Still here in the Great White North as AEW delivers some big title matches tonight:
- Konosuke Takeshita vs. Swerve Strickland
- Will Ospreay vs. Katsuyori Shibata
- AEW TBS Championship Number One Contender Four-Way: Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue
- AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Young Bucks vs. Private Party
- AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament:: Best Friends vs. Undisputed Kingdom
AEW Dynamite 3/27/24
Live from the Centre Videotron in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada! Tony Schiavone, Taz, & Excalibur are on the desk tonight and we’re starting the show with the MAIN EVENT!
Match #1. Will Ospreay vs. Katsuyori Shibata
Shibata with a straight armbar early and Ospreay gets to the ropes. Ospreay wants a head scissors and Shibata misses a PK. Reset. Hard chops by Ospreay in the ropes and Shibata fires back with some elbows. Shibata wants a dropkick in the corner but Ospreay meets him halfway with a dropkick of his own. Stalling dropkick in the corner by Ospreay and a plancha to the outside takes out Shibata. Ospreay rolls Shibata in and looks to the crowd, allowing Shibata to hit a huge running front kick that sends Ospreay to the floor from the apron. Hard European uppercut by Shibata on the ramp and a vertical suplex! PK to the back by Shibata, as he rolls back in the ring and sits criss-cross apple sauce. Shibata with some stomps to Ospreay before attempting a figure four, but Ospreay elbows his way out. Back suplex by Shibata and we’re going to PIP. Now Shibata locks in the Figure Four as Ospreay is stuck in the middle of the ring. Ospreay reverses the Figure Four but Shibata retains control with a Kitchen Sink and some knees to the face. Shibata punts Ospreay but all it does is wake him up! Both guys trade elbows now as Ospreay returns fire with a handspring back kick. Shibata rolls to the outside and Ospreay follows with a plancha, but Shibata moves and sends Ospreay into the front row with a running boot. Shibata whips Ospreay again but he dives into the front row and returns fire with a diving forearm. Back inside the ring, another springboard forearm by Ospreay gets two. Kawada kicks by Ospreay but Shibata fires some hard elbows back and drops him. European uppercuts in the corner by Shibata but Ospreay follows him into the corner with a running boot. Hard chops by Shibata and Ospreay takes a seat in the corner. Running stalling dropkick by Shibata! Snap front headlock throw by Shibata. Two count. Flying Octopus Hold by Shibata! Ospreay walks to the ropes and makes it. German suplex by Ospreay. Shibata rolls to his feet. Hook kick by Ospreay! Shibata catches another handspring back kick and locks in the STF! Ospreay again gets to the ropes. Ospreay catches a running PK and both men exchange forearms but Shibata beats him down. Enziguiri by Ospreay! Ospreay misses a Hidden Blade and Shibata locks in the rear naked choke into a Sleeper suplex! Ospreay is down to a seated position but he fights up and sends Shibata through the ropes. Stomp to the back of the head by Ospreay and a dropkick off the top to the back of the head. OsCutter! SHIBATA OUT AT ONE! Lariat! Ospreay out at one! Hook kick by Ospreay and a back drop suplex. Running front-facing Hidden Blade by Ospreay! Two count. Stormbreaker, NO, Tiger Driver by Ospreay! Shibata, hurt, sits up and eats a Hidden Blade! One, two, three!
Winner: Will Ospreay
Rating: ****1/4. Well done, bruv! What an opener and the change from the first time they met until now in Ospreay is insane. Shibata is still on the top of his game but Ospreay is on an almost inhuman level. Great opener and a great struggle here.
After the match, both men embrace in a show of respect.
A video package of Bryan Danielson is shown.
The Young Bucks are with Renee. The Bucks wanted to restructure The Elite, so they brought in Okada. The Bucks want Okada to watch from the back tonight, like they did when he won the title last week.
Match #2. AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Young Bucks vs. Private Party
Double backslides by Private Party get two. Double superkicks by Private Party and The Bucks head to the outside. Stereo suicide dives not and Private Party is in control… momentarily, as Matt throws Quen over the front row. Silly String over the guardrail by Private Party! Nicholas and Quen are both standing on the guardrail, and Nicholas hits a super Falcon Arrow to the floor! The Bucks want a count out win as we go to commercial. Matthew with a body slam to Quen and a senton from the apron by Nicholas. Bucks are in control now, making quick tags. Catapult into an enziguiri by the Bucks but Kassidy pushes Nicholas off the top. Kassidy in now with a cutter over the top rope to Nicholas. Pump kick off the apron to Nicholas, enziugiri to Matthew, and an Asai Moonsault to Nicholas. Springboard crossbody by Kassidy gets two. Matthew blocks a Twist of Fate and Nicholas trips Kassidy from the outside. Doomsday Sliced Bread by The Bucks! Quen breaks up the pin right before the three. Quen gets the tag after pulling Kassidy to his corner, but The Bucks quickly take advantage of a hurt Quen. German suplex by Nicholas. Another German suplex, this time on the apron! TK Driver attempt but Quen rolls up Matthews for two. Gin & Juice by Private Party out of nowhere! Nicholas rolls out of the ring, though. More Bang for Your Buck by Private Party! Nicholas barely breaks up the pin. Nicholas grabs the ring bell and the referee pulls it out of his hands, allowing Matthew to low blow Kassidy. Quen hits Matthew with the bell behind the ref’s back! Two count as Matthew gets his foot on the rope. Quen misses a 630 and lands HARD. EVP Trigger by The bucks, kind of… Nicholas looks like he may have slipped, or hurt himself, but they still get the win.
