- AEW TNT Championship: Wardlow (c) vs. Jake Hager
- AEW Women’s Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Skye Blue
- Eight-man Tag Team Match: Darby Allin, Keith Lee, Sting, & Orange Cassidy vs. The Mogul Embassy
- AEW World Championship Eliminator: MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole
- Trios Match: The Elite vs. Blackpool Combat Club
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 6/14/23
Live from the birthplace of Dynamite, the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz are on commentary tonight. Let’s get right to the main event!
Match #1. AEW World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator: MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole
Adam Cole wins and he gets a shot at the championship in the future, those are the rules, baybay. Crowd is absolutely on fire for this as expected as we’ve got a stare down in the center of the ring. Leap frog by Cole and a drop down as MJF struts over him. Cole threatens a superkick and MJF hits the deck. ADAM COLE, BAYBAY. MJF jumps into the stands and dumps a fan’s popcorn before slapping another fan’s hat off. Back in the ring and Cole pulls MJF face-first into the middle turnbuckle before stomping him in the corner and delivering some mounted punches. Cole tosses MJF over the top rope and follows with a baseball slide, but MJF traps him under the ring skirt and beats him down. MJF focuses the attack on the wrist and elbow now, as Cole is wearing an elbow pad. MJF bounces Cole’s hand off the steps and locks in a top wrist lock back in the ring. Cole attempts a clothesline but MJF ducks and hits an arm ringer. Pump handle driver by MJF! Two count. MJF teases Sweet Chin Music by tuning up the band, but Cole DRILLS MJF with a superkick of his own! MJF’s mouth is bleeding profusely. Clotheslines and a pump kick now by Cole and the crowd is hot. Enziguiri by Cole and a back stabber gets two. Cole looks for the Panama Sunrise by MJF deposits Cole on the apron and rings the arm. Cole evades a Heat Seeker and misses the lowering the boom. Double underhook shoulder breaker by MJF but Cole responds with a brainbuster to the knee! Two count. Ushigoroshi by Cole but his knee buckles and he only gets a two count. Cole looks for a German suplex on the apron but MJF counters into a tombstone, but Cole fights out. Cole looks for the Panama Sunrise on the apron but MJF goes to the throat and PLANTS COLE WITH A TOMBSTONE ON THE APRON! Both men are down on the outside momentarily but MJF rolls Cole back inside and only gets two. MJF puts the boots to Cole before spitting on him, but Cole fires back with chops and it’s FIGHTING SPIRIT TIME. MJF runs into a big boot and a pump kick. Rolling elbow by MJF but Cole fakes the superkick high and then goes to the knee before going to the face. Cole tries to lower the boom but MJF hits a lariat in return! MJF gets a two count but Cole transitions into the crossface. MJF rolls him up for two and the Salt of the Earth is locked in! Cole rolls through and grabs an ankle lock. MJF rolls through into a version of the Yes Lock. Cole grabs the bottom rope with his foot for the break. Heatseeker by MJF! One, two, no! MJF rolls outside and seemingly prepares a table. MJF rolls Cole on the table and goes up.. to the top? MJF connects with a flying elbow drop from the top rope through the announcer’s table on the outside! MJF rolls back in the ring and he wants the win by count out. Cole barely makes it in before the count and the match continues. MJF follows Cole to the apron and Cole delivers a pump kick to the face… Florida Keys on the apron! Cole now heads up top for the Panama Sunrise but MJF falls backwards to avoid it. Toe kick to the stomach by MJF and a double stomp to Cole’s elbow! MJF argues with the referee and Cole looks for a roll up, but MJF throws him off right onto the referee. MJF runs outside to grab the title and throws it to Cole, hoping the referee will wake up and see it, but the referee fell the other way and now Cole has the title! Cole blasts MJF with the title! Cole lowers the boom on MJF! One, two, NO! 2.99! Cole tries to lower the boom again but MJF falls face-first on the mat. Cole looks for the Florida Keys again but MJF goes low behind the referee’s back. MJF slides on the Dynamite Diamond Ring, but the referee sees it and grabs his hand! Superkick by Cole into the Panama Sunrise! Cole lowers the boom! One, two, thr-no! THE BELL RINGS AND IT’S A THIRTY MINUTE TIME LIMIT DRAW!
Winner: Draw
Rating: ****1/2. Unbelievable match between two of the best now, and maybe eventually, ever to do it. The storyline was great, the action was fantastic, maybe a few too many kickouts by Cole but if that’s the biggest gripe, they made magic here. Also, not tipping their hand previous to the time limit was a nice touch.
Adam Cole asks MJF for five more minutes… MJF declines.
Video package of CM Punk pending return, this Saturday at the United Center on Collision! Be sure to follow along with us here, LIVE, by the way!
Sammy Guevara is here with Renee. Sammy reminds us that he and Tay Melo are welcoming a baby girl into this world. Sammy says he’s going to have to make some tough decisions, in order to complete his vision of having his baby daughter in one arm, and the AEW World Heavyweight Championship in the other.
