WWE NXT Results 2/6/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida
You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast
Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Byron Saxton)Â
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Transcription by Josh LopezÂ
Carmelo Hayes PromoÂ
Carmelo Hayes:Â Not yet.
The Wolf Dogs SegmentÂ
Baron Corbin:Â Well, seeing how there’s a bit of a spare moment here, we wanted to come out here and start our celebration. So, ladies and gentlemen.
Bron Breakker: What are you doing? Alicia, can you come over here and introduce us? The greatest voice of all-time.
Alicia Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the winners of the 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin. The Wolf Dogs.
Baron Corbin: Seriously, how much did you pay her to say that? Look, I’m not going to let you ruin this celebration. Sunday was off the charts. We won the cup. And our names are right here, forever. And my name just happens to be first. But look, in all seriousness, we absolutely dominated. There is no one in this company that can stop us. I mean, you, maybe, with the top rope. How is your face? You got a little mark right there. You’re good, right?
Bron Breakker:Â All right, you know what? When you are running 23 miles per hour, stuff is going to go wrong, all right? I mean, come on, you never done that. Let’s congratulate my tag team partner right here, it was his first dive ever. Because you would never made it over the top rope if I didn’t give your big ass a boost.
Baron Corbin: Okay, that’s why we are a team. Let’s get back on track. We won the cup, and you know what that means. It means that we get a shot at tag team gold.
Bron Breakker: Tony, Stacks, The Wolf Dogs are on the hunt.
First Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. Malik Blade & Edris EnofeÂ
The Wolf Dogs join the commentary team for this match. Axiom and Edris Enofe will start things off. Enofe refuses to shake Axiom’s hand. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Axiom with a waist lock go-behind. Enofe applies a wrist lock. Test Of Strength. Enofe goes for a waist lock takedown, but Axiom counters with a back elbow smash. Enofe lunges over Axiom. Enofe drops down on the canvas. Enofe dropkicks Axiom. Axiom blocks a boot from Enofe. Axiom applies a waist lock. Back Elbow Exchange. Axiom with a flying arm-drag. Axiom with a Leg Lariat for a two count. Axiom applies a rear chin lock. Frazer tags himself in. Enofe reverses out of the irish whip from Axiom. Enofe sends Axiom to the ring apron. Blade SuperKicks Axiom. Enofe ducks a clothesline from Frazer. Frazer SuperKicks Enofe. Double Forearm. Double Back Elbow. Short-Arm Lariat Exchange. Frazer lands The Suicide Dive. Blade responds with The SomerSault Plancha. Frazer dives over Blade. Blade with a flying clothesline. Axiom and Frazer had complete control of the match during the commercial break.
Frazer dropkicks Enofe. Frazer tags in Axiom. Axiom clotheslines the back of Enofe’s neck. Frazer drops Enofe with The DDT. Axiom goes into the cover for a two count. Axiom kicks Enofe in the back. Axiom pie faces Enofe. Axiom whips Enofe across the ring. Axiom headbutts the midsection of Enofe. Axiom applies a front face lock. Axiom blocks The Sunset Flip. Axiom with a Falling Lariat across the back of Enofe’s neck for a two count. Axiom goes back to the rear chin lock. Enofe with a back elbow smash. Axiom answers with a Lariat against the ropes. Axiom tags in Frazer. Frazer with an Apron Enzuigiri. Axiom with a Release German Suplex. Frazer follows that with The Twisting Vertical Suplex for a two count. Frazer applies a rear chin lock. Frazer fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Frazer scores the elbow knockdown for a two count. Frazer is keeping Enofe grounded with the rear chin lock. Enofe slaps Frazer in the ribs. Enofe with a forearm smash. Frazer whips Enofe across the ring. Frazer sweeps out the legs of Enofe. Frazer with a Springboard Axe Handle Strike. Frazer knocks Blade off the apron. Frazer with The Standing Shooting Star Press for a two count.
