Tis the season as AEW presents a special Dynamite this week, Holiday Bash!
- Roderick Strong vs. Komander
- AEW Women’s World Championship #1 Contender: Riho vs. Saraya
- Continental Classic Gold League: Rush (6) vs. Swerve Strickland (9)
- Continental Classic Gold League: Jay Lethal (0) vs. Mark Briscoe (0)
- Continental Classic Gold League: Jon Moxley (12) vs. Jay White (9)
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite: Holiday BashÂ
Live from The Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! Tony Schiavone, Taz, and Excalibur are here and we’re starting with Continental Classic action!
Match #1. Swerve Strickland (9) vs. Rush (6)
Both men trade head locks, tieres’, and arm drags and we’ve got a stalemate. Chops by Swerve but he misses a charge in the corner, and a second, and Rush rebounds with a flying elbow. Swerve retreats to the outside and Rush takes him out with a somersault plancha to the floor. Back in the ring, Rush flips everyone off and then punts Swerve in the face in the corner. Rush is TRANQUILO but Swerve dives for an armbar and Rush escapes. Rush boots to the midsection but Swerve counters and attacks the taped up left leg and thigh area of Rush. Swerve is favoring his shoulder, as well. Pump kick off the apron by Swerve but Rush catches him and flips him on the apron, on his injured shoulder. Rush now introduces Swerve to all of the guard rails. German suplex by Swerve on the outside and Rush pops up with a shotgun dropkick into the guardrail as both men are down. Swerve locks in a kneebar inside the ring as we go to PIP. Rebound German suplex by Swerve and both men connect on rolling elbows and pump kicks and now we’re both down. Swerve misses a kick and Rush lays in some chops before sending Swerve into the turnbuckle with an overhead belly-to-belly. Superman punch by Rush. Rush looks for the Bull’s Horns but the knee buckles. Swerve takes advantage with a single leg crab back before transitioning into a Stretch Muffler. Rush cradles Swerve for two. Rolling forearm by Rush and a straightjacket piledriver for two! Both men fight along the apron now, as Swerve charges and Rush sends him crashing to the ground with a belly-to-belly! Two count back inside the ring. Rush goes up top now but very gingerly, and misses a diving senton. Swerve is up top now, 450 splash! One count! Rush hulks up and fires off some strikes but Swerve catches him with a rolling Complete Shot. Vertical suplex by Swerve, he holds on, brainbuster! House Call by Swerve. Swerve goes up top… Swerve Stomp! One, two, three!
Winner: Swerve Strickland (12)
Rating: ***3/4. Heck of a battle between these two guys. Swerve is on FIRE and Rush brought it tonight. The injuries to both men throughout the tournament played nicely into this match.
Chris Jericho tells us that Kenny Omega ended up in the hospital after suffering the effects of diverticulitis, and he’s going to be out indefinitely. Jericho says that the Golden Jets opportunity against Starks and Big Bill will not happen at this moment, and that everyone is pulling for Kenny, as a “Kenny” chant breaks out through the arena. Jericho says he will be waiting for Kenny when he gets back and gives the Omega goodbye and goodnight. Very nice, real, honest segment.
Match #2. Mark Briscoe (0) vs. Jay Lethal (0)
For the second time tonight, my feed has gone completely black for 10-15 seconds, despite the AEW and TBS logo on the bottom right. Anyone else? Arm ringer by Lethal but a roll through by Mark and a head lock takeover. Both men trade hard chops now, going from corner to corner. Dropkick by Lethal but some Red Neck Kung Fu by Mark and a missle dropkick off the middle rope. Two count. Vertical suplex by Mark is blocked and Jay responds with one of his own. Mark on the apron now as Lethal connects with a handspring kick and a suicide dive to the floor. Lethal strut, baby. Lethal looks for a second dive but Mark catches and suplexes Lethal on the floor. Cactus Elbow off the apron! Back inside the ring and Mark connects with a brainbsuter that gets him a two count. Mark sends Jay into the turnbuckle and follows up with some shoulder blocks, before heading to the outside and throwing a chair in the ring for no reason. Flying elbow by Mark and a flying chop by Lethal, before planting Mark with the Lethal Combination. Lethal goes up top for the Savage Elbow but Mark catches him with a running palm strike. Spicy dropkick by Mark between the ropes, before setting up a chair inside the ring and using it to dive to the floor! Fans are on their feet! Lariat by Mark but Jay ducks it and hits a German suplex. Enziguiri by Lethal and a Torture Rack. Front flip with the Torture Rack by Lethal before the Savage Elbow lands! Two count. Mark fights back with a big clothesline and a Fisherman’s Buster! Two count. Crowd is on their feet again here. Rolling Death Valley Driver by Mark… Froggy Bow but Lethal gets the knees up! Lethal Injection by Lethal but Mark hits the ropes and misses a clothesline… Jay Driller by Jay Lethal! Two count! Mark is up and Lethal misses a clothesline and Mark traps the arm…Cutthroat Burning Hammer by Mark! JAY. DRILLER. ONE. TWO. THREE.