Enter Darby Allin.
Darby wants to know if Sammy is ready to stand on his own two feet and leave the Jericho Appreciation Society.
Enter Chris Jericho.
Jericho demands they cut the music off, so you know he’s pissed. The entire three months Sammy was chasing MJF’s championship, he never asked for help. If Sammy did call, maybe he wouldn’t have lost to MJF.
Sammy wants to know why Jericho didn’t call him, because then maybe he wouldn’t have lost to Adam Cole. Twice.
Jericho wants an apology right now and Sammy says he’s not apologizing for shit! Jericho says Le Sex Gods should reunite next week. Darby says that Jericho calls himself a wizard, but when the bell rings, the magic is gone. Boom. Jericho says he and Sammy are going to beat Darby two on one right now. Darby’s not really alone!
It’s… Stinggggggggg!
Sting and Jericho faceoff in the center of the ring, both with a bat in their hand! A little bit of a duel here as Jericho leaves the ring and Sammy isn’t following.
Match #2. Mogul Embassy vs. Sting, Orange Cassidy, Darby Allin, and Keith Lee
Series of Stinger Splashes in the corner to Swerve by everyone, but Cage removes Sting from the ring. Running Code Red to Swerve by Darby, who goes up top for the Coffin Drop but gets hit with a back braker on the turnbuckle by Kaun and a senton on the apron by Toa. Deadlift superplex by Cage from the outside in. Mogul Embassy with quick tags now as Darby is isolated from his team. Mogul Embassy hit the runand hit the swinging triple team powerbomb to Darby and the Swerve kick! Two count. JML Driver attempt by Swerve but Darby rolls up for two. Darby makes the dive and gets the tag to Keith Lee. Double clothesline to the Gates of Agony and Lee reverses a Swerve flatliner attempt. Cage has Lee up in a powerbomb as Swerve goes up top… quadruple team powerbomb and Swerve stomp! Cassidy breaks up the pin at two. Satellite DDT by Cassidy to Swerve and Cage catches an Orange Punch into an F5. Kaun hits the Alabama Slam on Darby but Sting is here with a Manhattan drop. Lee blasts Kaun and tosses Toa over the top. Coffin Drop to the floor by Darby takes out the Gates of Agony. Cage whips Sting into the ropes but Sting comes back with a clothesline. Sting looks for the Scorpion Death Drop but Cage has him up on his shoulders for the F5, but Cassidy is here with the Orange Punch! Scorpion Death Drop! One, two, three!
Winners: Sting, Orange Cassidy, Keith Lee, & Darby Allin
Rating: ***1/4. This was the exact opposite of the first match, but bodies flying everywhere and spot after spot of madness. This felt like having a match for the sake of having a match, but it did it’s job and the crowd was on their feet the entire time.
The Gunn’s are here with Renee, and they’re challenging the Hardy’s for next week on Dynamite.
Match #3. AEW World TV Championship: Wardlow (c) w/ Arn Anderson vs. Jake Hager
Hager attacks Wardlow on the ramp during his entrance and we’re off to the races. Hager posts Wardlow before both men get in the ring and the bell rings. Clotheslines by Wardlow and some big shoulder blocks in the corner. Wardlow bulldozes Hager on the outside with a shoulder block before throwing him into the steel ring post. Wardlow is in charge back in the ring with some release vertical suplexes. Wardlow misses a running shoulder block in the corner and Hager proceeds to work over the ankle. Ankle lock in the center of the ring by Hager but Wardlow upkicks his way out of it. Hager runs into a spinebuster as Menard and Parker try to get the jump on Arn at ringside but Arn draws the Glock! Brock is here and he helps Arn fight the other guys to the back. Vader Bomb by Hager but Wardlow gets the feet up and follows Hager out of the ring with a plancha. Swanton by Wardlow! Powerbomb! Make that two and a pin.
Winner and STILL AEW World TNT Champion: Wardlow
Rating: **3/4. Man this was good for as long as it was. Two big dudes just beating the heck out of each other and the crowd was here for all of it. Strong win for the big guy.
Christian Cage and Luchasaurus are on the screen, but there are a few audio issues preventing. Welp, wait, now they’re back. Christian and Luchasaurus accept Wardlow’s open challenge for the TNT Championship… this Saturday, at Collision!
A video package of Hiroshi Tanahashi is shown… Tanahashi challenges MJF!
In the back, Renee finds MJF in the trainer’s room and MJF says he’s no-showing the booking.
Renee is now here with Zack Sabre Jr. and Daniel Garcia. Garcia challenges Shibata for the ROH Pure Championship and Cassidy says Shibata isn’t here this week, but Cassidy and Shibata will take on ZSJ and Garcia next week.