Frazer hammers down on the back of Enofe’s neck. Frazer tags in Axiom. Enofe blocks The O’Connor Roll. Frazer gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Enofe with a Springboard Knee Strike. Enofe tags in Blade. Blade clotheslines Axiom. Blade dropkicks Frazer off the top turnbuckle. Blade scores the forearm knockdown. Axiom reverses out of the irish whip from Blade. Blade with a flying forearm smash. Frazer goes for a Flying Crossbody Block, but Blade counters with The Fallaway Slam. Blade punches Axiom. Blade with an Inside Out Lariat. Blade PowerBombs Axiom for a two count. Blade with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Blade tags in Enofe. Enofe with The Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Frazer with a Flatliner into the middle turnbuckle pad. Enofe responds with a Corner Meteora. Enofe ascends to the top turnbuckle. Axiom with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Axiom tags in Frazer. Axiom hits The Avalanche Spanish Fly. Frazer lands The Phoenix Splash for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Chop Exchange. Stereo Pump Kicks. Stereo SuperKicks.
Everybody is knocked down after a pair of stereo clotheslines. Frazer chops Enofe. Axiom transitions into a corner mount. Blade and Enofe goes for Stereo PowerBombs, but Axiom and Frazer counters with Stereo Guillotine Chokes. Stereo Vertical Suplexes. Frazer SuperKicks Blade. Enofe uses the right leg of Axiom as a weapon. Blade with a straight right hand. Enofe drops Axiom with The SpineBuster. BlockBuster/Samoan Drop Combination for a two count. Enofe tags in Blade. Frazer fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Axiom SuperKicks Enofe. Frazer with The SuperPlex. SuperKick/BrainBuster Combination for a two count. Frazer tags in Axiom. Frazer goes for The Frog Splash, but Blade gets his knees up in the air. Blade kicks Axiom in the face. Blade with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Blade tags in Enofe. Double Twisting Slam for a two count. Blade dumps Frazer out of the ring. Frazer sends Blade crashing to the outside. Enofe goes for The Flying Elbow Drop, but Axiom ducks out of the way. Axiom tags in Frazer. Frazer delivers The Phoenix Splash. Frazer tags in Axiom. Axiom connects with The Golden Ratio to pickup the victory. After the match, The Wolf Dogs attack Axiom and Frazer from behind. Corbin challenges The Family to a title match for next week. Stacks accepts the challenge.
Winner: Axiom & Nathan Frazer via Pinfall
– Ilja Dragunov tells Kelly Kincaid that he’s here to get answers from Carmelo Hayes.
Ilja Dragunov & DIJAK SegmentÂ
Ilja Dragunov:Â Trick Williams. On Sunday night, we went to war. Trick, I don’t just respect you, I like you. But it doesn’t matter how much I respect or like you, because I couldn’t allow you to slay the mad dragon. Trick, at Vengeance Day, you gave me everything you had. And if there’s one man to beat me, you would be a worthy champion. But now, as the NXT Champion, it is my duty to call out one person. Carmelo Hayes. You have been attacking me with false accusations for the last couple of months. There was never any mental manipulation between me and Trick, no. But now we all can see your true colors. You snake couldn’t see your best friend reaching new heights at NXT. So, Melo, you come out, right now, because those people already gave it to you, verbally. But I will go beyond breaking you. You traitorous son of a bitch. What’s wrong, Melo, you can’t even look me in the eye, knowing that you have all the advantage of attacking me from behind? You come out right now or I will come out and find you, myself.
Dijak:Â No, no, no, no. Ilja, you can stay right there. Dude, why are you so obsessed with Trick and Melo? Shut the hell up, I’m talking. Do I? You’re obsessed with Trick and Melo. But you should be, because you are the NXT Champion, right? I saw what you did at Vengeance Day. And I’m willing to bet that you saw what I did to Joe Gacy at Vengeance Day, too, didn’t you? Look at us, just a couple of winners.
Ilja Dragunov: Dijak, this is not the time. And tonight is not the night. And I’m not the man you are looking out for.
Dijak: Shut up while I’m talking. Ilja, you like to call yourself, Unbesiegbar, right? I think you stand there, with a broken nose, and you’re feeling just a little bit regular, aren’t you? There’s nothing that you can do. I learn what it takes to beat Joe Gacy, and what it means to break a man who thinks he’s unbreakable.
Ilja Dragunov: I would advise you to step out of my way. You get it? Because my business tonight has to do with Melo. Now, trust me, on the day that our paths cross again, you will suffer like you have never suffered before. And you will realize why I am Unbesiegbar.
Dijak punches Dragunov. Dragunov tackles Dijak. All hell starts breaking loose in the ring.
