- FTR vs. House of Black
- ROH Tag Title Proving Ground Match: The Kingdom vs. Bryan Keith & Komander
- Darby Allin & Sting vs. The WorkHorsemen
- AEW Continental Crown: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Trent
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 1/6/24
Live from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina! Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness, and Kevin Kelly are on commentary and we’re welcoming Ric Flair to the ring!
Match #1. Darby Allin & Sting vs. The WorkHorsemen
Henry attacks Darby before the bell but Sting clotheslines Drake after a Flair chop. Henry has a chair and hits Darby, then Sting, but Sting doesn’t care and does Sting things. Leg kick by Henry to Sting and a running dropkick in the corner to Darby. Darby finally gets in the ring as does Henry, and the match finally starts. Snap mare by Henry and a diving headbutt off the top by Drake. Two count. Powerbomb by Henry on his knees to Darby! Another two count. Darby crawls to Sting but Drake knocks him off the apron. Big belly-to-belly by Drake to Darby. Moonsault by Drake but he misses! Running Code Red by Darby and a tag to Sting. Stinger Splash in the corner! Henry gets the tag and Sting clotheslines him over the top rope. Coffin Drop by Darby to the floor and a Scorpion Death Drop to Drake finishes this one.
Winners: Sting & Darby Allin
Rating: **1/2. I know there wasn’t a lot to this but it was an absolute blast while it lasted. WorkHorsemen are the perfect opponents and this is exactly how Sting should be used.
Match #2. AEW Continental Crown: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Trent
Trent ducks a chop and delivers a forearm, only to get chopped anyway and a snap mare. Kingston misses a corner clothesline and Trent gets a one count after a tornado DDT. Snap mare by Trent and some boots on the ground. Kingston tries to fight up but Trent delivers a snap suplex. Chops in the corner by Trent but Eddie reverses an Irish whip and fires back with some chops of his own and a chop to the face. Trent seems to have taken that chop straight on, as he rolls to the outside and the referee checks on him. Trent finally rolls back in the ring and it looks like his nose exploded, as there’s blood everywhere. Kingston now targets the nose with straight punches. Trent tries a plancha to the outside but Kingston once again just punches him in the face. Kingston in control as we go to PIP. Facewash in the corner, but Trent’s mom Sue is at ringside! Trent gets the boots up and looks for another tornado DDT, but Kingston swipes the boots out and Trent lands hard on the top turnbuckle. Kingston charges but Trent connects with a rising knee to the face and both men are down. Kingston gets sent to the apron and Trent dropkicks him to the floor. Suicide dive by Trent as Sue looks on. Back in the ring, Trent connects with a sunset flip powerbomb that gets two. Dudebuster attempt by Trent but Kingston blocks it and connects with t-bone suplex. Kingston back up with the Ghetto Blaster and a DDT for two. Trent ducks under and plants Kingston with a pair of German suplexes. Make that three. Sexy Chucky Knee connects! Gotch Style Piledriver by Trent! One, two, no! Kingston barely kicks out at 2.99999. FIGHTING SPIRIT. Both guys trade chops and elbows and Kingston gets dropped. Half-and-half suplex by Trent. Trent looks for the lariat but Kingston ducks underneath. Exploder by Kingston and the spinning back fist. Northern Light’s Bomb by Kingston gets the–no! Trent kicks out! High angle brainbuster by Kingston! One, two, three!
Winner and STILL AEW Continental Crown Champion: Eddie Kingston
Rating: ****. Yup, this ruled. The blood added a certain level of intensity and I feel like as long as Eddie is the champion, that’s what these matches are going to look like. Fantastic, hard hitting, singles wrestler G1-run like stuff here from Trent.
Tony Schiavone was backstage with Willow and Kris Statlander. Willow doesn’t want to focus on Stokely, she wants to focus on the momentum they both have. Statlander agrees, and has her pet iguana on her shoulder, to boot.
Hook cuts a promo on the roof of a car and says he’s coming for Samoa Joe, and the world title.
