The Rated R Superstar is here and it’s the fourth anniversary of AEW Dynamite!:
- Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega vs. Sammy Guevara & Konosuke Takeshita
- AEW International Championship: Rey Fenix (c) vs. Nick Jackson
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 10/4/23
Live from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, California! Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary tonight.
Match #1. AEW International Championship: Rey Fenix (c) w/ Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Nick Jackson w/ Matt Jackson
Chop fest and a sunset flip for Fenix gets two. Back breaker by Nick, as Fenix suffered a back injury last weekend. Sunset flip apron bomb but Fenix blocks it and counters with an arm drag off the middle rope to the floor. Nick sends Fenix into the guard rail hard. Springboard hurricanrana by Nick off the guard rail before rolling Fenix back in the ring. Fenix looks for a double jump arm drag but he slips and Nick capitalizes with a superkick and a lungblower from the middle rope. Fenix rolls outside and night misses a running punt off the apron, hitting the ring post. Fenix kicks Nick’s legs out and Nick lands head first on the apron. Back in the ring, Fenix locks in a figure four. Nick fights out as Fenix looks for a suplex but his back gives out. Both men connect shins on superkicks. Running knee by Nick in the corner but a running enziguiri by Fenix. Rebound kick misses but both men connect on superkicks and high kicks. Everyone is down. Double clotheslines and a rolling thunder hurricanrana by Fenix for two. Fenix rolls to the outside and Nick moonsaults off the apron, but lands on his injured ankle. Rolling Thunder by Fenix but Nick catches him with a cutter on the floor. Outside in facebuster by Nick gets a long two count. Avalanche cutter by Nick as he stopped a Fenix arm drag off the top. Fans are split 50/50 here. Nick with some forearms to the lower back and poisonrana! Springboard destroyer off the middle rope! One, two, no! Single knee BTE Trigger to the back by Nick. Long two count. Rope walk kick to the head by Fenix. Frog splash! One, two, no! Double jump spinning back kick by Fenix. Fenix Driver but Nick coutners into a roll up, but Fenix counters that and gets the win!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Rey Fenix
Rating: ****. Just an outstanding opener here between two guys that are super familiar with each other. Maybe a few too many kick outs, but if you want to start the show with a hot crowd, this is how you do it.
A video package of Adam Cole hanging out with Roderick Strong is shown. Roddy is in a wheelchair and he bought Adam Cole a scooter for his ankle. Both men race around the house in a hilarious montage, and then Roddy asks Cole to move some furniture. Cole asks if The Kingdom can do it, but they have no sense of interior design.
Match #2. Wardlow vs. Griff Garrison
Wow, welcome back Wardlow. Wardlow attacks in the corner and just destroys Garrison. Powerbomb. Two. Three. Four. Five. The referee stops the match as Wardlow bails through the crowd.
Winner: Wardlow
Rating: NR.
Sammy Guevara will not be able to take part in the tag match tonight, so Don Callis has tapped Kyle Fletcher to replace him.
Match #3. AEW World Trios Championship: The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass vs. Butcher, Blade, & Kip Sabian
The Acclaimed dispose of them and then the three-way scissor party. Caster eats a leg drop and sidewalk slam combo from Butcher and Blade. Arabian press to the floor by Sabian. Caster in trouble throughout the break as Butcher plants him with a choke breaker. Hot tag to Bowens and he clears the ring with strikes. Elbows to everyone. Kitaro Crusher by Bowens to Sabian. Scissor Me, Timbers to Blade. Double team flipping powerbomb to Sabian finishes this one.
Winners and STILL AEW World Trios Champions: The Acclaimed
Rating: *1/2. Nothing really here.
Bullet Club Gold is here, without Jay White, as per he was attacked last week by four men, and one of them wearing an MJF mask. Juice calls out MJF, and here he is.
Enter MJF.
MJF says there are a lot of men in the ring making accusations, including the Ass Boys and their buddy Juice, aka Talenteless Taint. MJF then runs down all of his atrocities since AEW started. MJF says he’s not lying about attacking Jay White, because he’s honest about being a scumbag. MJF says he wants a Stockton Street Fight and charges the ring! Ass Boys and Juice bail while Jay White attacks MJF from behind! MJF gets planted with the Bladerunner! Jay White then leaves with the title.
Jay White calls MJF a gutless coward and says AEW deserves a real champion. White challenges MJF at Full Gear. MJF says if Jay White wants him at Full Gear… it’s on.