Winners: The Young Bucks
Rating: ***1/4. No chance of the Bucks losing again, but Private Party got a lot of offense in and reminded the fans why they won the first time.
A video package of Konosuke Takeshita in anticipation of tonight’s main event, is shown.
Chris Jericho is here with Renee… and now, Hook. Jericho said he’s never been in the ring with anyone look Hook, and if Hook wants Jericho’s advice… he’s here for him. Hook said of course he’ll take his advice, he’s Chris Jericho. But he also knows who Chris Jericho is. Jericho says he knows who Hook is, and, who Hook can be. Bet.
Mercedes Mone is here to join the commentary table for the upcoming four-way.
Match #3. AEW TBS Championship Number One Contender Fatal Four-Way: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander vs. Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue
Spinning hook kick by Jay sends Blue onto Statlander on the floor. DDT by Blue to Willow but she rolls to the ropes. Sliding lariat by Statlander gets a two on Jay. Shoulder block by Statlander but Blue pulls her outside. Blue eyes up Mone on commentary but Willow blasts her with a pounce out of nowhere. Hard chops by Statlander to everyone on the outside but Blue fights back with some right hands. Body slam by Willow to Jay on the floor. Back inside the ring Blue DDT’s Statlander but Willow is there for the big spinebuster. Complete Shot by Anna to Willow and everyone is down. Four-way fist-fight in the center of the ring now. High kick by Statlander to Jay and a leg-trapped Michinoku Driver. Two count. Superplex by Anna Jay takes Statlander to the mat! Willow breaks up the pin with a senton and Blue rolls her up for two. Code Blue after a superkick by Blue! Powerbomb-lungblower by Stalander! Ushigaroshi by Jay on to Blue AND Statlander! Two count. Shotgun dropkick by Willow to Jay! Statlander and Willow now stand face-to-face. Blue is here and throws Willow into Statlander. Death Valley Driver by Willow to Blue on the apron! Stokely looks happy at ringside. Inside the ring, Jay rolls Statlander up for two. Jay sends Statlander to the outside with a big boot but here’s Willow to pick the bones… Babe with the Powerbomb! One, two, three!
Winner: Willow Nightingale
Rating: **3/4. Seems like we’ll be getting Willow and Mercedes sooner rather than later, so building her up here is a good move.
Julia Hart blasts Willow with the belt from behind, before making eye contact with Mercedes.
Mercedes Mone on commentary is… not great. She came off like a complete bad guy here.
Renee is with Dustin Rhodes, who’s 3-1 in 2024. Rhodes says he’s started 2024 with a bang, and everyone on the roster is very talented. Nothing is different in Rhodes life, and he’s still as passionate as he’s ever been. Here’s Butcher. Butcher says he heard Dustin wants a fight. Friday night, Rampage.
Toni Storm joined the Turner Classic Movies set. Chin up, tits out, and watch for the shoe.
Match #4. AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament: Best Friends vs. Undisputed Kingdom
Cassidy blasts Strong in the face with a right hand and the Best Friends-ish attack early. Suicide dive by Trent and a diving pockethands by Cassidy on the floor. Back in the ring and Bennett takes control of Trent in the corner but Trent responds with a pair of back suplexes. Taven backs Bennett up to the corner and the UK make some hot tags. Meteora by Trent but a superkick by Taven. Piledriver by Bennett on the apron! Long two count. Bennett holds Trent as Taven hits a dropkick of the top. Quick tags have Trent in trouble throughout the commercial. Trent catches a diving Taven with a big Saito suplex and both men are down. Trent is too hurt to get the tag, so Bennett catapults him into an enziguiri and a senton from the outside in by Taven. Two count. Spinebuster by Bennett and a Lionsault by Taven but Trent gets the knees up. Cassidy gets the tag! Diving crossbody to Bennett. One for Taven. Satellite DDT but it’s countered. Stundog Millionaire! Just the Tip by Taven out of nowhere. Proton Pack by UK gets two. Spike Piledriver attempt but Trent pushes Taven off the top. Trent tries a piledriver byt Taven superkicks him. Tornado DDT by Trent and a Satellite DDT by Cassidy. Running knee by Trent and YA GOT TO GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT.. but Roderick Strong is here and he lays out an injured Chuck. Suicide dive by Cassidy to Strong. Jackknife cover by Trent as Chuck Taylor throws Taven off the top. One, two, three!
