- Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament: CM Punk vs Samoa Joe
- Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament: Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
- Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament: Athena vs. Willow Nightingale
- AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator: FTR (c) vs. Bullet Club Gold
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 7/8/23
Reminiscent of Saturday Night’s Main Event, we get short vignettes from everyone competing in the Owen Hart Foundation tonight. Awesome.
Live from the Brandt Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada! Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness are on the call tonight so let’s get to business.
CM Punk walks to the ring in street clothes, completely cold, with no music other than the “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting” intro. Punk has a big match against Joe and he doesn’t want to take up a lot of time. Punk says if Joe had a dream about beating Punk then he better wake up and apologize. Punk has missing teeth because of Joe, scars like a road map on his face. Punk doesn’t want to hear anyone’s name being chanted tonight other than Owen Hart, and the fans oblige. If it wasn’t for Owen Hart then Punk might not be here right now, and that goes the same for the rest of the locker room. Punk is going to leave everything in that ring for himself, for the fans, and for Owen.
Match #1. Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament: Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs w/ QT Marshall, Aaron Solow, and Harley Cameron
Starks takes to Hobbs but Hobbs floors him with an elbow. Starks uses his speed and clotheslines Hobbs over the top rope. QT gets himself involved and trips up Starks as Hobbs now pounds on him in the corner. Starks fires up and back with right hands but a running back elbow sends Starks to the mat. Hammer throw by Hobbs sends Starks into the middle turnbuckle face-first. Sidewalk slam by Hobbs gets two. Hobbs has a bear hug locked in but Starks elbows his way out and fights back with rights and lefts as the crowd cheers on. Flying clothesline by Starks but Hobbs is able to push Starks back into the corner and deliver some clotheslines. Hobbs has Starks up onhis shoulders and climbs to the middle rope, but Starks gets free and powerbombs Hobbs out of the corner! Starks slips on a tornado DDT but delivers it anyway and he’s fired up. QT trips Starks up, allowing Hobbs to plant him with the spinebuster! However, Aubrey is fighting with QT on the apron and missing the cover. Hobbs gets up and gets in the face of QT, allowing Starks to shove Hobbs from behind and hit the spear. One, two, three!
Winner: Ricky Starks
Rating: ***. Good opening match here that was made better by a super hot crowd. Hobbs and Starks have a ton of chemistry together, and Hobbs losing was a shock here.
After the match, QT tries to apologize to Hobbs, who shoves him to the ground. Solow in now to keep the peace but he gets spinebustered by Hobbs! Crowd is losing it! Harley throws herself in front of Hobbs and he decides to bail.
“Nobody can hurt the man who has nothing left to covet.” – Miro.
Willow Nightingale is here and unfortunately she isn’t able to compete tonight as she isn’t medically cleared. Athena shows up and wonders if this Willow injury is legit? Athena was injured just getting to Regina. FOUR FLIGHTS IN COACH. The match has been moved to next week.
Match #2. Julia Hart vs. ???
I missed the other young ladies name so forgive me. Running back elbow by Hart. Hart chops the knee of her opponent and then locks in a hammerlock crossface for the win.
Winner: Julia Hart
Rating: NR. AEW clearly sees big things for Julia Hart and I can’t say I blame them.
Malakai Black is here, and explains that the reason he took Andrade’s mask is because Andrade did not become who he was until he took the mask off. Black became himself when he put his on.
Lexi Nair is here with Andrade. Andrade says he doesn’t hide behind his mask, his mask is everything to him. The mask is about his family, his culture, his country, and about all Latin people. When Andrade puts his mask on, he handles business, and when he takes the mask off, it’s time to fight, and time to win.