Match #4. AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) w/ Ruby Soho vs. Skye Blue
Up and over sends Blue to the apron, but she punts Ruby Soho and comes off the top with a crossbody. Blue attempts a running knee and Storm moves, Storm then looks for the apron running hip attack and misses, but Blue connects with one of her own. Toni Storm then sprays Skye Blue’s mom in the face with the spray paint. Low suicide dive takes out both Ruby and Storm. Storm sends Blue into the guard rail and announcer’s chair at ring side. Pair of back breakers inside the ring by Storm gets a long two count. Blue fires back with some forearms and a head scissors. Running knee on the ropes by Blue and a sliding rebound kick lands. Blue misses a sliding hip attack and lands throat-first on the middle rope. Ruby passes Storm the spray paint and distracts the referee, but Blue hits Storm with blue spray paint. Superkick by Blue and SkyeFall! Ruby rolls in the ring and the referee is distracted. Superkick to Ruby by Blue but she walks into Storm Zero. Blue kicks out! Storm locks in the Texas Cloverleaf and Blue is forced to tap.
Winner and STILL AEW World Women’s Champion: Skye Blue
Rating: **3/4. Too short and too much of it was commercial, but what we saw was pretty good and the crowd is very invested.
After the bell the Outcasts attack, but Willow is here to make the save.
Renee is in the back yet again, this time with JungleHook. Jungle Boy says they’re hyped, but he needs a title standing next to hook. Jungle Boy accepts Sanada’s open challenge for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. Jungle Boy asks Hook to be in his corner at Forbidden Door, and Hook agrees.
Bryan Danielson joins the commentary table and we’re moments away from our main event!
Match #5. Trios Match: Blackpool Combat Club vs. The Hung Bucks
Moxley and Hangman start and a completely brawl breaks out. Triple superkicks by The Elite. Apron powerbomb by Matt to Yuta. Double jump escalera by Nick to Claudio as Hangman hits a moonsault off the second rope to Moxley. Matt and Nick drape Yuta from the apron and Page hits the running shooting star press to the floor! Matt and Moxley are legal but Nick comes in with a crossbody and an outside in X-Factor from the apron. Nick moonsaults off the apron but Claudio catches him and pops him up into a European uppercut. Suicide dive by Moxley takes out Nick Jackson. Crossbody off the top by Matt to the floor takes out the BCC. Nick tries to tag Matt but Yuta pulls him off the apron and German suplexes him on the floor! King Kong lariat to Nick and a piledriver by Moxley! One, two, no! Nick in trouble now throughout PIP as the BCC isolate him from his corner. Double stomp to Nick by Claudio gets a two. Moxley in but he misses an elbow and looks for a tag but gets cut off by Moxley. Dropkick to Moxley and Page gets the hot tag! Double jump lariat to Claudio and a fall away slam to Yuta. Plancha takes out Claudio and Yuta gets send to the outside with a clothesline. Back-to-back suicide dives to Yuta and Claudio. Diving lariat off the top by Page to Yuta gets two. Buckle bomb and double enziguiri combo to Yuta. Matt in now with the locomotion Northern Light’s suplexes. Moxley in now and it’s a double Northern Lights! Slingshot by Matt into an enziguiri from Nick and a pair of double boots to a prone Yuta. Ace Crusher by Moxley takes out Matt. Lariat by Claudio takes out Matt. German suplex with a bridge by Yuta to Matt! Two count. Moxley gets the tag and slides out of the ring to send Page into the steel steps. Doomsday Device by BCC to Matt! Two count. Hammer and anvil elbows to Matt and Moxley locks in the rear naked choke. Claudio dropping elbows on Page! Nick Jackson sentons over Claudio off the top to break up the choke. Claudio eats a superkick and chokeslams Matt. Rocket Launcher to Matt but the knees are up. Double superkick to Claudio! To Moxley! To Yuta! Pop-up powerbom by Page and the BTE Trigger to Yuta! Buckshot Lariat and this one is over!
Winners: The Hung Bucks
Rating: ***3/4. What a ridiculously entertaining sprint this was.
The BCC continue the beatdown after the bell, with Claudio and Page in the middle of the ring. EDDIE KINGSTON IS BACK AND HE TAKES DOWN CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI IN THE CENTER OF THE RING! BACKFIST TO YUTA! BACKFIST TO CLAUDIO!
Moxley and Kingston get face to face now and neither one throws a punch. Matt Jackson jumps Moxley and Kingston throws him off! Kingston and Moxley face off now but Takeshita is here and hits Kingston with an elbow to the back of the neck! Takeshita stands tall in the center of the ring!
Triple dives to the outside as Omega lines up Takeshita for a V-Trigger WILL OSPREAY IS HERE WITH A SUPERKICK AND A HIDDEN BLADE!
Final Thoughts: HOLY S. WHAT AN ENDING. WHAT A SHOW! This show felt like one of those Attitude-era Raws where the entire locker room emptied out and the arena just couldn’t take it and blew the roof off. I don’t even know what to say here, top to bottom one of the strongest episodes of Dynamite I’ve ever seen, with one of the best endings of a weekly show to me, ever. Two incredibly strong storylines with Cole/MJF and BCC/Elite and a heck of a lot of solid wrestling throughout. 9.25/10.