- AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida vs. Abadon
- AR Fox vs. Jay White
- Dax Harwood vs. Ricky Starks
- Samoa Joe vs. Rhett Titus
- AEW World Heavyweight Championship: MJF (c) vs. Kenny Omega
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 10/28/23
Live from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut! Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness, and Kevin Kelly are on commentary and it’s Guns Up, baby.
Match #1. Jay White w/ Bullet Club Gold vs. AR Fox
A video package of AR Fox is show in the small box during his entrance, which is a nice touch for those who may not be so familiar with him. Lock up to start and a headlock takeover by White. Shoulder blocks by White and hard chops in the corner. Bottom rope assisted cutter by Fox for two. Enziguiri by Fox sends White to the outside. Pump kick off the apron and a running shooting star press off the middle rope. Leg trip by Fox but White steps on the shin and sends Fox into the corner with a half and half suplex. Chops by White and Fox is reeling. Hip toss by White and another chop to a seated Fox. One count. Fox asks for more chops and gets cut off with a running back elbow. Running clothesline in the corner by White and a DDT for a long two count as we head to commercial. White sends Fox into the guard rail on the outside throughout the PIP… as Juice and The Gunns celebrate. Snap suplex by White. Two count. White looks for a Death Lock by Fox gets to the ropes. Elbows to the back of the head by White but Fox fires some elbows back. Fox sends White to the apron and White misses a dive, Fox follows with a senton to White, sprints to the far side and takes out the rest of the Bullet Club Gold with a tope, and then another tope on the other side for Jay White! Spinning vertical suplex back inside the ring by Fox. Swanton gets two! White gets set up on the top turnbuckle, but he fights off Fox momentarily, only for Fox to rebound with a jumping seated Spanish Fly! One, two, no! 450 by Fox but White moves! Fox ducks a clothesline and kips up, right into a sleeper suplex. Blade Runner finishes this one!
Winner: Jay White
Rating: ***1/2. Nice win for White as he builds even more momentum heading into Full Gear. Fox is a good opponent because the fans enjoy him, he’s got fun offense, and he makes his opponents look great.
MJF is here and tries to steal the belt back, but he couldn’t pry it away! Crowd chants for MJF as he escapes to the back.
Match #2. The Boys vs. The Gunn Club
Dalton Castle walks the boys out, and then walks to the back. The Gunns are already in the ring. Colten cuts off Boy 1 and puts the boots to him in the corner. Lariat to Boy 2 by Austin. 3:10 to Yuma.
Winners: The Gunn Club
Rating: NR
Danhausen… very nice. Very evil. SEE YOU SOON.
Ryan Nemeth is with Lexi, and he needs management…. so he’s knocking on the door of CJ Perry. Miro’s in there. Uh oh.
Match #3. AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Abadon
Fright Night Fight so it seems to be NO DQ, as the ring is covered with Halloween decor. Running dropkick by Shida after she hits her with a tombstone. Mounted punches in the corner by Shida and a missile dropkick. Abadon tries to pull Shida under the ring before disappearing and reappearing out the other side. Abadon in control with random Halloween plunder throughout the commercial. Shida fires some elbows back and connects with a running knee. Shida goes up top with a witch’s broom and misses, before a double clothesline and both women are down. Abadon grabs a black baseball bat, but Shida uses it to choke Abadon out… momentarily. Abadon connects with a huge lariat as blood and a mystery black substance come out of her mouth. Abadon dumps candy into the ring and hits a Blockbuster off the top for two. Abadon has a pumpkin to use as a weapon, but Shida hits her on top of the head with a kendo stick. Running knee gets two. Shida puts a pumpkin on Abadon’s head and finishes this one with the Kitana.
Winner: Hikaru Shida
Rating: **. This was… fine. Fans seems to enjoy it with the Halloween-ness but it was something that existed.
Toni Storm is here and she runs down to ringside before laying on the announcer’s table, a la a centerfold.
Keith Lee and Shane Taylor continue their war of words.