Match #3. Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground Match: Bryan Keith & Komander vs. The Kingdom
Ten-minute time limit, Keith and Komander win and they get a future title shot. Komander with a pair of boots to Taven and an enziguiri followed by a springboard hurricanrana. Keith gets the tag and hits a big boot to Taven. Bennett makes a blind tag and flattens Keith with an elbow. Hard chops by Bennett and a tag to Taven, who delivers a suplex and gets a one count. Spinebuster by Bennett and a lionsault by Taven before we go to commercial break. We’re back as Bennett sling shots Keith into an enziguiri by Taven, and a springboard elbow drop to Keith, who’s draped on the knees of Bennett. Bennett legal now with big chops but he runs into a boot of Keith. Bennett charges again and gets sent into the turnbuckles with an overhead belly-to-belly. Komander gets the tag and it’s a tornado DDT to Taven. Big boot to Bennett on the apron. Taven shoves Komander off and goes up top but Keith hits a running headbutt .Superplex off Keith’s shoulders by Komander to Taven! Keith in now with a big boot to Bennett. Huge assisted dive to the outside by Komander, taking out both men. Keith looks for a piledriver but settles for a knee to the face. Piledriver by Keith but Bennett flattens him with a lariat. Piledriver to Komander. Just the Tip to Keith and the powerbomb/Zig Zag combo finishes this one.
Winners: The Kingdom
Rating: ***1/4. This was a heck of a match down the stretch and you could feel the sense of urgency. Keith is a stud and a diamond in the rough for AEW.
Bullet Club Gold are here with Renee, and here come The Acclaimed. Tempers flare but Bowens calms everything down and says that the only way to get to the top is through factions. Bowens says all the guys here know a thing or two about them, so let’s think about it.
Adam Copeland is here! Copeland reminds us he beat Cage for the title, and now Christian says he goes to the back of the line. Copeland says he doesn’t care who it is, he outworks everyone. Copeland says he will stand in the middle of the ring and wait for someone to come out
Here comes Maria Kanellis with Griff Garrison and Cole Karter. Garrison says Copeland needs to show him some respect. Copeland says he’s stepping up from below sea level to Mt. Everest. Garrison slaps him in the face and Copeland says that makes him like him even more, and here we go…
Match #4. Cole Karter vs. Adam Copeland
Half and half suplex by Copeland and a big back body drop. Clothesline by Copeland. Copeland looks for a spear but Kanellis grabs the leg, allowing Carter to distract on the far side and Garrison hits a big boot. Garrison putting the boots to Copeland in the corner. Back suplex into a sit-out face buster by Garrison. Copeland is up and hits a flapjack on Garrison. Dropkick to Karter on the apron and a diving crossbody off the top to Garrison. Copeland looks for a spear but Garrison counters with a discus elbow. Long two count. Garrison goes up top but Copeland catches him with punches and then superplexes him to the mat. Elevated DDT by Copeland and he locks in a crossface with a keylock on the close arm and Garrison taps immediately.
Winner: Adam Copeland
Rating: **. Far more than I anticipated it to be, but Garrison got a chance to show some fire here.
After the match, Cole Karter hits the ring with a dropkick. Karter goes up top, in construction boots, and misses a 450. Spear by Copeland!
Sting, Ric Flair, and Darby Allin are in the back with an absolutely hilariously unhinged promo about their return to Daley’s Place next week against Don Callis Family.
Match #5. Skye Blue vs. Kiera Hogan
Hogan with a pair of slaps and a drop toe hold that sends Blue onto the middle rope. Running hip attack and a superkick gets two. Blue grabs Hogan by the hair from behind and hits a pair of elbows before a running boot to the head. The fight spills to the floor where Blue suplexes Hogan. Back in the ring, Hogan misses a step up leg drop. Both men trade elbows with Blue sending Hogan to the mat face-first. Blue comes off the top rope but Hogan counters with a thrust kick to the face. Facebuster by Hogan and a pair of sliding kicks in the corner to Blue. Rude Awakening by Hogan gets two. Hogan goes up top but Blue catches her and tucks her head underneath the buckle before superkicking her. Fall away slam by Blue before rolling back into a Dragon Sleeper/Camel Clutch combination… and Hogan taps.
