Now that Blood & Guts is over, we’re on our way to All In at Wembley:
- Taya Valkyrie vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD
- Swerve Strickland vs. Darby Allin
- AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. AR Fox
- Pac vs. Gravity
- Three-way Tag Team Match: Best Friends vs. Lucha Bros vs. Blackpool Combat Club
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 7/26/23
Live from the MVP Arena in Albany, New York! Taz, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur are on commentary tonight and we’re starting with a title match!
But first, we get a video package of Darby Allin explaining how AR Fox took him in to live with him when he had no place to go, and how if someone deserves this opportunity… it’s AR Fox.
Match #1. AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. AR Fox
Fox grabs a waist lock as Cassidy tries for pocket hands as both men trade arm ringers. Snap mare and a body scissors by Fox. Cassidy is essentially covered in athletic tape, but manages to shimmy out of the body scissors. Cassidy does all of his hands-free moves but Fox looks for the jackknife cover and gets a two. Cassidy misses on an Orange Punch and Fox misses on the rolling thunder cutter as Cassidy rolls to the outside. Fox fakes a few dives but hits a running moonsault off the ring post from the apron to the floor. Fox with a rolling suplex from the apron but Cassidy counters with Stundog Millionaire. Mule kick off the ropes and a Stunner by Fox. Cassidy looks for the satellite DDT but Fox holds on and deadlifts him with a twisting suplex for two. Cassidy rolls to the outside again as Fox follows and attempts a boot, but Cassidy whips his leg into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Cassidy tries the Orange Punch yet again but Fox counters with a cutter for two. Running clothesline in the corner by Fox and a skin the cat pair of boots. Two count. Neckbreaker by Fox but he holds on for a second and attempts a third but Cassidy counters with a dropkick to the knee. Big boots exchanged in the middle of the ring as both men connect on reverse neckbreakers at the same time. Cassidy on the apron and runs Fox’s head into the turnbuckles a bunch. Cassidy misses a dive into the ring and Fox counters with an outside in senton. Cassidy rolls outside and Fox hits a bit plancha to the floor. Swanton by Fox gets two. Cassidy sends Fox to the outside and follows with a suicide dive. Satellite DDT and Beach Break by Cassidy only get two! Fox sets Cassidy up on the top rope and it’s the Lo-mein Pain (springboard seated Spanish Fly). Two count. Fox goes up top but Cassidy rolls to the other side of the ring, to the apron, and Fox follows with rolling thunder on the outside! Fox grabs Cassidy and DDT’s him through the middle rope. Two count. 450 by Fox but Cassidy moves and Fox lands on his feet, but tweaks his ankle. Cassidy rolls him up but only gets two. Mouse Trap by Cassidy and he gets him!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: ****. These two have a ton of chemistry together and it was a blast of an opening match. Cassidy still finds new ways to win week after week.
After the match, Cassidy puts the glasses on Fox, but Fox crumples them up and drops Cassidy with an elbow! Fox looks remorseful and here’s Darby to get in Fox’s face.
Don Callis and Jim Cornette are here with Renee. Callis said he’s taken the liberty of organizing a tag team match with Takeshita vs. Sammy Guevara and Danny Garcia. Callis presents Chris with a painting of themselves with Bad News Allen.
Claudio and Wheeler are here. PSA: don’t play with fire, and don’t mess with the BCC. Moxley walks in and says the Lucha Bros are playing with explosives and they’re going to get hurt.
Tony Schiavone is here with Jack Perry, who’s wearing an “I Beat Hook” orange and black shirt. Perry says he’s the greatest wrestler to ever get within 100 feet of that thing. Perry says he’d work circles around Taz and anyone from back in the day.
Here comes former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Jerry Lynn. Lynn tells Perry that without ECW, he wouldn’t exist, and then says Perry is going to get his ass kicked one day. Perry wants to know who’s going to do it, and Lynn accepts the challenge for next week!
