The Continental Classic continues as Bryan Danielson joins us on commentary
- AEW TBS Championship: Julia Hart (c) vs. Emi Sakura
- Wardlow vs. AR Fox
- Continental Classic Gold League: Jay White vs. Swerve Strickland
- Continental Classic Gold League: Mark Briscoe vs. Rush
- Continental Classic Gold League: Jay Lethal vs. Jon Moxley
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 11/29/23
Live from the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota! Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone, and Bryan Danielson are on commentary tonight and here we go!
Match #1: Continental Classic Gold League: Jon Moxley (3) vs. Jay Lethal (0)
Both men trade head locks until Lethal locks in a Figure Four early. Moxley and Lethal both roll through the ropes on to the floor and trade suicide dives. Back in the ring, lariat in the corner by Moxley and mounted punches in the corner, but Lethal ducks underneath and focuses the attack on the injured knee of Moxley. Shin breaker by Lethal. Lethal looks for the Lethal Injection but Moxley catches him with a standing rear naked choke, but Lethal counters with a jaw breaker. Shin breaker into a back suplex by Lethal. Two count. Lethal hits the Savage Elbow from the top! Two. STF by Lethal and a dragon screw leg whip. Moxley with an Ace Crusher out of nowhere that gets a two count. Lethal back on the attack on the knee, with a dragon screw of the top rope. Lethal misses a dropkick and Moxley drops him with a big elbow. Moxley hits the ropes and Lethal follows with a knee but runs into the King Kong lariat. Two count. Lethal Combination by Lethal gets two. Both men trade cradles now and get twos. Lethal ducks another lariat and hits the O’Connor roll for two, but Moxley stretches the legs out and locks in the rear naked choke. Lethal rolls back for a pinning combination that gets two. Figure Four by Lethal but Moxley gets to the ropes. Lethal Injection by Lethal but Moxley collapses under the weight of the knee and drills Lethal with the Paradigm Shift. Two count. King Kong lariat by Moxley and a piledriver get a long two. Moxley transitions immediately to the rear naked choke and Lethal is forced to tap!
Winner: Jon Moxley (6)
Rating: ***1/2. Strong opening match tonight with Jay Lethal bringing his wrestling boots tonight. Lethal is just such a good professional wrestler and took advantage of potential knee injury, working on it the entire match, but it wasn’t enough to overcome Moxley.
Eddie Kingston said there are no scrubs in the tournament, and he may have come in too arrogant by putting his belts on the line. Kingston says he’s got Bryan Danielson next and now he’s behind the eight ball. Kingston won’t let himself do this, and he’ll be ready for Danielson.
Tony Schiavone is with Sting and Ric Flair. Tony announces that Sting’s final match will be in Greensboro, North Carolina! Sting says he can’t think of a better place to finish his career and Ric Flair says a lot, but I can’t really make it out unfortunately.
Match #2. Continental Classic Gold League: Rush (0) vs. Mark Briscoe (0)
Rush charges early and both men trade brutal chops. Rush charges and eats a boot in the corner, but maintains control and stomps Mark to the mat. Mark gets up and clotheslines Rush to the floor before following up with a baseball slide. Both guys trade heavy chops on the floor as Rush does Rush things and throws Mark into all of the barricades. Mark fights back and comes off the apron with a diving elbow drop a la Cactus Jack. Back inside the ring, Rush hits a release German suplex but Mark fires back with a huge clothesline and both men are down. Rush locks in a leg lace but Mark gets to the ropes. Both guys fight to their feet and Mark traps the arm and sends Rush flying with a big exploder. Rush charges for the Bull’s Horns but Mark catches him with an anti-air spear. Two count. Rude Awakening by Mark gets two. Waist lock by Rush but Mark catches him on the side of the head with an enziguiri. On the apron now, Mark charges but Rush counters with an overhead belly-to-belly to the floor! Rush sets Mark up on the top rope and delivers a huge chop, but Mark sends Rush to the floor and comes off the top with the Froggy Bow! One, two, no! Rush back body drops out of the Jay Driller and sends Mark into the turnbuckles with an overhead belly-to-belly. Rolling elbow by Rush sends Mark to the corner and Rush follows up with the Bull’s Horns for the win!
