Two big championship matches & MJF’s mystery partners highlight tonight’s Dynamite:
- Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega vs. Angelo Parker & Matt Menard
- AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
- AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Willow Nightingale
- Bullet Club Gold vs. MJF & ? ? ?
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 11/1/23
Live from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky!
A replay of last week’s main events on both Dynamite and Collision are shown.
Renee is joined by MJF in the back. MJF is reminded that he needs to find three partners tonight, but MJF has a list of the roster… hoping to find three guys that are not total a-holes. Adam Cole is shown on video chat and says MJF should consider Samoa Joe’s offer. MJF says he’ll think about it, but last time he was in the ring he almost broke MJF’s neck. MJF thanks Cole and walks off.
Roderick Strong and The Kingdom show up… but Cole shuts off the video chat.
Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are here on commentary and we’re starting with the International Championship!
Match #1. AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Claudio is all business here. Claudio charges but Cassidy moves, only to get caught with a powerbomb and then a powerslam. Double stomp and a boot to the face by Claudio. Thai clinch by Claudio and some big knees to the body of Cassidy. Cassidy gets sent into the corner but flips over the top and rams Claudio’s head into the top turnbuckle ten times. Cassidy comes off the top rope but gets caught by Claudio and dropped right into a backbreaker, Claudio holds the gut wrench, right into a rib breaker. Two count. Cassidy rolls to the outside but Claudio runs all the way around the ring to deliver a big clothesline. Cassidy rolls to the inside and looks for a suicide dive but Claudio catches him and military presses him right on to the guard rail, rib-first. Hook shows up at Yuta looks on and the referee ushers them both to the back. Claudio carries Cassidy in the ring with a fireman’s carry, plants him on the top turnbuckle, and brings him in the ring hard with a stalling deadlift superplex! Cassidy quickly rolls to the outside. Claudio works over the midsection of Cassidy as we head to PIP. Claudio misses a charge and Cassidy dropkicks him deeper into the corner. Kip up by Cassidy as Claudio rolls to the outside. Suicide dive by Cassidy into a tornado DDT on the outside! Claudio rolls inside and Cassidy tries for the diving DDT, but Cassidy catches him and looks for a suplex, but it’s Stundog Millionaire! Satellite DDT by Cassidy but Claudio counters into the Giant Swing! After about a dozen revolutions, Claudio locks in the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Cassidy tries to make it to the ropes, but Claudio drags him back in the middle. Claudio transitions into a Ring of Saturn but Cassidy finally breaks free, only to hit him with a European uppercut for two. Hammer and anvil elbow strikes now as Cassidy seems to be fading. Claudio looks for the Neutralizer but Cassidy tries to counter with a Stundog, but Claudio counters with a big swing from a sleeper! Hands in pockets causes the hold to break and it’s the Orange Punch! Beach Break by Cassidy but Claudio rolls out of the ring! Claudio beats the count and Cassidy delivers some heavy kicks in the center of the ring, before stomping on the face of Claudio! PK by Cassidy! Rainmaker by Cassidy but it’s countered by Claudio, only for Cassidy to hit the Satellite DDT! One, two, no! Orange Punch attempt by Cassidy but Claudio pops him up in the air for the European uppercut, but Cassidy steps on the shoulders of Claudio and counters with a hurricanrana into a roll up for the win!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: ****. So close for Claudio, but so far. Excellent match between the two and the story was well told, with both men employing their gameplan leading to their finishers. Cassidy once again tries to find any way to win that he can.
Moxley is here and he’s not happy. Cassidy charges Moxley and gets double legged and ground and pounded by Moxley. Claudio just stands there watching as security hits the ring, but Claudio and Moxley both dispose of them. Moxley locks in the rear naked choke but Claudio pulls him off as Moxley storms away.
MJF is in the back looking for a partner as he knocks on Kenny Omega’s door, only for Jericho to open and shut the door in his face. MJF turns the corner and Wardlow throws him against the wall by his throat and threatens to take everything from MJF when he least expects it.
Moxley says he showed Cassidy respect when no one else did, and Moxley isn’t doing too good right now, but maybe it’s not even about Cassidy. At Full Gear, Moxley is going to beat Cassidy within an inch of his life with his bare hands.
Match #2. Ring of Honor World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: The Elite (c) vs. The Mogul Embassy
Joining just in progress here as Toa beats over Matt Jackson in the corner. Hot tag to Hangman who fights off both Toa and Kaun with rolling elbows. Lariat to Kaun. Clothesline over the top to Toa. Clothesline to Cage on the outside. Powerbomb to Kaun inside the ring but…
WHO’S HOUSE? Swerve is here on the top of the ramp and says last week… he was at Hangman’s house. Hangman tags in Nick Jackson and runs up the ramp, chasing off Swerve and Nana.