Match #2. Pac vs. Gravity
Lots of arm drags to start that ends with Gravity sending Pac to the floor with a shotgun dropkick. Pac rolls to the outside and now it’s a game of cat and mouse on the outside that ends with Pac hitting a baseball slide to the floor. Powerslam on the floor by Gravity and a stalling splash off the apron. Pac makes his way back in eventually and we reset. Pac grounds Gravity with a headlock and beats on him in the corner. Pac charges Gravity but gets a pair of boots to the face and a springboard tornillo in the corner. Pac responds with a spinning back kick to the body and a running single leg dropkick to the face. Pac sets Gravity up on the top turnbuckle and looks for an avalanche brainbuster and nails it. Brutalizer finishes this one.
Winner: Pac
Rating: **. This was shorter than I thought it would be, but it’s good to see Pac back and getting some wins after back-to-back losses.
Better Than You BayBay met with Renee after they won the tournament last week. MJF says he’s going to hit Cash so hard he spits out CM Punk’s jockstrap. Cole wants MJF To know this is about friendship, and Cole meant nothing by picking up the title. MJF says he’s thought long and hard about it, and he wants to give Cole a rematch for the Triple B after they win the tag titles. Roderick Strong is here and Cole breaks up the fight.
FTR also joined Renee last week. Cash says that everyone that’s even been with him, including his fiance, left him once they got to know him. Dax said he’s going to beat the s out of MJF and while they both like Adam… he’s going to get beaten. Sorry, Adam.
Match #3. Darby Allin vs. Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana
Darby with an arm drag into a rear chin lock. Double jump arm drag by Draby but Swerve sends him to the apron. Swerve charges but Darby drops to the floor and Swerve flips over the top. Darby with some palm strikes and a running Code Red on the floor! Back in the ring, two count. Outside, Darby whips Swerve into the guard rail. Swerve whips Darby into the steps and Darby dives over in a tumble, but Swerve follows with a Swerve Kick to the head off the step! Swerve breaks the count and then runs Darby back-first into the steps. Swerve steps on Darby’s throat. Inside the ring, leaping flatliner by Swerve and a big suplex for two. Both men trade pinning combinations until Darby locks in the Last Supper and Swerve kicks out at two! Swerve is on the apron and Darby charges with a spear to the floor, a la Big E. Prince Nana tries to get involved but Nick Wayne is here. Cannonball to the floor by Darby but Swerve meets him with a flying knee in mid-air! Swerve Stomp but Darby is out at two! Darby heads to the top after headbutting Swerve in the stomach, but Swerve now follows him up top. Darby comes over the top with a Stunner off the top rope! Swerve rolls to the apron and Darby goes up top. Swerve pulls the boot out and Swerve meets Darby on the top again. Swerve has Darby up on his shoulder and hits a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE APRON! HOLY S. Darby tries to make it in before the 10 count and does, but someone in a hood pulls him back out of the ring and throws him into the ring post, before rolling him in the right where Swerve is waiting with the JML Driver for the win!
Winner: Swerve Strickland
Rating: ****. Two guys that could put on BANGERS with each other with their eyes closed. Darby is fearless and Swerve is shining bright in AEW. Fantastic stuff.
After the match, the hooded man is revealed to be AR Fox. Nick Wayne tries to make the save for Darby but takes a skateboard to the back and then the face from Fox. Prince Nana gives AR Fox a shirt representing The Embassy.. and he accepts!
Renee catches up with Chris Jericho, Daddy Magic, Angelo Parker, Anna Jay, and Tay Melo in the back. The JAS want to know what’s going on with Chris Jericho, and does he even care about the JAS anymore? Anna says Jericho is being selfish, because he never appreciated them. The members of the JAS say they can’t give him 100% until they know where he stands and leave the lockers.
Match #4. Taya Valkyrie vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD
Mat return and a front headlock by Taya and a shoulder block. Britt rolls to the corner and eats a pair of running knees to the face. Wrist trap and some overhand chops to the chest of Britt. Short-arm clothesline by Taya for two. Some misdirection here by both women as Britt looks for the cazadora but Taya grabs her and tries for the Road to Valhalla and… both women just fall very awkwardly to the mat. Yikes. Taya mounts Britt and delivers some more awkward looking strikes. This is going off the rails a bit here. Taya looks for a leg lace with a crossface and gets it. Britt’s looking to fight to the ropes but Taya lets it go and drops Britt face-first. Running back elbow in the corner by Taya followed by a clothesline. Another pair of running knees but Baker moves and locks in the kravat, delivering some knees to the face. Both women are now exchanging elbows in the center of the ring but Taya connects with a high kick and Britt answers with a superkick. Big knee to the face by Taya and a lariat for two. Taya charges Britt in the corner and gets a boot to the face. Britt looks for Panama Sunrise but Taya counters with a Northern Light’s Suplex with a bridge for two. Superkick by Britt and the Panama Sunrise connects this time. Taya kicks out at two. Britt grabs the glove and looks for the Fisherman’s neckbreaker but Taya counters with a spear. Road to Valhalla is countered into the Lockjaw and Taya taps.