Winner: Rush (3)
Rating: ***1/4. Almost a completely different style match than the opener, but every bit as entertaining. These guys had a hard-hitting brawl that went everyone, Rush just outlasted the game Briscoe.
Toni Storm is going to defend her title next week.
MJF is here. MJF is beaten up, but he respects Samoa Joe, and he can’t wait until World’s End. MJF respects Joe because he didn’t come here to line his pockets, he came here because he loved AEW (yikes). MJF says Joe proved you don’t have to be a massive male model body builder to be a top guy and he was never afforded that in WWE. Without a guy like Samoa Joe, there may be no AEW. MJF thanks Joe for his contributions. MJF says he isn’t too bad himself, and he helped build a new alternative in AEW. MJF did it by defeating guys like Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, etc. The one guy that MJF feels like he was happy to have survived, was Samoa Joe. December 30th isn’t about Samoa Joe’s legacy, however, it’s about MJF’s. MJF doesn’t care what Joe does to him on December 30th, if you want to take what’s MJF’s… you’re going to have to put him down.
The lights go out and we get some strobing effects. The Devil’s goons are here!
Joe is here! Joe takes a bat to the goon squad and chases them away.
Words show up on the screen, challenging MJF and Joe to a tag match vs. the unknown goons next week. Are you a hero, MJF? MJF is sick of the Scooby Doo bologna, and he’s got the tag match next week.
Match #3. Wardlow vs. AR Fox
Fox dives over the top before the match starts, but Wardlow throws him back in the ring and biels him across the ring. Fox rolls outside so Wardlow throws him back in the ring and trips his feet out. 450 splash by Fox off the top! One count. Pump kicks to Wardlow but Fox runs into a spinebuster. Lariat by Wardlow and it’s powerbomb time. Well, deadlift throws first. Swanton by Wardlow. Powerbomb now and the referee stops this one.
Winner: Wardlow
Rating: *1/4. Fox got a little more than usual here but just Wardlow doing Wardlow things.
Match #4. Hardy Boys & Brother Zay vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti
Fast-paced action to start as Darius dropkicks Zay in the face and tags Dante, who’s making his return after a gruesome injury just eight months ago. Leg sweep and outside-in senton by Top Flight. Two count. Zay takes Dante to the floor and puts the boots to him in the guard rail. Matt with a slingshot underneath the bottom rope to Andretti and a quick tag to Jeff, who hits a double leg drop for two. Hardy’s with quick tags in the corner, putting the boots to Andretti. Side Effect to Andretti gets two. Andretti back flips out of a back suplex and connects with a spinning back kick to the stomach. Dante gets the hot tag and a double jump enziguiri to Zay gets two. Hardy’s break it up and a clothesline from Zay takes out Dante. Hardy’s go old school on Darius and Andretti. Double team springboard electric chair dropkick by Zay & Hardys gets two. Hardy’s try to go old school on the outside but Darius takes Matt out. Shotgun dropkick into a German suplex into a half-nelson slam will do it for Top Flight & Action Andretti.
Winners: Top Flight & Action Andretti
Rating: **1/2. This was a trios match that I feel like we’ve seen a bunch of times, but it was great to have Top Flight back together. This is the correct usage of The Hardy’s, too.
Match #5. AEW TBS Championship: Julia Hart (c) vs. Emi Sakura
Running clotheslines in the corner by Hart but Sakura responds with some strong chops. Spinning hook kick by Hart between the ropes sends Sakura to the floor. Sakura reverses Hart and sends her into the steel steps. Sakura with a diving low cross body to Hart on the floor! Back in the ring and Sakura delivers some machine gun chops in the corner. We learn it is a House Rules match and there is no submission in this match? Oh, okay. Hart goes for Hartless and does lock it in, but referee Aubrey Edwards reminds her that there are no submissions in this match. Technically she could still use the movie to weaken her opponent, though. Hart goes up top for a moonsault but Sakura is pretty close, and Sakura rolls into the moonsault as Hart holds her down for the win.
