During his appearance on WINCLY, Chavo Guerrero spoke on how he ended up being the wrestling coordinator for the Young Rock. Here’s what he had to say:
I kind of was just sitting there for about five-six months. And then I got a call from Brian and said, ‘Hey, we have this show called Young Rock. We can’t film. We’re ready to go. It’s all green lit, but we can’t film in Los Angeles because of everything going on. Everything’s shut down. So we’re going to Australia to film. Do you know any wrestling coordinators in that area?’ And I’m like, ‘First of all, a wrestling trainer and wrestling coordinator for TV are two completely separate things. That’s like apples and oranges. I know one person, me.’
And they go, ‘Oh, would you want to go?’ And I said, ‘Well, absolutely,’ and they go, ‘Oh, we weren’t sure if you’d want to do this.’ And I said, ‘Absolutely, 100%.’ The only real problem was getting into Australia because right now, everything’s shut down. You have to have special permission from the Australian government and you have to be an essential worker to be able to travel over there. They submit me, and it was like, ‘We want you really bad, but it’s up to them, to the Australian government.’ And we were lucky enough to get that okay. We went in there. I quarantined for two weeks, and then we got to work on this project. It was great.
You can listen HERE.
Credit: WINCLY.