Winner: Dr. Britt Baker DMD
Rating: *3/4. The ending sequence here was good but this match was… not. Both women looked off here, the match was slow, the moves looked awkward. Just a shame, really. I don’t want to sound out of turn but I think Britt would benefit from some more ring time.
Match #5. Three-way Tag Team: Best Friends vs. Lucha Bros vs. Blackpool Combat Club
Best Friends & Lucha Bros start brawling as the BCC are making their entrance. Trent takes out everyone with a suicide dive as Moxley strangles Chuck up the ramp. The fight is all over the place as Chuck hits a running flipping dive off the stage on to the BCC & Lucha Bros. Claudio and Chuck pair off now and head to the ring but get detoured as Chuck gets thrown into the steel steps. Fenix enters the ring and invites Claudio, who obliges. Chop fest now in the center but Claudio runs into a super kick. Double jump arm drag by Fenix but Chuck hits a running knee. Superkick by Penta. Running European by Claudio. Cutter by Moxley. Pop-up European by Claudio to Fenix and it’s a two count. Moxley works over Fenix against the ropes now and both men I think, are legal. Snap suplex by Moxley and a tag to Claudio, who drops the leg. Claudio catches a chop from Fenix but counters with a short-arm clothesline. Superkick by Fenix and Trent is legal now. Saito suplex by Trent to Claudio, who rolls outside. Trent tries to follow with a suicide dive but eats a European uppercut. Tag to Moxley and the King Kong lariat flattens Trent for a two count. Roundhouse kicks to a kneeling Trent now by Moxley, before tagging Claudio for a spike piledriver. Chuck breaks up the pin and they get a two. Claudio sets Trent up on the top but Trent pushes him off and comes off with a shotgun dropkick. Chuck and Moxley are in now and Moxley eats some Soul Food. Moxley runs into a knee from Chuck and a German suplex. Penta tags himself in and it’s a Slingblade for Chuck. Make that two. Back stabber to Chuck but Trent breaks up the pin. BCC are with a double team cutter to Trent but the Lucha Bros connect with double superkicks to BCC. BCC shake it off and its stereo lariats for two. All six guys are in the middle of the ring throwing elbows at each other as the Best Friends hit stereo piledrivers on the Lucha Bros. Two count on Penta. Double shoulder breakers by Lucha Bros! Made in Japan by Penta to Trent but BCC breaks up the pin. Paradigm Shift to Fenix. Hammer and anvil elbows to Chuck. Wrist trapped stomps to Moxley. Ricola Bomb to Chuck. Ricola Bomb to Trent but Orange Cassidy’s music hits. Orange Punch to Yuta! Moxley and Cassidy start brawling on the ramp and Trent reverses the Ricola Bomb into the Dudebuster! Trent goes for the cover but Claudio isn’t legal! Trent looks for the Dudebuster on Penta but Fenix superkicks him and it’s countered into a Fear Factor by Penta for the win!
Winners: The Lucha Bros
Rating: ***3/4. Very entertaining scramble to end the night. Penta and Fenix winning is a bit of an upset and BCC have now lost two matches in a row.
The fight continues after the match and it’s announced next week will be a No Holds Barred triple threat match between Moxley, Penta, and Trent!
Final Thoughts: Mixed bag here tonight, and to be fair, it’s hard to follow Blood & Guts. The opener, Darby/Swerve, and main event all delivered, but the rest was kind of all over the place. I expected much more from the woman’s match, and the Pac/Gravity was underwhelming at best. The Cole/MJF storyline advancement was good and we had some important promos, so we’re moving in the right direction. 7/10.