Winner: Mark Briscoe (3)
Rating: ****. I absolutely LOVE Mark Briscoe and I love Jay Lethal. This felt like old school Ring of Honor for me and enjoyed every second of it. Both men were eliminated from the tournament long ago, but it didn’t matter. This match was about pride, and it felt that way.
A recap of MJF joining the National Jewish Hall of Fame (which is in my hometown, btw) is shown.
Samoa Joe is here. Joe says every time The Devil attacks someone, you see footage of it, but when MJF was attacked, he was laying gingerly on the ground. Joe wants MJF to answer some questions, and here he comes. MJF reminds us that Joe called him his “property”, and MJF says Joe cared about his property as much as he does his diet. Since we’re throwing accusations around, MJF doesn’t recall the Devil’s goons laying a hand on him. MJF doesn’t like Joe, now he doesn’t trust Joe, so why is he waiting until World’s End on December 30th, when he can end Joe’s world right now?
MJF shoves Joe but Joe pushes him out of the way and the masked goons attack. Joe and MJF are back-to-back as each man is on the apron looking to enter the ring…
Lights out! Devil man pops up on screen.
“Where can you go?”
“Who can you trust?”
“Next weel, will you accept a challenge for your ROH World Tag Team Championship?”
Are you a hero, Max?”
Before MJF can even ask Joe, Joe grabs the mic and says he accepts!
Renee is with Best Friends. Rocky Romero says he wants to look at new International opportunities, and Cassidy accepts. That wasn’t what Rocky meant, but he’ll take it.
“Timeless” Toni Storm joins the commentary table.
Match #3. Riho vs. Saraya
Drop toe hold onto the middle rope by Riho. Saraha ducks out of a charge and regroups on the outside. Running head scissors on the outside of the ring. Make that two. Three. Saraya hides behind the security guard and boots Riho in the face. Saraya picks Riho up and swings her off of the barricade! Saraya beats on Riho throughout the break, but back inside the ring Riho connects with a 619 (Tiger Feint Kick). Riho slips off the top with a diving crossbody and connects awkwardly, getting a two kick. Riho goes back up top but Saraya connects with an anti-air superkick. Two count. Northern Light’s suplex by Riho gets two. Ruby Soho is shown watching from the back. Diving double knees from Riho and a running Meteora gets the win! Wow.
Winner: Riho
Rating: **. Well, didn’t see that one coming. The match kind of just existed, but Toni Storm on commentary was well worth the price of admission.
Toni Storm hits the ring and gets taken out by Riho, who looks for the 619 but Mariah May makes the save.
Tony Schiavone interrupts us with a prepared statement from Christian Cage. Christian says Oklahoma City should shut up. Christian has taken Nick Wayne on vacation, and he will return on Collision this Saturday, to answer Copeland’s challenge for a No Disqualification match at World’s End.
Samoa Joe and MJF are arguing in the back. MJF says Joe isn’t a great security guard, as he finds a Devil goon mask outside the door of the Mogul Embassy. MJF pulls Prince Nana out, but here’s Swerve. Swerve says MJF has his hands on his property and says MJF has been ducking him the entire time he’s been there. MJF says the boy has grown up and they’ve got a long history, and the reason why MJF has been ducking him is because he’s not on his level, and there’s levels to this stuff. MJF says he doesn’t hear Swerve’s music right now, so he’s got no star power. Swerve says MJF was the best chauffeur he ever had on those long road trips. Swerve says while he talked about William Regal and tryouts, Swerve was signing contracts. MJF says show him some respect and remove the hand-me-down Flava Flav grills out of his mouth. MJF accuses Swerve of being The Devil due to his fascination with Hangman, as The Mogul Embassy open the door. Here’s Samoa Joe to remove MJF from the situation as well.