– Jacy Jayne & Thea Hail are still on cloud nine over the sales of the 2024 Chase U Calendar. Jacy says that Thea can’t be too available to Riley Osborne. She’s never wrong so should listen to her and play hard to get.
– Von Wagner & Mr. Stone Vignette.
Second Match: Lexis King vs. Riley Osborne w/Chase University
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Osborne backs King into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. King pie faces Osborne. Osborne with a double leg takedown. Osborne transitions into a ground and pound attack. King drives his knee into the midsection of Osborne. King with a closed fist shot. King with a knife edge chop. King sends Osborne to the corner. Osborne dives over King. Osborne with a Back Body Drop. Osborne unloads three knife edge chops. Osborne dropkicks King to the floor. Osborne hits The Fosbury Flop. Osborne rolls King back into the ring. Osborne blocks a boot from King. Osborne with The Roundhouse Kick. King answers with The Kitchen Sink. King sends Osborne ribs first into the announce table.
King slams Osborne’s head on the ring apron. King with The Slingshot Double Foot Stomp. King drops Osborne with a Running CrossFace for a one count. King with hammer elbows. King applies the sitting abdominal stretch. Osborne with heavy bodyshots. King blocks The Overdrive. Osborne ducks a clothesline from King. Osborne with a diving clothesline. Osborne with a diving back elbow smash. King reverses out of the irish whip from Osborne. King goes for a knee lift, but Osborne rolls him over for a two count. Osborne bodyslams King. Osborne with a Running Knee Strike for a two count. Osborne is looking for Thea Hail who’s not sitting in the Chase U Student Section. King SuperKicks Osborne. King connects with The Draping Coronation to pickup the victory.
Winner: Lexis King via PinfallÂ
– Kelani Jordan Vignette.
– Kiana James and Izzi Dame starts bulling Brinley Reece in the locker room.
Second Carmelo Hayes Promo
Carmelo Hayes:Â The villain is always the villain when the hero is telling the story. But why is that nobody wants to hear my side? Trick, I’m not jealous of your success. I allowed you to succeed. I wanted you to achieve the highest of highs in this business. I wanted you to make your parents proud. And just when you got close enough, I had to be the one to take it away from you, just to remind you of your place, just to remind you what happens when you cross me, when you bite the hands that feeds you. Because the truth of the matter is, Trick, you crossed me, first. We had an agreement. You were going to go after the North American Championship, and I was going to go after the NXT Championship. But you, you let all of these people get in your head and started to believe your own hype. You believed that you and I were on the same level. No way. Trick, you went behind my back, and you went after something that belong to me. And at that very moment, I knew I did what I had to do. So, the million-dollar question that everybody wants to know. Did I attack Trick Williams? You’re damn right, I did, and I would do it again if he crossed me.
– Melo used the old Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart Trick during this segment, where Trick Williams theme music started playing, but he didn’t show up.
Carmelo Hayes: Man, I can’t get nothing past you guys. Trick Williams isn’t coming back. He’s laid up in a hospital bed next to Booker T, chanting that stupid ass song. Hey, I don’t know why everybody is so surprised. I’ve been this way the entire time. I’m the coldest. I’m Melo. You’re talking about a two-time North American Champion. I’m talking about a two-day North American Champion. Trick and I are not the same. You got so caught up in these headlines, that you pushed your own boy to the sidelines. You and everybody else here needs to know that nothing on this brand gets passed without being ran through Carmelo Hayes. So, Trick, you wanted to be like Melo so bad. You started to wear your glasses like Melo. You slide into the apron like Melo. Wearing the same gear as Melo. But at the end of the day, you are just a trick. This was never a collaboration, Trick. You were always my hype man. That’s all it is, and that is all you will ever be.
– Who is the man with three faces? Another cryptic vignette airs.
– Oba Femi Vignette.
