The Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royal returns!
- Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royal
- Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Jay White
- Emi Sakura vs. Hikaru Shida
- Wardlow vs. Ryan Nemeth
- Kenny Omega vs. Kyle Fletcher
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 10/18/23
Live from the Fort Bend Center in Rosenberg, Texas! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are on the call and let’s kick it off with the Switchblade!
Match #1. Jay White w/ Bullet Club Gold vs. Penta el Zero Miedo
Penta with a huge dive to the outside to take out the entire Bullet Club Gold before the bell. Slingblade by Penta on the outside! Double stomp inside the ring and Penta gets two. Back stabber by Penta gets two. DDT by White gets two. Snap suplex by White, who now lays in some heavy chops. Penta fights back with some chops of his own and a superkick. Monkey flip attempt by Penta but White sends him crashing to the apron and the floor. Gordbuster by White to Penta on the apron. Half and half suplex by White into the turnbuckle and he’s in control throughout the commercial. Slingblade by Penta out of nowhere. A second plancha to the outside takes out White. Both men now exchange chops in the center of the ring. Gloves off by Penta and a vicious chop. White responds. Back and forth now as White tells Penta to take the shirt off and he does. HOLY CHOPS. BACK AND FORTH. BRUTAL. Dropkick to the knee by White. Firemans carry by Penta into a spinning reverse DDT I think… that’s a new one. Two count! High angle uranage by White and a sheer drop brainbuster gets two. Dragon screw by White and a big sleeper suplex. Two count. Penta reverses an Irish whip and plants White with the Death Valley Driver. Two count. Ass Boys distract the referee on one side and it’s the Left Hand of God by Juice right into Bladerunner!
Winner: Jay White
Rating: ***1/2. Entertaining opener that was on its way to something but didn’t make it there in the time allotted. Jay White’s building a lot of momentum ahead of his showdown with MJF at Full Gear.
Jay White grabs the mic and says he’s the real world’s champion, and MJF isn’t here. White says MJF isn’t able to find anyone to take them up on the eight-man tag. Juice says the Stray Bullet “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson is going to win the DDR Battle Royal.
MJF is here with Renee in the back. MJF says if Juice wins tonight, it’ll be the left hand of God vs. the right hand of the Devil. The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass are here and Caster offers his services in an eight-man tag, but MJF declines. Daddy Ass says he’s trying too hard.
Match #2. Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Sakura
Student vs. Teacher here, as Sakura attacks early and lays some chops into Shida. Sakura looks for a diving cross body and Shida counters with a knee in mid-air. Rolling crucifix pin by Shida for two. Sakura cuts Shida off and connects with a big hammer throw in the corner. Running cross body to the middle buckle by Sakura. Double underhook into a backbreaker by Sakura. Two count. Shida ducks a clothesline and it’s a double clothesline as both women are down. Sakura attacks with strikes as Shida retreats to the apron, but gets cross bodied to the floor. Sakura charges on the outside but Shida hurricanranas her into the apron. Missile dropkick back inside the ring by Shida. Two count. Both women trade cradles and Sakura comes out ahead with a Tiger Driver! Kitana by Shida get a one count. Chop and lariat combo by Sakura. Tilt a whirl back breaker by Shida. One by Sakura. Rolling elbow by Shida and a Falcon Arrow gets two! Kitana finishes this one.
Winner: Hikaru Shida
Rating: ***. Really hard-hitting match here. There was some awkwardness, but it made it feel like a real struggle. Good win for Shida.
Renee is sitting down with Adam Copeland. Copeland doesn’t understand what’s actually happening with Christian, as the idea was to finish his career with him in AEW. Copeland goes over his lifelong relationship with Christian. Copeland always felt the need to motivate Christian and help open doors for him, and Christian resents him for it. Copeland says he doesn’t watch Christian’s TNT championship, he doesn’t want to fight Christian, and he doesn’t know what he does want, but he’ll be there when Christian gets left high and dry by Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne.
Match #3. Wardlow vs. Ryan Nemeth
Nemeth attacks Wardlow before the bell but gets his head squeezed. Powerbomb. Referee calls it.
Winner: Wardlow
Rating: NR
Tony Schiavone asks Wardlow why he’s here and Wardlow shows him the wrist tape that says “MJF.” Warlow shoulders Schiavone to the ground on the way out.
Renee is with Kenny Omega. Omega says he’s the measuring stick for people in AEW and his win loss record this year isn’t great, but after beating Fletcher, he wants to take out the Don Callis Family.. and then maybe, the AEW World Championship? MJF is here and shakes Omega’s hand before whispering “13 days, bitch” in his ear.
Back at Roderick Strong’s house, Cole is waiting on Strong and The Kingdom hand and foot. Cole then makes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for everyone. Strong spits out the sammich because Cole forgot to cut the crust off. Cole finally has had enough and leaves to go get his surgery. Strong says he knows what he has to do to get his best friend back, and that is be nice to Max.
Tony Schiavone welcomes Don Callis and his family to the ring. Callis says nobody has dealt with Jericho like Hobbs did last week. Hobbs says Jericho disrespected himself and his grandma many years ago, and that’s why he had to make him pay. Hobbs said he loved every second of it. Callis said the Callis Family is undefeated, except for the stand-in scab worker Kyle Fletcher.
Here’s Kyle Fletcher. Fletcher says he’s going to prove to anyone, including Don Callis, that he doesn’t need anyone’s help beating Omega. Callis says if Fletcher wins, he’s got an opportunity in the family.
