls Frost outside but Frost sends her into the guardrail and regains control. Axe kick by Frost gets two. Chop and elbow combos in the corner by Thunder and a sliding low crossbody. Two count before we go to a full commercial. Running step-up knee in the corner by Frost back from break. Thunder blocks a Destroyer and hits a pair of clotheslines. Drop toe hold by Thunder sends Frost to the bottom rope and Thunder hits the ropes with a stalling dropkick to the chest. Two count. Rosa looks for the Tiajuana Bomb but Frost is able to Scorpion Kick from the bottom. Chiller Driller by Frost! Two count. Frost misses the corkscrew kick and Thunder hits the Backstabber. Tijuana Bomb finishes this one.
Winner: Thunder Rosa
Rating: ***. Highly competitive match between the two and the styles worked really well. Seems like Thunder is on her way back to the title.
Toni Storm is in the back with Luther, Mariah May, and Renee. Thunder Rosa will be wrestling Mariah May and the winner will be number one contender. Storm kisses May on the lips and calls her a magnificent bastard. Storm loves the idea. Chin up, tits out, and watch for the shoe.
Match #6. Lance Archer & The Righteous vs. Blackpool Combat Club & Katsuyori Shibata
Shibata and Archer trade hard elbows and a big running boot sends Archer to the mat. Archer catches a roundhouse and delivers a right elbow. Shibata ducks around Archer and puts on the sleeeper, but gets tossed to the mat. Both men trade big boot attempts and it’s a stalemate. Dutch gets the tag and here comes Claudio. Claudio backs him up but gets body slammed. Running shoulder block by Claudio and a huge body slam! Double stomp by Claudio and here’s Danielson. Crowd erupts for the tag. European uppercuts in the corner by Danielson and some YES roundhouse kicks. Danielson charges but Dutch counters with a big headbutt. Vincent in now and Danielson is isolated in the corner. Danielson backflips over Vincent and hits a suicide dive to the outside on Dutch, a PK off the apron to Archer, but Vincent sends him into the guardrail and The Righteous are back in control. Danielson gets cornered and isolated as the big men work him over. Dutch bodyslams Archer on Danielson. Now the reverse. Huge Bossman Slam by Dutch! Two count. Dutch sets Danielson up on the top rope and looks for a superplex but Danielson fights him off with right hands and a headbutt. Shotgun dropkick off the top by Danielson and Dutch flies across the ring. Claudio is in and trade huge clotheslines with Archer. Hurricanrana by Claudio! Claudio mounts Archer in the corner and delivers some punches and Europeans. Running cutter off the top by Claudio! Giant Swing to Archer but Vince and Dutch are in. Shibata makes the save as he and Claudio deliver running dropkicks in stereo. Double goozle by Archer to Shibata and Claudio, but they fight their way out with European uppercuts and hard elbows. Overhand palm strike by Shibata and The Giant Swing is in! Sharpshooter by Claudio now but The Righteous are here to break it up. Sidewalk slam by Dutch. High kick by Danielson. Assisted Sliced Bread to Danielson. Shibata dumps Dutch and Vincent. Big boot by Archer to Shibata. Claudio backflips out of a Neutralizer but eats a big boot. Chokeslam by Archer. Death from Above by The Righteous but Claudio is out at two. Jumping guillotine choke by Vincent but Claudio reverses with a deadlift suplex. Archer gets dumped to the outside. Shibata with a running boot in the corner to Dutch and a stalling dropkick in the corner. Half-and-half suplex to Shibata and he transitions to an armbar, but Dutch breaks it up. Busaiku Knee to Dutch by Danielson! Vincent and Shibata left in the ring. Overhand by Shibata. Rear naked choke to Vincent and a big boot by Shibata. PK to Vincent as Claudio flattens Archer on the outside. One, two, three!
Winners: Katsuyori Shibata & Blackpool Combat Club
Rating: ***3/4. Main events on Collision always get ample amounts of time and seem to deliver, and this was no exception. Shibata got a chance to shine here and The Righteous played their part perfectly. Good win for Shibata after a few big-time losses as well.