Winner: Skye Blue
Rating: **. This was fine. Blue is building some nice momentum with wins like this, and getting some ring time.
Match #6. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Andrew Everett
Everett starts with a dropkick but Claudio body slams the soul out of him. Chokeslam by Claudio. Everett rolls to the outside so Claudio follows with a running European uppercut over the guard rail. Back inside the ring, it’s a Giant Swing for ten revolutions. Hard hammer throw in the corner by Claudio. Everett comes back with a Pele kick and a high kick from the apron. Everett goes up top but misses a Shooting Star Press. Neutralizer and a short-arm lariat finish this one.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli
Rating: NR
Claudio challenges Hangman to a fight on Wednesday!
Renee is with Big Bill and Starks, who challenge Le Sex Gods to a title match next Saturday at Battle of the Belts.
Match #7. House of Black vs. FTR
Double shots to the gut and a double Russian Leg Sweep by FTR. One count as Matthews tags in Black. Shoulder blocks by Dax and Black drops down. Black evades all of Harwood’s strikes and then takes a seat, criss-cross apple sauce. Dax drops down and flips Black off, so Black bails to the outside and moves towards Dax’s family, who’s seated in the front row. Back from commercial and Cash hits a drop toe hold on Matthews and Dax delivers a running elbow drop. Dax runs into a back elbow and Black gets the tag. Running low dropkick by Black gets a one count. Cash gets the tag but Black sweeps out his leg on the apron and Matthews back suplexes him on the apron. Corner moonsault by Black to Cash on the floor! Roundhouse kicks by Black now and a knee drop back inside the ring. Cash is in the far corner and Black charges, but gets sent in Matthews and Cash almost makes the tag, but Matthews pump kicks Dax preventing it. Matthews sends Cash into Black, but Cash catches Matthews jumping in mid-air with a powerslam. Dax finally gets the tag and clears the ring with forearms and clotheslines. Mounted punches in the corner to Black and then a dive off to Buddy, who was waiting. Back body drop to Matthews and a sheer drop brainbuster to Black. Two count. O’Connor roll by Dax but Black sends him into Matthews, who was waiting with an enziguiri from the apron. Spinning back elbow by Black gets a two count. Cash pulls Matthews to the outside and that allows Dax to take advantage inside the ring, crotching Black on teh top rope. Powerplex! One, two… NO! Matthews comes flying off the top with a Meteora to Cash and everyone goes crashing down on top of the Dax pin. Cash tries a suicide dive on Black and Matthews but gets caught, and popped up into a pair of high knees. Cash then gets sent crashing over the announcer’s table as Black grabs a chair and approaches the ring. Black stares at Dax’s family as he holds the chair, but Dax fights back with fists to everyone. Black gets dumped to the floor and Cash is here out of nowhere… Shatter Machine to Cash! One, two, Black is here to make the save! Black and Cash fight on the apron, but Dax is here and blasts Black from behind. Spike Piledriver on the apron! Brody King is making his way down the ramp, but Daniel Garcia is here with a chair! Garcia blasts King with a chair and cheers on FTR! Dax crawls in but Matthews is waiting for him and curb stomps him over the bottom rope! Liger Bomb by Matthews and he stacks Dax, but Dax rolls through the stack and gets the roll up for the win!
Winners: FTR
Rating: ****. Boy did this one start slow, but it seems like it had to start that way in order to get through the two commercial breaks. Once we came back from commercial, this was everything anyone could have wanted. All four wrestlers are so good, but it’s great to see Black and Matthews.
Cash gets curb stomped on the chair as House of Black attacks after the bell. Spinning back kick with a chair to Dax. Rikishi Driver by King. to Garcia. House of Black stands tall to end the show.
Final Thoughts: An entertaining, but “muddy” episode of Collision tonight. Felt to me like a lot of the show was announced or thrown together last minute, but the matches still delivered. All AEW shows are better when there is a thread, and an obvious main event, and we didn’t necessarily get either. The matches, as I said, were great. The main event added a nice layer to the feud between HOB and FTR, Eddie Kingston’s title reign is going to be very fun to watch, and I’m invested in Claudio and Hangman next week. 8.0/10.Â