- AEW Grand Slam World Title Eliminator: Roderick Strong vs. Darby Allin
- Rey Fenix vs. Angelico
- Kris Statlander vs.
- AEW International Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Action Andretti
- Samoa Joe vs. Penta
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 9/9/23
Penta, Darby Allin, and Roderick Strong cut promos in the back before we go LIVE tonight, from the Rocket Mortage Fieldhouse in Cleaveland, Ohio! Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary.
Match #1. AEW International Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Action Andretti
Moxley has homefield advantage tonight. Andretti flips out of a hammer lock and gets elbowed in the face. Andretti hits a suicide dive to the outside but Moxley doesn’t seem bothered and elbows him in the face a bunch. Back inside the ring, head scissors and a bottom rope assisted tornillo by Andretti. Asai moonsault by Andretti gets a two count. Half crab by ‘Andretti here, who’s in contorl throughout the PIP. Moxley gets sent to the outside with a clothesline but sidesteps an Andretti suicide dive and hits one of his own. Moxley hits a charging clothesline in the corner. Enziguiri by Andretti and a springboard clothesline but Moxley catches him with an anti-air clothesline of his own. Andretti flips out of an X-Plex and gets caught with a rear naked choke. Pump kick off the break by Andretti and a pop-up dropkick. Running shooting star but Moxley moves, right into an Andretti Falcon Arrow. Shotgun dropkick by Andretti. Shotgun dropkick by Moxley! Double jump twisting tornillo by Andretti only catches the bottom half of Moxley but gets a two count. Wrist trap stomps by Andretti, mocking Moxley, but Moxley snatches an arm drag right into a rear naked choke and Andretti taps.
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Jon Moxley
Rating: **3/4. Andretti got in some decent offense but Moxley’s run is just getting started. A homefield advantage for Moxley makes for one heck of a fun crowd.
Match #2. AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Robyn Renegade w/ Charlette Renegade
Firemans carry by Statlander, into a straight arm lock. Shoulder blocks by Statlander and a running single leg dropkick. Deadlift German suplex by Statlander and a running European uppercut in the corner. Statlander hits the ropes but Charlette trips her up, allowing Robyn to hit a big boot. Clothesline out of the corner by Statlander, following up with a big boot and a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Half and half bulldog facebuster by Robyn. Statlander kicks out at two and then picks Robyn up in an electric chair facebuster. Roll up by Statlander gets the pin.
Winner and STILL TBS Champion: Kris Statlander
Rating: *3/4. Lots of Renegades on all ROH and AEW TV lately and… yeah.
The Renegades attack after the bell but Jade is here to make the save! Choke slam to both Renegades and Jaded to Statlander! Crowd chants “welcome back!”
Tony Schiavone sits down with Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston. Both men rehash their history as Claudio tells Eddie that he’s the man his parents wish he was. Kingston challenges Claudio for the Ring of Honor World Championship at Grand Slam! Claudio accepts. Kingston puts the NJPW Strong Openweight title on the line too, “let’s sell some tickets.”
Match #3. Trios Match: Juice Robinson & The Gunn Club vs. Aerostar, Gravity,
Rolling neck snap by Colten. Juice is in now with some stiff jabs to Aerostar and the Left Hand from God. Aerostar with a trios of superkicks and a tag to Gravity. Dios Del Inframundo (DDI from here on out) gets clotheslined from behind. Commercial break. Tag to DDI who comes in with a pair of shoulder blocks. Rolling thunder cutter to Austin. Gravity in and runs into the 3:10 from Yuma. Side kick by Juice. Headlock driver and this one is over.
Winners: Juice Robinson & The Gunn Club
Rating: *3/4. Barely more than a squash here but a nice win for the Bullet Club Gold.
Match #4. Rey Fenix vs. Angelico
Rebound hook kick by Fenix misses. Suicide dive by Fenix and a double jump enziguiri. Back in the ring, over hand chop by Fenix and a double jump escalera attempt but Angelico swipes out the legs and connects with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Kip up by Fenix and an enziguiri into a double stomp. Frog splash off the top gets two. Up and over by Fenix but Angelico traps him in the seatbelt and gets two. Rolling Thunder Cutter by Fenix gets a two count. Fenix Driver finishes this one.
Winner: Rey Fenix
Rating **1/4. Welcome back, Fenix. Welcome back, Angelico. Fine stuff here with Fenix seemingly getting a shot at the singles for the near future.