Match #3. AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator: FTR (c) vs. Bullet Club Gold
If the Bang Bang Gang wins, they get a shot at the championships. If they lose, they won’t get another shot as long as FTR are champions. White arm drags Dax a few times but retreats to his own corner. White pulls himself back to his corner and tags Juice, as Cash gets the tag on the other side. Pair of shoulder blocks by Juice and a monkey flip by Cash. All four men are in and it’s a hockey fight. Pair of do-se-dos and stereo German suplexes by FTR. The fight spills to the outside as we go to commercial. Back from break FTR with an assisted leg drop to Juice. Big dropkick by Cash gets two. Manhattan drop by Cash and ten mounted punches in the corner. White gets involved, allowing Juice to drop Cash on the apron with a gordbuster! White in now with a back breaker and a tag to Juice who plants Cash with a senton. Double leg by White and a Muta Lock to Cash as White spits on Dax! Dax hits the ring and breaks up the submission, but gets chastised by the referee and White follows him outside and throws him into the guardrail. Half and half suplex into the turnbuckle by White to Cash! Two count. Cash reverses a back suplex into a splash and both men are down. Juice comes in the ring as well but gets dumped by Cash, who gets dumped by White. Juice controls Cash with an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. Cash fights out and tags Dax who punches everyone in the face a lot and suplexes everyone. Juice gets dumped to the outside with a clothesline and cradles White for two. Pair of German suplexes by Dax. Standing switches but it’s a BRAINBUSTAHHH to White for two! White and Dax are up top and Dax and Juice meet them. Back suplex by Cash to Juice on the apron and White sends Dax crashing to the mat. Dax fights back to the top and it’s the Powerplex from FTR! One, two.. thre-no! Juice dumps Dax and it’s the Sleeper suplex by White to Cash and it’s BladeRunner attempt but Dax makes the save. Big Rig but Juice makes the save. Spike piledriver by FTR but Juice makes the save at 2.999! Juice posts Cash and dumps him out of the ring before tagging himself in. Blind tag after the Juice Box! Fisherman’s driver to Dax! Two count! Uranage to Cash but Dax catches White with a slingshot powerbomb! Running low elbow to White that lands on the chin but only gets two. Juice comes in and hits the side kick to Dax! Cash dumps Juice but White hits the Blade Runner to Cash! It’s down to Dax and Jay White. Hard chops exchanges in the center of the ring as Dax looks for a back suplex but Juice gets the blind tag. Roll up by Dax but White isn’t legal and Juice is, Juice grabs Dax… headlock driver! One, two, three!
Winners and Number 1 Contender for the AEW World Tag Team Championships: Bullet Club Gold
Rating: ****1/2. Just an absolute beast of a tag team match. FTR we know is great, but Juice and Jay White are absolutely stars now. I know people were down on the way that AEW introduced them, but man oh man has Bullet Club Gold become must see television. This match was an absolute classic tonight. I’d assume the rematch is at All In?
I take that back, next week it’s 2 out of 3 falls for the titles!
Match #4. Scorpio Sky vs. Action Andretti
Both men trade arm drags as Andretti locks in a top wrist lock. Big back breaker by Sky as we go into a commercial break. Back from break now as Andretti backflips over Sky and hits a knee combo and a back breaker into a neck breaker. Handspring back elbow by Andretti sends Sky to the floor. Suicide dive by Andretti. Spanish Fly by Andretti and a backflip double stomp. Shotgun dropkick by Andretti and a split-legged moonsault but Sky gets the knees up. Andretti throws a right elbow but Sky ducks underneath and finishes this one with the TKO.
Winner: Scorpio Sky
Rating: **1/4. A lot of this match happened in the commercial break but what we saw between the two was good stuff. Glad to have Sky back as he’s one of the more underrated guys on the roster.
Match #5. Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament: CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
Test of strength as Joe overpowers Punk. Punk responds with some chops but Joe throws him into the corner, to which Punk gets the boots up. Powerslam by Joe. Shin breaker by Joe as the focus is shifted to Punk’s leg. Body shots by Joe in the corner and some face scraping with the boot. Both men fight on the outside through the PIP. Joe in control so far the entire match, now with a neck vice in the center of the ring. Hard chops by Joe but the knee buckles as he hits the rope and Punk responds with a leg lariat. Flying knee by Punk in the corner and a bulldog attempt, but Joe puts the breaks on and locks in the rear naked choke. Back suplex by Punk. Both men swinging from their knees now. Jabs by Joe but a big boot by Punk. Knee strike by Punk in the corner. Two. Make that three. Short-arm clothesline by Punk. Punk looks for the Savage Elbow off the top and gets it, but only gets a two count. Punk looks for the GTS but the knee buckles and Joe locks in the crossface. Punk gets free but eats a bunch of Kawada kicks and a snap powerslam by Joe gets two. Both men struggle to their feet as Punk connects with a high kick. Two count. Punk goes up top but Joe trips him and looks for the Muscle Buster but Punk escapes. Swinging neckbreaker by Punk before attempting the GTS, but the knee buckles again and Joe locks in the rear naked choke, but Punk victory rolls him up for the win!
Winner: CM Punk
Rating: ***1/4. For the first time in ever, CM Punk beats Samoa Joe. Good match between two veterans with a hot crowd that felt like a big deal.
After the match, both men stare each other down as the fans chant “Owen Hart!” Joe extends the hand and Punk shakes it but Joe locks in the rear naked choke and Punk is out! Joe rolls to the outside and gets a chair, but here’s FTR to make the save for their buddy.
Final Thoughts: Did I mention how much I love Collision? It feels so different than anything else AEW puts together, and that’s a good thing. It looks different, it sounds different, the pacing is different, all of it. The Owen Hart Foundation Tournament has produced a lot of great matches so far, but I can’t help but wish there was something more for the winner to make it feel a bit more special. That said, the opener and the main event were a lot of fun, but the star of the show was FTR/Bang Bang Gang. Go out of your way to see that. 8.5/10.