- Ring of Honor Pure Championship: Katsuyori Shibata (c) vs. Nick Wayne
- Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Angelina Love
- ROH World Six-Man Championship: The Mogul Embassy (c) vs. The Infantry & Willie Mack
- Diamante vs.
- Lee Moriarty vs. Lee Johnson
- Mercedes Martinez vs. Trish Adora
- Cole Karter & Griff Garrison vs. Action Andretti & Darius Martin
- Ethan Page vs. VSK
- Kiera Hogan, Skye Blue, & Willow Nightingale vs. The Renegades & Leyla Hirsch
- El Hijo del Vikingo, Gravity, & Metalik vs. The Spanish Announce Project & Tony Nese
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
Ring of Honor TV 9/21/23
The show opens up with a few words from the new Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion, “Mad King” Eddie Kingston! Kingston doesn’t like Claudio, but he respects him as a champion. Kingston has to defend two titles but without struggle there is no progress. Kingston dedicates his wins to “All Around Best” Xavier, and he’s going to go see his parents.
From the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, Pennsylvania!
Match #1. ROH Pure Championship: Katsuyori Shibata (c) vs. Nick Wayne
Mat return by Shibata and a cradle for two. Shibata invites Wayne to the ground and Wayne gets caught in a leg lace and an armbar. Shibata transitions into a bicep slicer and takes mount, before toying with Wayne and getting back to his feet. Shibata looks for a PK but Wayne avoids, but gets his legs kicked. Wayne throws a high kick but Shibata grabs it and locks in an ankle lock, forcing Wayne to use one of his three rope breaks. Wayne rolls to the outside and Shibata follows with a big boot to the face. Shibata runs Wayne into every guardrail and follows up with a running boot in the corner. Shibata returns to the center of the ring and sits, waiting for Wayne. Wayne makes it in before the count and fires some chops in to Shibata but eats another boot. Wayne fires up and eats another boot but responds with a few European uppercuts. Shotgun dropkick by Wayne and a stalling basement dropkick by Wayne. Two count. Shibata welcomes the forearms from Wayne and returns the favor, dropping Wayne. Another running boot in the corner by Shibata, a European uppercut, and a stalling basement dropkick of his own. Half hatch suplex by Shibata gets two. Octopus Stretch by Shibata but Wayne uses his second rope break. Shibata forces Wayne to use a third, as Wayne crawls up and over Shibata and hits a neckbreaker. Enziguiri by Wayne who looks for Wayne’s World, but Shibata catches him in the sleeper and the PK finishes this one.
Winner and STILL Ring of Honor Pure Champion: Katsuyori Shibata
Match #2. Diamante vs. Katie Brite
Elbow off the break by Dimante and some crossfaces. Chops by Diamante in the corner, who misses a charge and Brite rolls her up for two. Inverted facebuster by Diamante finishes this one.
Winner: Diamante
Match #3. Lee Moriarty w/ Shane Taylor vs. Lee Johnson
Both men trade wrist locks to start. Hammer lock by Johnson and a reversal by Moriarty. Up and over by Moriarty and a big dropkick by Johnson that forces Moriarty to the outside. Both men fight to the outside, then inside, then outside, then inside, until Moriarty drops him with a kitchen sink. Two count. Seated abdominal stretch by Moriarty but Johnson fights out and rolls Moriarty up for two. Both men trade clotheslines and a Blue Thunder Bomb by Johnson. Johnson goes up top and hits a huge frog splash for a two count. Moriarty catches Johnson with a hot shot on the top rope and a leg lariat for the win.
Winner: Lee Moriarty
Athena makes Lexi Nair and Billie Starkz go through Minion Training .
Match #4. Trish Adora vs. Mercedes Martinez
Head lock takeover by Martinez but a big shoulder tackle by Martinez. Spinebuster by Martinez and an anarchist suplex. Two count. Adora ducks underneath and hits a German suplex on Martinez for two. Martinez ducks a suplex and plants Adora with a half dragon suplex. Running knee by Martinez and a Northern Lariat. Martinez looks for the surfboard into the Brass City Sleeper and this one is over.
Match #5. Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Angelina Love
Both women argue they pulled each other’s hair. Both women trade wrist locks and Athena kips up, but Love cuts her off with a running back elbow. Spinning back kick by Athena sends Love to the floor, where she attacks Starkz before Athena makes the save. Back in the ring Love hits a sidewalk slam on Athena. Flying forearms by Athena and a basement enziguiri. Handspring elbow in the corner by Athena, Athena goes up top but Love trips her feet out. Pump kick by Love gets a two count. Athena catches Love charging and hits the dominator into the double knees to the face for the win .