Match #4. Ring of Honor World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Rhett Titus
Code of Honor is adhered to and here we go. Some heavy elbows by Titus but Joe cuts him off with a running back elbow. Jabs from Joe in the corner and an enziguiri. Joe runs into a big boot and Titus comes off the top with a crossbody, but Joe does Joe things and walks away. Hard chops by Joe but a pair of running boots in the corner by Titus. A third boot but he gets caught in the JoeANage. Kokina Clutch finishes this one.
Winner and STILL ROH World TV Champion: Samoa Joe
Rating: NR
QTV is here with Renee, and QT Marshall is back. QT says he’s back in AEW and he’s going to defend his AAA Latin American title against the best luchadores AEW has to offer.
Claudio Castagnoli says Bryan Danielson suffered a broken orbital bone, either due to the Orange Punch or the Rainmaker. Okada will pay, eventually, but Cassidy will pay this week.
Match #5. Ricky Starks vs. Dax Harwood
The lights go out as Dax hits the ring, and the House of Black appear in the crowd. Both men trade wrist locks and body slams to start. Dax looks for a diving headbutt off the top but Starks moves and goes old school. Starks misses a leg drop on the apron and Dax sends him crashing to the floor. Baseball slide by Dax but Starks moves and catches Dax under the ring skirt. Snap suplex on the ramp by Starks! Both men make it back to the ring as Starks heads up top for a missile dropkick that gets a two count. Back from break as Dax brings Starks crashing to the floor with a superplex. Starks ducks a few clotheslines and fires back with a jumping one of his own. RoShamBo is countered with some stiff right hands. Inside cradle by Dax gets two. Huge clothesline off the apron by Dax for two. Tornado DDT by Starks but Dax counters with a big brainbuster. Two count. Dax misses a charge in the corner but plants Starks with a piledriver. Dax covers for a two but Big Bill pulls Dax out of the ring, breaking up the pin and causing a distraction. The referee ushers Bill to the back but Starks plants Dax with a piledriver of his own and covers him for the win.
Winner: Ricky Starks
Rating: ***. Nice match here but I had higher hopes for this one. Dax has been a heck of a single’s wrestler and Starks is on a roll. It wasn’t bad, just wasn’t what it was capable of being.
After the match, the lights go out and the House of Black hits the ring, joining Bill and Starks against FTR.
La Faccion Ingobernable is here!
Rush, Preston Vance, and Dralistico hit the ring, but brawl with the House of Black! Starks and Bill hightail it in the melee.
Lexi Nair is with Andrade. Lexi brings up the fact we saw Andrade speak to CJ Perry last week. This is Andrade’s business, and nobody else.
Back from break and Lexi is back again with Kris Statlander, who requested time to talk with Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue. Statlander says that Willow or Skye should have been in that match tonight, and Willow wants to know what’s going on with Skye. Skye says she’ll take it up with Julia herself.
Match #6. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tracy Williams
Claudio storms to the ring. European uppercuts the heck out of Hot Sauce. Finito.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli
Rating: NR
Claudio stretches Williams after the match with a cross face.
The main event is up next, as we see Omega and MJF preparing in a split-screen. Samoa Joe approaches MJF and says he could be his friend, as long as he gets his rematch. Joe said he’d never put the ultimatum on the champ, but if he finds himself in a bad way, he’s just go to scream Joe’s name… and he’ll be his friend.