Third Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Lola ViceÂ
Perez dodges The Windmill Kick. Perez with a Lou Thez Press. Perez transitions into a ground and pound attack. Vice regroups on the outside. Perez lands The Suicide Dive. Perez with a shot the midsection of Vice. Perez slams Vice’s head on the ring apron. Perez with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Perez is raining down forearm shivers. Vice blocks The Side Russian Leg Sweep. Vice drives her knee into the midsection of Perez. Vice with rapid fire shoulder kicks. Vice poses for the crowd. Vice nails Perez with The Running Hip Attack for a two count. Vice with an Axe Kick to Perez’s back. Vice puts her knee on the back of Perez’s neck. Perez rocks Vice with a forearm smash. Perez with a knee lift. Perez drops Vice with a Running Uppercut. Perez with a diving shoulder tackle. Perez with another running uppercut. Perez transitions into a corner mount. Perez with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Vice kicks Perez in the ribs. Perez kicks Vice in the face. Perez ascends to the top turnbuckle. Vice with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Perez spills to the floor.
Vice has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Vice applies a rear chin lock. Perez with heavy bodyshots. Vice answers with a forearm smash. Vice whips Perez across the ring. Vice with two knee lifts. Perez rolls Vice over for a two count. Perez with forearm shivers. Perez with clubbing blows to Vice’s back. Vice reverses out of the irish whip from Perez. Perez with two flying axe handle strikes. Perez punches Vice. Perez with a basement dropkick. Perez pops back on her feet. Perez with a Running Uppercut. Perez with The Rolling Elbow. Perez follows that with The Side Russian Leg Sweep. Perez with a Double Springboard MoonSault for a two count. Perez goes for The CrossFace, but Vice rolls her over for a two count. Perez with The Cazadora Facebuster for a two count. Perez delivers another Running Uppercut. Vice applies The Sleeper Hold. Perez backs Vice into the turnbuckles. Perez with an inside cradle for a two count. Perez with a Spinning Back Kick. Vice blocks The Pop Rocks. Vice drops Perez with The Spinning Back Fist for a two count. Vice gets distracted by Tatum Paxley. Vice kicks Paxley off the ring apron. Perez with a Spinning Back Kick. Perez connects with The Pop Rocks to pickup the victory.
Winner: Roxanne Perez via PinfallÂ
– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Meta Four. Lash Legend is not impressed with Wren Sinclair at all. They are levels above her and Fallon Henley. Kelly wanted to get Noam Dar’s thoughts on Von Wagner’s continued pursuit of the Heritage Cup. They are the dream team, and they are going to put an end to Wagner and Stone next week. The No Quarter Catch Crew joins the conversation. They hinted at getting a shot at the Heritage Cup.
Fourth Match: Fallon Henley & Wren Sinclair vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson w/Meta FourÂ
Fallon Henley and Lash Legend will start things off. Quick shoving contest. Legend rocks Henley with a forearm smash. Legend takes a swipe at Sinclair. Henley jumps on Legend’s back. Legend backs Henley into the turnbuckles. Sinclair tags herself in. Henley slaps Legend in the chest. Legend catches Sinclair in mid-air. Henley dropkicks Legend into a pinning predicament for a two count. Sinclair applies a front face lock. Legend drives Sinclair back first into the turnbuckles. Legend tags in Jackson. Jackson with a leaping back elbow smash. Jackson with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Jackson chops Sinclair. Jackson drives Sinclair face first into the canvas. Jackson knocks Henley off the ring apron. Sinclair rolls Jackson over for a one count. Sinclair applies a side headlock. Legend tags herself in. Jackson whips Sinclair across the ring. Sinclair kicks Jackson in the face. Legend blocks a boot from Sinclair. Legend with a big forearm smash. Assisted Seated Senton on Sinclair’s back.
Legend talks smack to Sinclair. Legend tugs on Sinclair’s hair. Legend pulls Sinclair down to the mat. Legend with a Big Splash for a two count. Legend tags in Jackson. Legend with clubbing blows to Sinclair’s chest. Jackson drops Sinclair with a Running Boot for a two count. Meta Four repeatedly stomps on Sinclair’s chest. Jackson hooks the outside leg for a two count. Jackson applies the bow and arrow stretch. Jackson with The Kitchen Sink for a two count. Jackson goes for a Bodyslam, but Sinclair lands back on her feet. Sinclair with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. Jackson stops Sinclair in her tracks. Sinclair uses her feet to create seperation. Sinclair tags in Henley. Henley with a diving clothesline. Henley with a diving back elbow smash. Henley slaps Jackson in the chest. Henley with a straight right hand. Henley ducks a clothesline from Legend. Henley with a Springboard Bulldog/Dropkick Combination. Henley with a running back elbow smash. Henley follows that with a Spinning Face Plant for a two count. Jackson uses Legend for leverage. Legend drives Henley face first into the middle rope. Jackson dropkicks Henley. Legend and Sinclair are tagged in. Legend blocks The Spinning DDT. Legend connects with The Pop Up PowerBomb to pickup the victory.