Match #4. Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom vs. Komander
Arm ringer by Strong as he snaps Komander to the mat. Komander back flips off the top and handsprings, but Strong just blasts him with a running knee. Double jump arm drag and a tieres by Komander. Komander charges and Roddy brutally kicks him int he stomach. Back breaker by Roddy and now he tries to rip Komander’s mask off. Forearm to the back by Rodedy but an overhand chop by Komander. Roddy doesn’t care and puts Komander on the top rope, but he pulls Roddy to the floor with a head scissors. Roddy pulls Komander off the apron and drops him back-first on the corner. Back in the ring and Komander connects with a spinning hook kick to the face after evading a Roddy charge in the corner. Pair of forearms by Komander and a springboard crossbody for two. Roddy sets Komander up on the top rope and looks for a superplex, but Komander flips over the top for a sunset flip powerbomb, but Roddy holds on, and Komander stomps the arm. Phoenix Splash by Komander only gets a two. Komander goes back up top for the rope walk Shooting Star Press but Taven pulls Roddy to the floor and Komander moonsaults off the top, taking everyone out. Springboard into the ring by Komaner but Roddy meets him half way with a rising knee to the face. End of Heartache by Roddy but it’s a double rotation! That’ll do it.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: ***. Nice win for Roddy, who’s such a great professional wrestler. Komander did Komander stuff, but Strong pretty much dominated. Trios titles, maybe?
Strong and The Kingdon hang up signs that say “MJF is the Devil” all around ringside.
Renee is here with Roddy, and Roddy wants Joe to wake up and realize that MJF is The Devil.
Match #5. Jon Moxley (12) vs. Jay White (9)
White immediately bails to the outside, then tries to sneak back in the ring and gets caught in a rear naked choke. Quick hammer and anvil elbows and a piledriver by Moxley! Two count. Moxley looks for the Bulldog choke but White rolls to the outside and whips Moxley into the steel steps. Back in the ring and both guys are trading chops and elbows to the face, before White rolls to the outside. Moxley takes White up the ramp and back body drops him. Moxley follows White in the ring and misses a boot in the corner, allowing White to chop block from behind. A running elbow sends Moxley crashing to the mat. White now focuses the attack on the presumed injured knee of Moxley throughout the break. Indian Death Lock by White but Moxley goes to the eyes. Chops to the back by White, but Moxley sets White up on the top rope. Moxley rakes the back and chops the chest, before biting the nose and superplexing him inside. Clothesline takes White to the outside and Moxley follows up with a suicide dive. Moxley looks for a suplex on the floor but White drops Moxley stomach-first on the steel steps. While the referee checks on Moxley, White grabs a folding chair and slides it in the ring, causing the referee to grab the chair, while hitting Moxley with a second chair behind the referee’s back. Moxley barely beats the ten-count but hits a double arm DDT as soon as he gets back in the ring. Two count. Dragon screw by White but a roll up by Moxley gets two. Regal Knee by Moxley out of nowhere and another two count. Forearms by both men and an Ace Crusher by Moxley out of nowhere. White hits a switch and plants Moxley with a sleeper suplex. Uranage gets two. Kiwi Crusher by White gets another two! White calls for Bladerunner but Moxley fights out and it’s another sleeper suplex. Moxley fulls up and hits a lariat. Two. Curb stomp by Moxley. White escapes Death Rider and plants Moxley with Bladerunner! One, two, three!
Winner: Jay White (12)
Rating: ***3/4. Phew, heck of a main event. This tournament just got even more interesting, and the match delivered as expected. Would have loved to see another 5 or 10 minutes, but White winning was a great call.
Who’s house? Swerve’s house! Swerve hits the ramp as we now know it’s a triple threat match next week with Moxley, Swerve, and White with the winner being crowned Gold League Champion. White clips Moxley’s injured knee again for good measure.
Final Thoughts: The Continental Classic is already the best tournament that AEW has ever done. Largely due to a strong field, week after week, the wrestling continues to deliver on a high level. Tonight’s, thread of MJF/Joe vs. The Devil & Rejects lasted the entire show, and when the show has a thread, it’s 10x better. The Swerve and MJF interaction was fantastic, and AEW is seemingly riding the Swerve hype to the top, and that’s a great idea. Good stuff tonight. Also, five matches WITH time, is really the sweet spot for Dynamite. 8.5/10.Â