A star-studded lineup for the 200th episode of Dynamite tonight as we’ve got two title matches, The Elite, Chris Jericho, and more:
- Trios Match: Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, & Jeff Jarrett vs. The Elite
- AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Hikaru Shida
- ROH World Tag Team Championship: Aussie Open (c) vs. El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander
- No Holds Barred Triple Threat Match: Jon Moxley vs. Trent vs. Penta
- Chris Jericho & Konosuke Takeshita vs. Danny Garcia & Sammy Guevara
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 8/2/23
Live from the Yeungling Center in Tampa Bay, Florida! Throwback set for the 200th episode tonight with Tony Schiavone, Taz, and Excalibur on the call as it’s time for Judas.
Match #1. Konosuke Takeshita & Chris Jericho vs. Sammy Guevara & Daniel Garcia
Shoulder block by Jericho but a quick kip up by Guevara. Both men trade chops early as Sammy goes up, over, and delivers a flipping dropkick. Jericho pops back up and it’s chop city again. Jumping knee by Jericho as Garcia gets the tag and he and Guevara deliver a double shoulder block and mug for the camera. Takeshita gets the tag and Garcia gyrates. Flying Steinerline by Takeshita drops Garcia. Jericho gets the tag and Callis trips up Garcia, allowing Jericho to hit a big boot. Jericho drops Garcia on the top rope sternum-first but charges into a big boot. Jericho returns with a huge chop and some quick tags between Jericho and Takeshita. Jericho looks for the Lionsault but Garcia gets the knees up and both men seem like they connected with knees here. Guevara gets the tag as does Takeshita. Cross body by Guevara and a clothesline sends Takeshita to the floor and an elbow suicida takes out Jericho. Corkscrew planch to Takeshita on the outside and a frog splash back on the inside. Two count. Blue Thunder Bomb by Takeshita after Jericho provides a distraction. Takeshita looks for the Walls of Takeshita (that’s a thing) but Guevara fights out. Spanish Fly by Sammy gets two. Jericho in not, also looking for the Walls of Jericho but Guevara cradles for two. Garcia gets the hot tag but he runs right into a Code Breaker! Two count. Garcia returns with a flying knee strike and gets two. Superkick by Guevara to Takeshita. Guevara goes to the top and hits a Shooting Star Press to the floor and crushes Takeshita’s face with an elbow. Garcia locks in the DragonTamer but Callis cracks Garcia in the heat with Floyd right behind the referee’s back. Jericho sees it happen, looks conflicted, and covers Garcia anyway.
Winners: Chris Jericho & Konosuke Takeshita
Rating: ***. Good opening match here with the storyline of Jericho possibly joining the Don Callis family threateded throughout.
Tony Khan is here, putting over AEW All In, and shows a video package showing the history of Dynamite.
Back from break and Jack Perry is here to have a face-off with Jerry Lynn as Lynn hits the stage…
RVD walks to the ring and Jack Perry bails immediately. Lynn and RVD embrace but Perry is here with a chair, RVD ducks, and barely misses a Van Daminator! Perry again bails to the front row and uses a small child as a shield, in a move I’ve seen at a local Petco recently. Operation: Human Shield.
Match #2. Three-way Anything Goes Match: Trent vs. Penta vs. Jon Moxley
Trent takes out Moxley with a dive during his entrance and Penta takes out Trent with a dive of his own. Slingblade by Penta on the floor to Trent. In the ring and Penta drills Moxley with a trash can. Now Trent. Penta charges Moxley but Moxley counters with an Ace Crusher out of nowhere. Moxley pulls a barbed wire wrapped 2×4 out from under the ring but it gets taken by Penta. Moxley forces him to drop it but Penta connects with a Backstabber. Flying knee with a trashcan lid by Trent to Penta. Moxley takes the 2×4 to the stomach of Trent and rakes it across his eyes. Piledriver on the 2×4 to Trent! Moxley looks for something else but Trent counters with a Saito on the barbed wire. Alex Abrahantes and Penta set up a table on the outside as Trent is bleeding and placed on it. Moxley crotches Penta on the top rope and rakes the barbed wire across Penta’s face. Trent gets off the table and catches Moxley on the top. SUPERPLEX TO THE FLOOR THROUGH THE TABLES! Trent is up first and now looks to set up a table in the middle of the ring, because why not? Mox goes low on Trent and chokes Penta unconscious. Hammer and anvil elbows to Penta now as Moxley sets up a table in the corner. Trent flings a trash can at Moxley and now everybody is down. Superkick by Penta to Trent and to Moxley. Trent gets set up on the table as Penta goes up top, but Trent meets him again. Penta gets the better of Trent and it’s an Avalanche Destroyer off the top through the table! Moxley watches it happen and then body checks Penta through a table on the far side. Moxley has a bag and it’s… thumbtacks. Moxley takes Penta’s shirt off and looks for the Deathrider, but Penta reverses, and now Moxley reverses.. Gotch Style Piledriver into the tacks! Penta somehow kicks out before the three. X-Plex into the tacks on the exposed back! Ace Crusher by Moxley on Trent in the tacks! Moxley looks for another piledriver but Trent hits the Dudebuster on Moxley in the tacks! Penta destroys Trent with a garbage can and everyone is out! Crowd is going nuts. Three-way fighting spirit here in the middle of the ring, with Trent getting the best of it. Superkick by Penta to Trent and a King Kong lariat by Moxley! Paradigm Shift by Moxley to Penta in the tacks and Trent hits the flying knee to Moxley before covering Penta for the win!