Match #7. AEW World Heavyweight Championship: MJF (c) vs. Kenny Omega
Jim Ross has joined the commentary table, and it’s a big fight feel, baby! Omega has been champ just three days longer than MJF, so this is a chance to defend his streak. Crowd is of course on their feet with a “holy s” chant before the match even starts. Arm ringer by Omega as MJF flips out and Omega again reverses. Counter-for-counter here to start and a stalemate. MJF ducks a clothesline and struts over Omega. Omega cartwheels past a clothesline attempt and MJF rolls him up for two. Both men trade head lock takeovers and a kip up, but Omega stumbles briefly. MJF hushes the crowd and extends the arm in “sportsmanship”. Omega accepts the hand and gets his eye poked. “He’s out scum bag” chants as MJF gets elevated over the top and to the floor. Omega follows up with a big tope to the floor. Omega looks to the crowd as MJF hits a Fosbury Flop! Diving crossbody block back inside the ring by Omega gets two. Hurricanrana by Omega is blocked into a powerbomb on the knee by MJF. Two count. Headlock by MJF now. MJF now focuses the attack on the arm, in preparation for the Salt of the Earth. Huge hanging hammerlock DDT by MJF! Two count. MJF calls for the V-Trigger but Omega sees it coming and catches him with a snap dragon! Axe handles by Omega. Drop step and a Kitaro Crusher gets two. Straightjacket by Omega but MJF gets to the ropes. MJF gets clotheslined over the top rope and Omega moonsaults to the outside from the top turnbuckle! MJF rolls back in the ring and Omega comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick to the back of the shoulders. You Can’t Escape by Omega! MJF gets the iknees up on the moonsault and both men are down. Clotheslines and back elbows by MJF now and a big body slam. MJF bounces Omega’s head off the top turnbuckle and then mounts him in the corner with ten punches… and a bite on the head. Arm ringer into the turnbuckle by MJF. MJF wants the Kangaroo Kick and he connects! Omega falls to the outside as we hit a quick commercial break. Back from break with a baseball slide by Omega that sends MJF right into the announcer’s table. Omega looks for a table on the far side of the ring. Sunset flip by Omega in the ring gets two. Both men trade pins for two but neither gets the win. Buckle bomb by Omega but MJF reels out of the corner with a huge lariat. Both men are down. Both men are up and now on the apron by the table. Big knee to the face by Omega, who now looks for the snap dragon on the apron and GETS IT! BRUTAL landing here. Omega sees the table now and wants the Doctor Bomb off the apron to the floor and HITS IT! HOLY S CHANTS. The doctor is here to check on both guys and once they both get the OK, referee Paul Turner looks to start the count. Right hand by Omega. Right hand by MJF. Omega getting the better of the strikes but MJF pokes him in the eye. V-Trigger by Omega! Rolling elbow by MJF! Another V-Trigger by Omega! One Winged Angel attempt but MJF counters with a poisonrana. Poisonrana by Omega! Everyone is down! V-Trigger by Omega and MJF looks like he’s out. Kamigoye attempt but MJF counters with an arm ringer. Made in Japan by MJF! Two count. MJF looks for the double underhook shoulder breaker followed by a superkick. Omega counters a brainbuster with a spinning brainbuster of his own. Piledriver by Omega gets a two count. MJF rolls to the floor and Omega follows, sorting through the table shrapnel. Omega wants a powerbomb on top of the guard rail and he gets it, as MJF screams about his ribs. Omega rolls MJF back in the ring, despite the referee not counting. Omega heads up top but MJF falls into the top rope, crotching Omega. MJF follows Omega up top but Omega drops him face-first on the top turnbuckle. Running V-Trigger to the back of the head, on the turnbuckle. Snap dragon by Omega. Running V-Trigger and Omega only gets a two count. Omega calls for another V-Trigger and he hits it. Again. One Winged Angel attempt by Omega and here comes Don Callis with a screwdriver. MJF rolls him up from behind for two. Omega rolls through for two. V-Trigger to a seated MJF! Two count. Callis is on the apron and Paul Turner throws him out. One Winged Angel again but MJF rolls through for two. Omega for two. Omega misses a charge and finds himself on the apron… Heat Seeker by MJF! One, two, no! Both men are down and MJF goes up top, saying this one’s for Adam! Panama Sunrise countered by Omega for a long two. Up and over by Omega but MJF superkicks him upside down. Panama Sunrise by MJF! Heat Seeker by MJF and that will do it!
Winner and STILL AEW World Heavyweight Champion: MJF
Rating: ****1/2. What more can you ask for in a main event? Omega brought everything to MJF but couldn’t finish the job, mainly because he couldn’t hit the One Winged Angel. MJF’s nod to Adam Cole was great, the crowd was invested the entire way through, and it didn’t overstay it’s welcome clocking in just about 30 minutes. Outstanding professional wrestling match. Omega’s gripe can now continue with Don Callis and company.
Final Thoughts: They could have shown nothing but QTV until the main event and this show still would have been great. The main event delivered, exactly as you’d expect, further cementing MJF. The House of Black and LFI back on AEW TV is a great move, and hopefully they can make those Trios championships even more important. The rest of the show was fine but like, go out of your way to watch the main event right now. 9/10.