Match #4. Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher
Shoulder blocks by Jericho to Takeshita. Double suplex by Omega and Jericho. Takeshita ducks a clothesline and connects with a Takeshita-line of his own. Fletcher is now with some big body slams. Dropkick by Jericho now and a lionsault. Tag to Omega who clears house with axe handles. You Can’t Escape to Takeshita and a middle rope backstabber to Fletcher. Snap dragon a but Takeshita fights out. Back elbow by Takeshita and a half and half from Fletcher. Superkick to Jericho. Helluva kicks to both men from both men! Blue Thunder Bomb and a Michinoku Driver combo gets a long two count. Fletcher looks for a tombstone but Omega fights out with some axe handles. SNAP dragon to Fletcher and Jericho gets the tag! Running clothesline by Jericho, who sets Fletcher up on the top rope and drills him with a hurricanrana. Takeshita with a huge lariat to Jericho but a V-Trigger by Omega! Superkick by Fletcher and a sheerdrop brainbuster! Fletcher and Jericho now trade strikes in the center of the ring. Omega gets the tag and he now trades heavy shots with Fletcher. Fletcher walks into a huge knee and Omega connects with a kneeling powerbomb. Powerdrive Knee by Omega! 2.99! Takeshita in now but Omega hits him with a V-Trigger to the spine and a snap dragon. Fletcher looks for a Michinoku Driver but Jericho makes the save and hits the Code Breaker right into a One-Winged Angel by Omega!
Winners: Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega
Rating: ***3/4. Heck of a tag match here. Kyle Fletcher continually holds his own with whoever he’s put in the ring with, and that includes guys like Omega and Jericho tonight. Speaking of, these two make a fun tag team. Awesome stuff.
Powerhouse Hobbs is here and he lays out both Omega and Jericho. Spinebuster to Jericho. Hobbs heads outside and destroys Omega on the guard rail. Hobbs now chokes Kenny through the spokes of the guard rail. Don Callis now duct tapes Omega to the ropes inside the ring but Jericho tries to get in the way and gets eliminated. Callis asks for the chair that Hobbs has, and cracks Omega on top of the head!
Renee is in the trainers room with MJF. MJF laments his beatdown today and says he wants to call Adam, as Max Caster sneaks up on him from behind. MJF flips out on Caster and calls him a stalker, before calling Cole and getting his voicemail.
A vignette for Samoa Joe is shown. Joe says he’s now hungrier than ever, and while he respects MJF… whenever he’s hungry, he eats.
Match #5. Skye Blue vs. Toni Storm
Toni Storm, with her Vaudevillians like entrance and insane make-up… is here. Storm attacks quickly but Blue shoves her off. Right hand by Blue from the apron and a pair of boots. Big right hand by Storm and a running hip attack sends Blue crashing from the apron to the floor. Storm dominates through the PIP and rubs Blue’s face on the mat. Blue fights out of a piledriver and rolls Storm up for two. Head scissors by Blue and a rebound enziguiri. High kick by Blue and a diving crossbody off the top gets two. Blue walks right into a sit-out chokeslam into a powerbomb for two. Storm calls for her close-up and hits the running hip attack in the corner. Storm Zero finishes this one.
Winner: Toni Storm
Rating: **1/4. Pretty quick match here but both women worked really well and Skye Blue is growing rapidly as a pro wrestler. Storm’s new persona opens up so many possibilites and it’s very entertaining.
This Friday on Rampage, there will be a four-way for the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship according to Stokely Hathaway. ROH needs a champion that doesn’t smell like Burger King and Newports. Hilarious.
Tony Schiavone welcomes Adam Copeland (aka Edge) to the ring! This does feel surreal. Copeland says that Tony Schiavone was the soundtrack to his childhood, and it’s a dream come true to be here with him… but get the hell out. In 2011, Copeland was told he would never wrestle again… and here he is in 2023. Copeland says there are plenty of first-time match ups, like Moxley, Jay White, Kenny Omega, Miro, Powerhouse Hobbs… and those are all amazing reasons to be here. The main reason that Copeland came to AEW is because his daughters Lyric and Ruby said “you should go have fun with Uncle Jay”, aka Christian Cage.
Copeland now welcomes Christian Cage to the ring. “Holy S” chants are both men stand face to face. Copeland says he sees Christian looking more like a dick than usual, with his face all scrunched up, but Copeland still loves him. Copeland saw Christian standing over Sting. STING! A guy who Christian took a picture of to the barber so he could look like him, while Copeland was Luger! A man that has entertained for four decades, gave himself to the business for four decades.
Copeland could not stand there and let Christian do it. Plus, Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus are going to drop him like a bad habit once they suck all the information out of his brain. Copeland says it’s time, for the first time since 2011, and for the first time properly in 20 years, to team together again. To face FTR. To face The Young Bucks. To show the fans why they are the greatest tag team of all time. Copeland asks Christian to end their careers as a team.
Christian extends the hand and Copeland hugs him. Christian then says, assumingly, “go f yourself”, as it’s bleeped out, and walks off with Copeland standing in the ring to close the show. Before Christian goes, he wants to remind Adam of what he will be up against on Dynamite next weekm and introduces Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne .
Final Thoughts: Terrific episode of Dynamite tonight. This was a fourth anniversary show, and although a lot of the matches were not announced, the show felt huge. Christian has managed to put the AEW TNT Championship on the same level as the World Heavyweight Championship, and that’s great news for AEW. The closing segment was amazing and sets the table for what we can expect from Copeland right away. Bullet Club Gold are doing great things, Wardlow came back, and the Omega/Jericho vs. Callis Family feud continues to sizzle. Great stuff. 9/10.Â