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion: Julia Hart
Rating: *1/2. Bit of a rough outing here, as these two didn’t really look to be on the same page… which was especially evident in the finish.
Christian Cage is here, with about five members of security… and no family. Cage wants Copeland… and here he is. Cage says that they’re not going to make it to Montreal, because… because… Cage is sorry. Cage says he looks back and he’s had time to reflect, as he’s been making towns lately by himself. Cage said growing up, he and Copeland had the times of their lives and they didn’t know if they would ever make it… and they did. Outside of the pro wrestling world, it goes even deeper. Everyone knows that Adam Copeland grew up without a father…
Cage isn’t saying that he was Copeland’s father, but he was his brother. Cage’s father became Copeland’s father, and he’s still his biggest fan to this day. Cage and Copeland are family. Right before Copeland’s mom passed away, she said she wanted Copeland and Cage to tag together one last time. Cage wants to do this one more time… for Copeland’s mom. Christian tries to charge Copeland with the belt but Copeland sees it coming and kicks him low.
“Nice try, dumbass.” Sleep with that title because next week, it’s coming home to Copeland.
Oh, and one more thing… “Go **** yourself.” (I did a way better job of censoring this than AEW did, as they were about five seconds behind and you heard everything).
Match #6. Jay White (3) vs. Swerve Strickland (3)
The fight spills to the floor quickly with White sending Swerve into the front row. White focuses the attack on Swerve’s injured shoulder, which he is wearing KT tape on. Swerve gets sent to the outside and grabs White, back suplexing him on the guard rail and into the front row. Swerve stomp to the back on the floor. White rolls into the ring as Swerve follows, but White catches him between the ropes with a dragon screw leg whip and a spike DDT. Two count. Fights goes outside for a third time and Swerve drops White with a back breaker. White drops Swerve throat-first over the top rope and then on the apron with a single arm DDT. Two count. Saito suplex by White and a snap half-and-half suplex into the turnbuckle. Two count. Swerve goes underneath a hammer lock and looks for the Flatliner but settles for a tieres and NOW the Rolling Thunder Flatliner. Deadlift vertical suplex gets two. Swerve charges and White snatches a Complete Shot out of nowhere! White is up and turns around but walks into a discus lariat and both guys are down. Both men trade elbows but Swerve drops White, allowing White to chop block him. High angle uranage by White. White now looks for a Fujiwara arm bar and locks it in, on Swerve’s injured arm. Swerve transitions to a hammerlock and snaps the far arm! Arm drag by White, who tries to shove Swerve into the referee, but Swerve stops himself. White tries a low blow but Swerve sees it coming and responds with a Regal backbreaker and here’s the House Call. Swerve stomp! One, two, thr–no! WOW! Bladerunner by White out of nowhere and Swerve rolls to the outside. White pulls him back in and looks fro the Sleeper suplex but settles for a roll up for two. Bladerunner again but Swerve counters and both guys trade chops. Five minutes left, by the way. Sleeper suplex by White! Bladerunner by White but Swerve sits down and rolls up White for the win!
Winner: Swerve Strickland (6)
Rating: ****. Yup, everything you thought it was. White focused on the injured arm of Swerve early and tries to cheat, but Swerve saw it coming and outsmarted White in the end. Awesome stuff here and a worthy main event.
Final Thoughts: Unlike last week, there really wasn’t a thread to the show so it felt a little bit all over the place. The wrestling was pretty strong and the Continental Classic continues to be the focal point, which is should be, considering how deep the talent pool is. Danielson gets so excited on commentary you can just feel how passionate he is about pro wrestling. The main event was great and both of those guys should be cornerstones in AEW for many years to come. Nice to see Darius Martin back, and I like the idea of Wardlow building some momentum. MJF delivered an excellent promo, really putting over Samoa Joe and making this match feel like a huge deal. Also, it might be corny and reminiscent of the Black Scorpion, but I’m invested in The Devil. 7.25/10.