Match #5. AEW World Championship Eliminator Tournament: Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom vs. Darby Allin w/ Nick Wayne
Darby skates to the ring from the parking lot but Luchasaurus grabs him and throws him into a garage door. Darby barely makes it to the ring, with the help of Nick Wayne. Backbreaker by Roddy to start. Darby sends Roddy to the floor with a low bridge and hits the suicide dive cannonball! Low crossbody by Darby inside the ring but Roddy returns fire with a gutbuster. Both men fight to the outside as Rody catches a charging Darby and slams him into the ring post. Roddy shoots Darby into the guard rail back-first. Darby locks in a guillotine between the ropes. Running Code Red by Darby gets two. Darby maintains inverted back control but Roddy counters to an STF. Darby barely makes it to the ropes, but does. Darby heads up for the Coffin Drop but Roddy catches him and shoves him throat-first into the ring post. Strong beats on the back of Darby before hitting him with a monstrous half and half back breaker on the top turnbuckle that sends Darby crashing to the floor! Back from break, Roddy has Darby up on his shoulders but gets hit with a Stunner on the apron. Coffin drop from Darby off the top to the outside! Wayne goes to check on Darby as The Kingdom corner him, but AR Fox is there to back Wayne up. Back in the ring, huge Sick Kick by Roddy! Roddy looks for End of Heartache but Darby wiggles free and hits the Scorpion Death Drop. Wayne and Fox brawl with Taven and Bennett on the outside, as Fox inadvertently takes Wayne out with the ring post moonsault. Darby looks for the Coffin Drop but Roddy gets the knees up. End of Heartache and this one is over!
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: ***1/2. Nice to see a match that finally got some time, and they told a really good story. Strong took advantage of the dirty work done by Luchasaurus, and eventually fell Darby.
Keith Lee is with Lexi Nair and says he wants to do things by himself here on Collision.
Bryan Danielson is here and says when his daughter turns seven, he’s going to retire. Right now, she’s six and a half, and he’s a man that keeps his promises. Danielson says he’s Odysseus and he’s going to kick everyone’s head in. This year is going to be Danielson’s best and he’s calling his own shots, and that starts on 10/1. WrestleDream, Danielson wants Zack Sabre Jr.!
Ricky Starks and Big Bill are here. Starks immortalized himself as the face of Collision. Starks said he was given breadcrumbs but he wants to eat a full meal. Danielson says Starks spoke too soon, and seemingly was going to offer Starks a spot in the BCC… but Big Bill blasts Danielson. Bill and Starks beat down Danielson but Moxley makes the save and gets blasted with a big boot. Bill and Starks continue the beatdown before retreating to the back.
Match #6. AEW World Championship Eliminator Tournament: Samoa Joe vs. Penta
Jim Ross has joined the commentary team for the main event. Penta pie faces Joe and gets headbutted. Joe runs into a superkick but responds with some heavy chops that send Penta flying into the corner. Penta sneds Joe to the outside with a dropkick and follows up with a baseball slide, but Joe turns away like Joe does. Penta catches Joe with a Slingblade on the outside. Joe doesn’t care and just beats Penta down into the guard rail. Both men trade chops now outside as Joe is able to take control of the strikes and connects with a running back elbow inside the ring. Penta tries to go up and over Joe but Joe catches him with Snake Eyes on the top turnbuckle. Snap mare and a double arm bar by Joe. Joe looks for a Muscle Buster but Penta kicks him off and comes off the top with a diving crossbody. Backstabber by Penta gets two. Penta looks for the Fear Factor but settles for a superkick. Joe snaps Penta over with a powerslam for two. Pair of enziguiris by Penta in response and a running superkick to Joe in the corner. Two count. Snap mare by Penta and a running kick to the back. Penta looks for the hammerlock but Joe counters with an inverted atomic drop, into a single leg drop kick, and a senton. Two count. Penta feigns a first dive, Joe bites on the fake, and Penta catches him with a second one. Penta looks for a second dive and Joe strolls away as Penta goes crashing through the table! Joe rolls Penta in the ring and gets a long two. Penta looks for Made in Japan but Joe transitions to the Kokina Clutch and this one is over.
Winner: Samoa Joe
Rating: ***1/4. Nobody saw Joe losing here but Penta put on a heck of a show in defeat. Joe seems to be getting a second wind, as he looks completely different than he did earlier in his AEW run. Strong main event.
Final Thoughts: Lots of matches tonight and they didn’t get as much time as we’re accustomed to seeing on Saturday’s, but they all happened for a reason and that makes for an important two hours. The Grand Slam Eliminator has been a lot of fun and the wrestlers that were chosen felt fresh. Jade returning also felt like a big deal, and Collision has been consistent with these surprises. 7.75/10.