Winner: Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson via PinfallÂ
– Josh Briggs tells Brooks Jensen to stop feeling sorry for himself. There’s an entire WWE Performance Center filled with superstars who are ready to take his spot. He can either sit and cry like he’s doing now, or he can grow a set and be a man. It’s time for Jensen to wake up.
– Jaida Parker tells Ava that OTM has unfinished business with The Family. Parker wants a one-on-one match with Adrianna Rizzo. However, OTM can’t be at ringside during the match. Ava tells Ridge Holland that he can run through Gallus, one member at a time.
– Next week on NXT, Kiana James battles Brinley Reece.
Fifth Match: Ilja Dragunov vs. DIJAKÂ Â
Forearm Exchange. Dijak with a back elbow smash. Dragunov kicks Dijak in the gut. Chop Exchange. Dragunov ducks a clothesline from Dijak. Dragunov with Two German Suplex’s. Dijak with two sharp elbow strikes. Dijak breaks the grip with a closed fist shot. Dijak kicks Dragunov in the face. Dijak punches Dragunov in the back. Dijak is mauling Dragunov in the corner. Dijak slaps Dragunov in the chest. Dijak slams Dragunov’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Dragunov decks Dijak with a back elbow smash. Dragunov unloads a series of chops. Dragunov with a Running Knee Strike. Dragunov with a Diving Knee Drop. Dragunov ascends to the top turnbuckle. Dragunov dives over Dijak. Dragunov with The Helluva Kick. Dragunov pulls Dijak down to the mat. Dragunov gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Dijak SuperKicks Dragunov to the floor. Dijak punches Dragunov in the back. Dijak drives his knee into the midsection of Dragunov. Dijak rolls Dragunov back into the ring. Dragunov slaps Dijak in the face. Dijak responds with a big right hand. Dijak with an elbow drop for a one count. Dragunov tells Dijak to bring it.
Dijak with a forearm smash. Dijak is choking Dragunov with his boot. Dijak repeatedly stomps on Dragunov’s chest. Dijak with repeated back elbows in the corner. Dijak with an overhand chop. Dijak follows that with a Vertical Toss for a two count. Dragunov with two knife edge chops. Dragunov’s back starts giving out. Dijak with a falling sledge. Dijak stomps on the midsection of Dragunov. Dijak applies a rear chin lock. Dragunov HeadButts Dijak. Second Forearm Exchange. Dijak avoids The Step Up Enzuigiri. Dijak drives Dragunov face first into the canvas. Dragunov blocks The Feast Your Eyes. Dragunov with a Running Boot. Dijak SuperKicks Dragunov. Dragunov with a Pump Kick. Dijak drops Dragunov with The Cyclone Boot. Dragunov responds with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Dragunov is busted open. Dijak fish hooks Dragunov.
Dragunov with a Running Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles. Dragunov with a Senton Bomb for a two count. Dragunov kicks Dijak in the back. Dragunov with clubbing boot scrapes. Dragunov with The Face Wash. Machine Gun Chops. Dijak with a knee lift. Dijak delivers High Justice for a two count. Dijak is lighting up Dragunov’s chest. Dragunov grabs Dijak by his throat. Dragunov with repeated headbutts. Dragunov with a Discus Chop. Dragunov chops the left knee of Dijak. Dragunov chops the back of Dijak’s neck. Dragunov goes for The Constantine Special, but Dijak counters with an Inside Out Lariat. Dijak with The Springboard Elbow Drop. Dragunov responds with a Running Pump Knee Strike. Joe Gacy attacks Dijak behind the referee’s back. Dragunov connects with The H-Bomb to pickup the victory. After the match, Carmelo Hayes attacks Dragunov from behind with a chop block. Hayes transitions into a ground and pound attack. Hayes clocks Dragunov with The NXT Championship as the show goes off the air.
Winner: Ilja Dragunov via Pinfall
Checkout Episode 398 of The Hoots Podcast