Superkicks to everyone by Nick. Superkick to Kaun who’s seated in the corner, but Cage clotheslines Nick on the apron and superplexes him from the apron inside the ring. Matt fights back with right hands but runs into a double spinebuster. Triple team powerbomb to Nick. Knee to the face by Cage and Open the Gates by the Gates of Agony and this one is over.
Winners and NEW Ring of Honor World Six-Man Champions: The Gates of Agony
Rating: *3/4. This was a whole boat load of nothing, and really just for the story. Also, the last 90 seconds of the match saw all three members of the Mogul Embassy in the ring and triple-teaming Matt and Nick and it just was awful. I’m not one to hard on the referees, but this just stood out as nonsensical.
Matt Jackson loses his temper and destroys the ring announcer’s table and throws some chairs.
MJF is still looking for teammates, and is seen standing outside Samoa Joe’s locker room, but doesn’t knock. MJF sees Darby Allin’s door and gets a sharpie to write “emo bitch” on it and then walks away. The Acclaimed is here again, with a “Pick Us, MJF” sign.
Tony Schiavone welcomes Adam Copeland to the ring! Copeland puts over Tony Schiavone and says if the fans knew all of the hats that Tony wore backstage, they’d cheer even harder. Copeland puts over Sting and Darby, but says he knows Tony wants answers… will Copeland team with Darby and Sting at Full Gear?
Enter Christian, accompanied by Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne.
Christian says he’s going to retire Sting at Full Gear. Christian says Darby hasn’t been around for a while because of his gimp arm, because of what Christian did to him at WrestleDream. Christian remembers Adam’s history of neck problems and wouldn’t want this dream to turn into a nightmare. Christian says to back down, or else he will snap Copeland’s neck and leave him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, forcing his kids to wipe the drool from his face. Christian and company hit the ring as Copeland tries to fight everyone off, but Luchasaurus hits The Extinction from behind and Darby connects with Wayne’s World. Nick Wayne looks for the ConChairTo but Sting is here!
Sting and Darby hit the ring and make the save for Copeland, as Copeland hits the spear on Christian! Copeland accepts the offer and it’ll be Sting, Darby, and Copeland vs. Christian, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne at Full Gear!
Nigel McGuinness is in the back with Tony Khan. Khan puts over All In: London, and says it’s the start of the holiday season, so All In: London is announced for August 24th, and tickets go on sale December 1st.
Match #3. Matt Menard & Angelo Parker w/ Jake Hager vs. Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho
Menard and Parker lay into Jericho verbally, and then physically. Jericho takes both guys to task with heavy chops and a double suplex to Menard. Omega dives on top of Parker on the outside. Hager provides a distraction as Menard chop blocks Omega from behind. Back in the ring, Omega is in trouble in the opposite corner during the PIP. Omega chops Menard off and Jericho gets the tag. Shoulder blocks by Jericho and an axe handle off the top to Parker. Double jump dropkick to Menard and a Code Breaker to Parker. Omega is in now with a snap dragon to Parker. Hager tries to get in the ring but Omega takes him out with a terminator dive. Menard hits Jericho with a bat to the face behind the referee’s back but Parker only gets a two. Menard hands Parker the bat and he takes a swing, but Jericho ducks and lays out Parker with the Judas Effect for the win.
Winners: Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho
Rating: **. This existed. Jericho and Omega are a pretty fun team but there wasn’t much to this.
Don Callis takes the mic and compares Jericho and Omega to cockroaches. Callis challenges Omega and Jericho to a street fight on Dynamite in two weeks in Ontario, before calling them dummies. Omega says at least they aren’t stupid heads, but it was never about winning, it was about hurting Jericho and Omega. Omega accepts, but says he’s bringing his best friend, Kota Ibushi. Jericho takes the mic and says they’re still a man short, so he’s bringing someone even bigger than Will Hobbs, he’s bringing… a giant.
Paul Wight is here. Wow, a JeriShow reunion. Wight lays out Kyle Fletcher and stares down the Don Callis family.
Renee is in The Elite’s locker room with Omega and Jericho. Matt and Nick Jackson walk in and Matt wants to know who invited this prick? Pointing at Jericho. Jericho says the Bucks are mad they lost their titles and they weren’t good enough tonight. Matt says what’s the point of reuniting The Elite if they never have each other’s back? Matt says clean up when you’re done.
