- 2 out of 3 Falls for the AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. Bullet Club Gold
- Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals: CM Punk vs. Ricky Starks
- Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals: Willow Nightingale vs. Ruby Soho
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 7/15/23
From the Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta, Canada! Ian Riccaboni and Nigel McGuinness are on the call, as we get promo packages for all of the competitors tonight.
Match #1. 2 out of 3 Falls for the AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. Bullet Club Gold
Dax and White to start. Both guys take turns bailing to the outside. Shoulder blocks and a cradle by Dax for two. Hip toss by White and an arm drag. Juice gets the tag but Dax gets free and tags Cash. Quick back slide by Cash gets two. Hard shoulder block by Cash sends Juice to the floor. White and Dax are back in and it’s head lock city. Russian leg sweep by Dax gets two. Double team leg drop by FTR gets a two count. Juice gets a hot tag and the Left Hand of God drops Cash. Cash looks for a quick monkey flip but Juice drops to his knees and rolls him up for two. German suplex with a bridge by Cash gets two. Military press by Cash and Juice rolls to the outside. Dax is in with some vicious chops and a snap suplex. Quick leg drop by Dax gets two. Head lock takeover by Dax but Juice fires back up with some shoulder blocks before posting Dax on the ring post. White gets the quick tag and DDT’s everyone. Spiccoli Driver by White gets two. Dax hits the ropes but walks into a Flatliner. German suplex with a bridge by White but Cash breaks it up. White looks for the sleeper suplex but Dax backs him into the corner and fires away some hard chops. White responds in kind and both guys are chopping each other hard. White hits the ropes and FTR look for The Big Rig but Juice sends Cash into the back of Dax and Bladerunner by Jay White gets the pin!
Bullet Club Gold 1, FTR 0
Cash and White are the legal men here. Big lariat by Cash and a snap suplex gets two. Slingshot to Cash underneath the bottom rope by White and a DDT to Cash on the floor from Juice! Back in the ring and White gets a two count. Quick tags from Bullet Club Gold here as Cash is in trouble. Juice looks for a senton but Cash gets the knees up. Cash rolls up Juice for a sunset flip but White gets the blind tag and breaks it up. White charges into a boot from Cash and Cash gets the hot tag to Dax! Dax clears the ring with chops and clotheslines to both White and Juice. Springboard crossbody by Dax gets two. Double arm ringer by Dax and a big German suplex. Make that two. White tries to break it up but gets back body dropped. Brainbuster by Dax to Juice! One, two, no! Crowd is on their feet as Dax looks for the Sharpshooter but Juice shoots him back into the top turnbuckle before tagging White. Half and half suplex by White into the turnbuckle and a cannonball by Juice! 2.99! Super sunset flip by Dax to White but he shoots White back up into a huge lariat from Cash! Another 2.99! RED NECK BOOGIE TO WHITE! R.I.P. JAY BRISCOE! White kicks out! White gets placed on the top rope… Powerplex but the superplex connects and White gets the knees up as Cash comes down, and here’s Juice from out of nowhere with a splash! What a sequence! White barely makes the cover for a two count! Juice gets the tag but he walks into the Big Rig for the pin!
Bullet Club Gold – 1, FTR – 1
The start of the third fall and White back body drops Dax on the apron. Dax looks for a powerbomb on the outside but White hurricanranas him over the guard rail and they both crash on the concrete floor. The doctors check on both men and we’re good to go. Vertical suplex by Dax on the concrete! Here’s Cash… double suplex to White at ringside! Double suplex to Juice! White is struggling to get back in before the 10-count and does at 9.99. White tags Juice and Dax tags Cash, as all four men are shoulder-to-shoulder holding each other up. All four men are slugging it out as Cash and Juice suplex each other over the top rope and on to the floor! Dax and White are left to their own devices, headbutting each other in the middle of the ring as we go to a full commercial break. White now tries to tune up the band, but instead, hits a double leg on Dax and locks in the Sharpshooter! Dax fights his way to the bottom rope and barely gets there. Both men slug it out as White gets put on the top rope and Dax follows. Avalanche back suplex from Dax! Dax crawls to Cash but Juice is there to pull him off the apron. Regal Plex by White with a bridge gets two! Bladerunner attempt by White but Dax counters into the Sharpshooter! Juice tries to break it up but Cash grabs him and looks in a Sharpshooter of his own! White and Juice locks hands and FTR eventually just fall off the holds due to exhaustion. Dax pulls his knee pad down as Juice charges him but Dax locks in the Sharpshooter a second time! Dax lowered the knee pad so he could get more torque on the and gets the tap!