Winner and STILL Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion: Athena
Match #6. Skye Blue, Willow Nightingale, & Kiera Hogan vs. The Renegade Twins & Leyla Hirsch
Robyn runs into a back elbow from Hogan and a hurricanrana. Running hip attack in the corner and a sliding single leg dropkick. Blue gets the tag and hits a running knee. Superkick by Blue gets two. Robyn fires a big forearm in and gets two. Double suplex by the Renegades. Awkward looking inverted neck snap with a bridge for two. Double knees in the corner by the Renegades and Hirsch tags herself in with a German suplex. Two. Three. Blue fights out of the corner but walks into a straight arm bar from Hirsch but rolls her up for two. Rebound kick to Hirsch. Willow gets the hot tag and clears house. Willow suplexes both Renegades. Hirsch in with a shotgun dropkick but she runs into the POUNCE. Tag to Blue. Superkick and Spiccoli Driver combo. Suicide dive by Hogan through Willow’s legs and the Code Blue finishes this one.
Winners: Skye Blue, Willow Nightingale, & Kiera Hogan
Match #7. Ethan Page vs. VSK
Running powerslam by Page. Ego’s Edge but VSK escapes and hits a dropkick. Page fires back with a big shoudler block. Superkick by VSK but he misses an enziguiri and Page hits a cradle clutch slam? Slingshot cutter off the bottom rope by Page for the win.
Winner: Ethan Page
Match #8. Metalik, Gravity, & El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Tony Nese & The Spanish Announce Project
Handspring by Metalik and an arm drag to Angelico. Gravity with an inside wrist lock take over and a kip up. Vikingo connects with a pump kick and an enziguiri to Nese. Make that two. Shotgun dropkick off the top by Vikingo and a no-hands double jump tornillo to the outside which saw Vikingo land HARD and now we know, unfortunately injure himself. Metalik and Gravity with stereo planchas to the outside. Nese cuts off Metalik, who gets pounded on in the corner before tagging Angelico. Double armbar by Angelico but Metalik makes it to the ropes. Sunset flip powerbomb by Metalik and a tag to Gravity. Vikingo has left the ringside area, by the way. Gravity clears the ring and hits a powerslam and standing moonsault on Angelico. Nese gets sent to the outside and Angelico takes out Gravity with an enziguiri of his own. Serpentico eats a running powerbomb from Metalik for two. Nese barks orders at the SAP so they’re tired of his antics and leave him. Senton by Metalik off the top finishes this one.
Winner: Metalik, Gravity, & El Hijo del Vikingo
Match #9. Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis Bennett vs. Action Andretti & Darius Martin
Double suplex to Garrison and a double dropkick to Martin. Karter pulls Andretti off the apron and Garrison takes advantage, but he wasn’t happy about it. Big dropkick to the face by Karter. Martin kicks Garrison off and tags Andretti, who clears the ring with elbows and a double handspring back elbow. Shotgun dropkick into a German suplex to Garrison. Karter rolls Andretti up from behind and puts his feet on the ropes, but Garrison pulls Karter’s feet off and says “we don’t cheat!” Back suplex by Martin and a springboard 450 by Andretti gets this one done.
Winners: Action Andretti & Darius Martin
Match #10. Ring of Honor World Six-Man Championship: The Mogul Embassy (c) vs. The Infantry & Willie Mack
Kaun catches Dean with a charging back elbow. Dropkick by Dean and a double reverse wishbone. Toa gets the tag and Bravo uses his speed before eventually getting caught with a crossover right hand. Toa responds with a huge lariat. Tag to Kaun and a snap suplex followed by a pair of back suplexes. Cage gets the tag and drives the shoulder into Bravo in the corner. Clotheslines by Cage in the corner. Hammer throw and an backbreaker to Bravo. Bravo counters with a lungblower but can’t make the tag. Bravo flips out of a suplex and tags Mack. Lariat to Cage. Two. Humongous body slam to Cage as Mack ducks a right hand from Kaun and delivers one of his own. Running big boot in the corner by Mack. Mack goes up top and gets caught, so Cage brings him in the hardway with a deadlift superplex! Bravo gets the bling tag and connects with a rolling elbow. Hammerlock DDT to Kaun, who’s now legal, as Bravo side steps a charging Toa. Dean with a diving clothesline in the corner and a facebuster on the knee. Superkick party to Toa! Double suplex but Toa block it. Stunner by Mack and now a double suplex. Enziguiri and a neckbreaker by Bravo and Dean. Mack goes up top as Cage follows him and gets thrown off. Sky High by Mack gets a long two count. Kaun in and hits the Air Raid Crash on Mack. German suplex to Bravo. Open the Gates to Mack and this one is over.
Winners and STILL Ring of Honor Six-Man Champions: The Mogul Embassy