Match #4. AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Willow Nightingale
Pair of clean breaks to start. Pair of shoulder blocks by Willow and a kip up by Shida. Low cross body by Willow gets a surprise two count. Charging knee in the corner by Shida but Willow catches her and looks for a Death Valley Driver but Shida breaks free. Shida sends Willow to the apron and follows up with a sliding knee that sends Willow to the floor. Diving cross body by Shida from the middle rope to the floor. Suplex by Shida gets a two count. Willow cartwheels out of the Irish whip and returns with a running enziguiri. Big boot by Willow and a spinebuster with a high stack for two. Both women trade elbows now as Shida comes off the middle rope with a pair of dropkicks. Two count. Both women head up to the top as Shida comes off with an Avalanche Falcon Arrow! Willow kicks out at one! Headbutt by Willow. Question mark kick by Shida. Pounce by Willow. Death Valley Driver by Willow! Two count. Babe with the Power Bomb is countered into a head scissors but Willow comes back with a lariat. Two count. Two count for Shida with a roll up. Knee strike by Shida gets another two. Kitana by Shida and this one is over.
Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Hikaru Shida
Rating: **3/4. Nice win for Shida, who’s had three defenses in a week’s time. Willow has lost a surprising amount of title matches, so something will need to change for her.
Shida extends the hand afterwards and Willow hugs her. “Timeless” Toni Storm is here! Shida flies up the ramp with the knee strike and chases her to the back as the lights go out.
Julia Hart is in the ring with Willow Nightingale. Willow asks Hart how she’s been, and Hart extends her hand. Willow looks to accept but Skye Blue gets in between them, turns to face off with Willow, and then turns around and mists Julia!
MJF is sitting in the back with the roster list, and The Acclaimed are here again. Caster says MJF has to scissor them and will have to wear whatever is in the bag. MJF says no chance… and he’s got one more group on the list. Jeff Jarrett is around the corner and says he’s here to help, as MJF looks over his options.
Renee is here with Roderick Strong and The Kingdom. Roddy tells Cole that MJF hasn’t even asked them to be his partners, but Cole tells him to shut the hell up before hanging up the phone.
Match #5. Bullet Club Gold vs. MJF & The Acclaimed
“Bullet Club is not bad boys, just some New Japan rejects and the Ass Boys.” Great stuff. MJF is here with his Acclaimed-inspired pink attire. Kick combo and a Kitaro Crusher by Bowens to Juice. Superkick by Bowens but Juice makes the tag to Austin. Daddy Ass calls for the tag and gets it. Father vs. son! Leap frog by Austin as he drops for a charging ankle pick. Right hand by Daddy Ass drops Austin! Jay White makes the tag and Daddy Ass brings in… MJF! White slides to the outside as The Acclaimed asked for the scissor from MJF but… not yet. Bowens and Colten are in now and Bowens gets drilled with a dropkick to the face. Bowens in trouble throughout the commercial, isolated in the Bullet Club Gold’s corner. Juice and White trade quick tags but Austin misses a splash in the corner and Daddy Ass gets the tag. Scissor elbow by Gunn and Bowens. Body slam by daddy Ass and Scissor Me, Timbers to Colten! MJF enters the ring and it’s almost a four-way scissor party, but Bullet Club Gold spoil the moment. Hard chops by White to Caster, who gets thrown from the ring and beat up on the the fight breaks down with everyone involved. Juice and Colten sends Daddy Ass into the guard rail hard, and then Bowens. Bullet Club Gold are now looking at MJF in a four on one situation here. MJF clears the ring with clotheslines and body slams are getting the tag from Caster. White runs from MJF but MJF follows, only to get chop blocked by The Gunns. 3:10 to Yuma but MJF counters with a DDT. Kangaroo Kick by MJF to both Gunns but Jay White sneaks in from behind and hits Bladerunner! One, two, three!
Winners: Bullet Club Gold
Rating: **3/4. Not a bad eight-man tag here, but there wasn’t a heck of a lot to the match. Paint by numbers stuff to advance the story, and that’s fine sometimes, too.
After the match, White grabs the belt and looks to lay out MJF but The Acclaimed clear the ring. White gets back in the ring and waits for MJF to get up, but Caster takes the bullet for MJF and takes the title in the face. MJF checks on Caster and turns down a scissor, but Billy Gunn gets in his face and…
Four-way scissor party, baby! Caster hugs MJF low as we go off the air.
Final Thoughts: When Dynamite has a thread, it seems to flow better, and tonight’s thread was MJF looking for some tag team partners in the main event. The show started super strong with Castagnoli and Cassidy, and stayed pretty strong throughout, obviously heating up at the end. The Bucks/Embassy stuff was kind of annoying to be honest, but it’s something different for the Bucks. Anything Adam Copeland is doing lately is great, and tonight was no exception. MJF’s got a bunch of challenges in front of him and the Devil costume is still a thing, so the world title picture has a lot of intrigue right now. 7.25/10.Â