Winners and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions: FTR
Rating: *****. Nothing that I could put in to words would do this match justice. Everyone knows who FTR are, and what they are capable of. Juice and Jay White, however, as a tag team, were there every single step of the way. Go out of your way, watch it, watch it twice, great finish, great crowd, great story. Just outstanding.
Match #2. Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Final: Ruby Soho vs. Willow Nightingale
Ruby tries an arm drag but Willow is too strong. Twice. Shoulder block by Willow. Snap suplex followed by a fisherman’s suplex with a bridge gets two. Willow charges Ruby in the corner but gets turnbuckle, and then gets kneed in the face a bunch. Straightjacket by Ruby throughout the commercial with some boots in the corner. Enziguiri by Willow and both women are down. Ruby misses a clothesline but Willow doesn’t. Chop and forearm combo in the corner by Willow but she charges and eats a big back elbow. Ruby looks for the facebuster on the turnbuckle but an Oklahoma Stampede by Willow gets two. Willow shoves Ruby backward into the ropes and catches her with a spinebuster on the return. Single leg crab by Willow but Ruby makes the ropes .Ruby grabs the spray paint and puts it in Willow’s hands, so the referee takes it away and Ruby goes to the eyes behind the ref’s back. No Future by Ruby only gets two. Ruby goes for the spray paint again but misses and Willow hits the POUNCE. Babe With the Powerbomb by Willow and this one is over!
Winner and Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Winner: Willow Nightingale
Rating: **1/4. Nice little match here, but impossible to follow that opener. Willow winning was a bit of a surprise, as Ruby has now lost in the finals two years in a row.
Match #3. Brody King & Malakai Black vs. Artemis Spencer & Randy Myers
King lets Myers kick him before tagging Black. Low kick by Myers but a much harder return kick by Black. Ankle lock by Black and a senton by King. Spencer gets the tag and gets hip tossed across the ring by King. Black is in with a German suplex but Myers breaks up the pin. King disposes of Myers on the outside and Black connects with the Black Mass in the ring as Andrade makes his way to ringside .
Winners: Kings of the Black Throne
Rating: NR
After the match, Black sits in the middle of the ring with the mask he stole from Andrade.
Match #4. Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals: CM Punk vs. Ricky Starks
Punk out to a chorus of boos and there are dueling “Let’s go Ricky/CM Punk” chants. Both men battle for wrist locks and for head control early. Shoulder block by Starks, who then mocks Punk’s GTS pose. Punk hip tosses Starks over the top rope and to the floor. Starks has an issue with that but Punk welcomes him back in the ring. Starks lays into Punk with chops in the corner before getting thrown into the turnbuckle a la Bret Hart, sternum-first. Back from commercial as Punk misses the running knee in the corner as Starks takes control and Punk is frustrated. Punk now with a Russian leg sweep and a chin lock. Body slam by Punk, who goes up to the middle rope and gets booed, as Starks yanks Punk off to the mat. Starks comes off the middle rope with a big boot. Starks charges Punk but get hot shotted on the top rope. Running knee in the corner by Punk. Punk tries for a second but Starks gets the boot up and looks for a tornado DDT, but Punk shrugs him off and looks for a few cradles that get two. Another running knee in the corner by Punk but Punk misses a short-arm clothesline and Starks hits the tornado DDT. Two count. Starks goes up top to drop the elbow but Punk sits up and Starks hits the mat. Pepsi Twist by Punk! Two count. Double cross body block in the center and both men are down. Punk tries to go up and over but Starks catches him in Alabama Slam position, only for Punk to land on his feet and spike Starks with a jumping piledriver! 2.99! Punk signals for the GTS but Starks fights out. Starks ducks under a high kick and cuts Punk in half with a spear! Punk rolls outside however and Starks can’t make the cover. Starks looks for the spear again but Punk rolls through in a guillotine choke, however Starks makes the bottom rope. Punk sets Starks up on the top rope for the hurricanrana, but Starks rolls through for the two, Punk reverses for a two count, and Starks re-reverses into a cradle for the three, with his hand on the ropes!
Winner and NEW Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Champion: Ricky Starks
Rating: ***1/4. This match started slow but picked up half way through. Starks winning is surely a surprise but the cheating at the end was a nice touch.
Jushin Thunder Liger is here to present the trophy to Starks! Starks rips the trophy out of Liger’s hands and runs to the back. Odd usage of Liger, but alright .
Final Thoughts: When you’ve got one 57 minute classic match in a two hour show, it’s thumbs way up. FTR and Bullet Club Gold… just go watch it now. Jay White is going to be a huge star for AEW. The other two tournament final matches were good and the crowd was on fire throughout. Great stuff tonight. 9/10.Â