Match #4. Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega
Fletcher attacks quickly and both men spill to the outside. Fletcher throws Omega into the guard rail and then the first row. Back in the ring, Omega goes up and over Fletcher and snaps him over with a hurricanrana. Fletcher heads to the outside and Omega looks for the Terminator dive, but Fletcher pulls him out and both men exchange heavy chops. Omega sets Fletcher up in a chair against a barricade. Omega looks for a running V-Trigger but Fletcher moves and Omega eats the chair. Back in the ring, Fletcher charges Omega in the corner but Omega gets the boots up and dunks Fletcher’s head on the mat. Axe handles by Omega and YOU CAN’T ESCAPE but Fletcher rolls to the outside, so Omega moonsaults off the top to the floor and takes Fletcher out. Fletcher rolls back in the ring and Omega hits a missle dropkick off the top to the small of the back of Fletcher. Omega looks for a V-Trigger but Fletcher moves and catches him with a rebound half and half suplex. Running enziguri in the corner and a sheer drop brainbuster by Fletcher! Two count. Fletcher lawn darts Omega into the middle turnbuckle! Sit-out Michinoku Driver by Fletcher gets two! Running dropkick to the back of the head by Fletcher. Poisonrana by Omega! Powerbomb and a HUGE V-Trigger by Omega! One, two, no! V-Trigger by Omega! One Winged Angel attempt but Fletcher gets free and locks in a Dragon Sleeper. Omega rolls through for a roll up for two. Superkick by Fletcher! Double rope running V-Trigger turns Fletcher inside out. One Winged Angel finishes this one!
Winner: Kenny Omega
Rating: ****1/4. Fantastic. Omega’s return to singles is triumphant and he’s showing no signs of slowing down, and Kyle Fletcher continues to impress in everything he does. Fletcher has everything necessary to be the next Kenny Omega or Will Osprey.
DANHAUSEN VIDEO IS SHOWN (to the tune of Halloween 3’s “Silver Shamrocks” commercials).
Tony Schiavone welcomes STINGGGGG to the ring! Sting remembers the first time he “woo’d” to the crowd and they did it back. Sting wants to reflect before he says “the word.” Sting puts over The Steiner Brothers, Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, etc. Sting says he’d love to acknowledge the man that put him on the map, Ric Flair. Thank you, Nature Boy. Fans erupt in a “Thank you, Sting” chant. Sting always wondered why these guys kept coming back year after year, and he understands why they hung on. The smell of the arena, the traveling with other wrestlers, the roar of the fans, etc. Should Sting be jumping off of balconies? Well, no, but we’ll get there. Getting back to that word…
“You still got it” chant from the fans.
Sting’s retirement in 2015 didn’t sit right with him, and in that speech he said that nothing is for sure. Sting started his first match with AEW at Revolution 2021, and Sting’s last match will be Revolution 2024. The only thing for sure about Sting, is that the retirement at Revolution 2024… is for sure.
RJ City is here with Toni Storm. Behold, Toni Storm’s life’s work. “Gone with the Storm.”
Jim Ross is with Nick Wayne and his mom. Ross tells Nick that he’s going to regret turning on a true friend, which is tough to find in the wrestling business. Mama Wayne says it’s so out of character for him, and she doesn’t recognize her own son. Nick cuts her off and tells her to shut up. Nobody ever asked about Nick, always Darby. Nick has a new father figure now, Christian, who’s more of a father than his “real dad” ever was. Nick says his mom was a terrible mother and she slaps him in the face. Christian then tells Mama Wayne that she should have picked up the phone, as both guys leave the room. Darby jumps both Wayne and Christian, as the fight spills to the ramp. Luchasaurus is here and he throws Darby down the ramp. Sting is here to make the save. Sting tries to lock in the Scorpion but Luchasaurus pulls him to safety.
Match #5. Diamond Dozen Battle Royal
MJF has joined commentary.
Johnny TV, Trent Baretta, The Hardy Boys, Daniel Garcia, Dustin Rhodes, Komander, Juice Robinson, Jake Hager, Matt Menard, Matt Sydal, and Max Caster are in this one. Matt Sydal and Johnny TV get dumped early. Hardy’s go old school on Menard. Jay breaker by Jeff to Hager. Hager runs into a boot from Matt but grabs him coming off the middle rope and dumps him to the floor. MJF heads down to the ring and talks to Dustin Rhodes, before slipping him a few hundred. Rhodes then hits Shattered Dreams on Juice as we go to PIP. Garcia and Menard catch Komander and dump him to the floor. Half and half by Trent to Garcia. Running Destroyer by Dustin to Garcia! Rhodes and Trent send Hager to the floor and he’s gone. Trent pulls Menard to the apron and both men chop each other. Garcia saves Menard and Trent gets eliminated. Garcia dumps Jeff Hardy after a Twist of Fate attempt. Menard stops Garcia from dancing! Garcia dumps Menard, Dustin, and Jeff in succession before hitting his dance moves. Caster dumps Garcia from behind. Down to Caster and Juice. Juice is hanging on the apron by a thread and tries to pull Caster to the floor. Both men on the apron now, fighting with right hands. Juice wants to superpelx Caster to the floor from the top. Caster pushes Juice to the floor and it’s the Mic Drop! Jay White jumps MJF from behind on the commentary table. MJF gets the upper-hand and charges but White goes low on him .Left Hand of God by Juice with the ring on his hand, and Caster gets tossed!
Winner: Juice Robinson
Rating: **1/2. Tough to enjoy a battle royal but the story made sense throughout so it was good for what it was.
Final Thoughts: Kind of a weird episode tonight but the wrestling was a heck of a lot of fun. Omega and Fletcher was like a glimpse into the future and it was great. Bullet Club Gold continue to be one of the best parts of the show, and White vs. Penta delivered. Lots of talking segments tonight and furthering storylines, so they did find a good balance. The main event is kind of a cluster but it’s supposed to be, it was really just a conduit to get to the final two which did work. 8/10.Â