Winners: Best Friends
Rating: ***1/4. Fun tag match between a bunch of guys that are really familiar with each other. I didn’t expect a UK loss here, but it sets up a good match next week.
The Bucks music hits just as YA GOT TO GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT
Renee is in the back with Kyle O’Reilly. Kyle said there’s no way to prepare for the live crowd, but it’s a deep roster and there’s no such thing as an easy match. Kyle doesn’t have any regrets doing it alone and he’s going to do it again this week on Collision.
Adam Copeland says the chapter with Christian Cage is closed, and the Cope Open returns on Collision!
Match #5. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana
Both men jockey for wrist control and Swerve looks for a sunset flip and gets two. Swerve looks for a bicep slicer and Takeshita gets to the ropes. Takeshita with a big… Takeshitaline. Swerve sends Takeshita to the apron and connects with a neckbreaker over the middle rope. Elbows to the face by Takeshita but Swerve ducks underneath and catches him with a pumphandle back breaker. Swerve wants Three Amigos but Takeshita counters with a sheer drop brainbuster! Brutal elbows in the corner by Takeshita and Swerve is on wobbly legs. Rebound German suplex by Swerve but Takeshita rolls through and sends Swerve to the outside with a rolling elbow. Diving senton off the middle rope by Takeshita and a chin lock as we go to commercial. Swerve fights his way up and lays in some hard elbows but Takeshita drops Swerve with one of his own. Swerve back body drops Takeshita to the floor and handsprings over the top off the apron into a hurricanrana. Diving crossbody back in the ring by Swerve only gets a one count. Swerve lays in some body blows and looks to throw an overhand but Swerve’s shoulder is injured so Takeshita drops him with a BRUTAL elbow. Swerve looks for the rolling Flatliner but Takeshita catches him in mid-air with a fireman’s carry into a spin-out facebuster! Running single leg dropkick to the face by Takeshita and a tope con hilo to the outside! Takeshita tries the corner brainbuster but Swerve fights his way out with palm strikes and hard elbows. Pump kick by Swerve to Takeshita on the top and then a draping DDT off the turnbuckle! Spiral Tap by Swerve! One, two, no! Takeshita ducks a charging Swerve and a Poisonrana by Takeshita followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb! Two count! Swerve eats a rolling elbow but Swerve responds with a hook kick and a straight right hand. Rolling Thunder Flatliner again but Takeshita counters with a rising knee. Tieres by Swerve and NOW the Flatliner! Two count. Swerve heads up top… Swerve Stomp to Takeshita ON THE APRON! Takeshita rolls back in the ring and counters a second Swerve Stomp with a powerbomb! Takeshita wants the spinning Falcon Arrow but Swerve chops the base of the neck and tries for the JML Driver. Takeshita counters with a wheelbarrow suplex and the Powerdrive Knee! One, two, no! Both guys on the top now as Swerve punches Takeshita to the ground. Swerve misses a stomp but Takeshita is there, however Swere counters a Blue Thunder with a tieres into the middle turnbuckle. Housecall by Swerve! Swerve Stomp! One, two, thr–no! 2.99! Headbutt by Swerve but a jumping knee by Takeshita! Pop-up by Takeshita but Swerve counters with the Swerve Stomp in mid-air! JML Driver HIGH ON THE NECK! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winner: Swerve Strickland
Rating: ****1/2. Another case of two guys who are on a different planet right now. Swerve has been given the ball and continues to deliver, and just may be the next champion. Takeshita is incapable of having anything BUT the best match on the card.
Renee is in the back with Samoa Joe. Joe says Swerve is a man celebrating the biggest fade he’s ever going to catch in his life. Swerve… you’re not that man.
Final Thoughts: Action packed episode of Dynamite tonight. Only five matches and the show felt like it had a much more methodical pace, nothing felt rushed, and things got a chance to “breathe”, as they say. The tag team tournament is taking shape and although it doesn’t have the prestige of the Continental Classic, it still feels important. Will Ospreay has skyrocketed to the top and the fans are letting him know it. Mercedes Mone, on the other hand, feels kind of forced. Mone, on commentary, was not likable, and that’s a problem. The main event was also on another level and capped off an excellent show all around. 9/10.