Winner: Trent
Rating: ***1/2. Absolute cluster of violence, as advertised. Trent getting the win was a great surprise and this was everything it should have been.
Moxley attacks Trent after the bell and the rest of the BCC come through the crowd, but Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor intercept and a brawl breaks out. Trent dives to the floor from the top and takes out everyone. Orange Punch by Cassidy takes out Moxley!
Chuck takes the mic and challenges The BCC to a parking lot brawl on Rampage.
Rob Van Dam is in the back with Renee, who challenges him next week for the FTW title.
MJF is here! MJF tells us he has ADD, which leads to Rejection Sensitive Disorder. MJF can not regulate rejection, and life isn’t exactly easy for MJF. MJF regales a story about kids throwing quarters at him and saying “Pick it up, Jew Boy”, and says if he wanted to survive this life, he had to stab people in the back before they stabbed him. MJF says that may not be the right way to live. MJF says being a scumbag was easy, and what’s hard, is being vulnerable and open. MJF says he hated the fans before they could hate him… and he’s not scared anymore. He’s not scared anymore BECAUSE of the fans, who taught him that they do care about Max. The fans have showed MJF that they DO have sympathy for the devil. MJF says he’s still a scumbag, but he’s OUR scumbag.
“He’s our scumbag” chants ring out through the arena.
MJF welcomes a man that helped opened his one, and he’s one of the best wrestlers, one of the best human beings, and MJF’s best friend… Adam Cole.
Adam Cole is here. Cole wants MJF to know that he’s not alone. Cole says he was a jerk for years too, because he was scared, and didn’t understand what being a man really was. Cole says the fans love MJF and adore him and know he’s a great guy deep down. Cole, and the fans, are proud of MJF. MJF says while he appreciates the kind words, but he called Cole out because he made him a promise. MJF promised Cole he would give him a title shot, and he came to the conclusion that Cole doesn’t deserve a match.
Well, Cole doesn’t deserve just… any match. Cole deserves the main event at Wembley… All In! MJF gives Cole the contract! Cole says he loves MJF, and MJF loves him back. Both guys hug and we’ve got a main event for All In!
Match #3. The Elite vs. Jey Lethal, Satnam Singh, & Jeff Jarrett
Jarrett and Omega to start and that… is a sentence. Shoulder blocks by Jeff and a hip toss. Body slam by Jeff and the Fargo Strut. Chops by Omega but an eye poke by Jarrett before tagging Lethal, who gets arm dragged. Matt is in now with an arm ringer, as Nick gets tagged and comes off the top with a double stomp. Assisted hurricanrana to Lethal and a double dropkick to Jarrett. Singh gets the tag as Matt tries to tag Nick and Kenny, both who leave the apron in a funny spot. Nick gets the tag begrudgingly. Double crossbody by Singh takes otu both Bucks. Lethal in now with a back breaker to Nick. Jarrett gets the tag and looks for The Stroke but Nick fights out. Superkick to Jarrett! Omega is in and clears house with Polish Hammers. You Can’t Escape to Lethal but Singh distracts and allows Lethal to get his knees up. Lethal Combination attempt to both Bucks but they flip Lethal over and hit the double superkick. Superkick party to Lethal, Jarrett, and Singh. V-Trigger to Singh! Omega looks for the One Winged Angel to Singh but Sonjay hits him from behind and Lethal hits the Lethal Combination. Karen is on the apron but Landon is here and she gets the cold spray in the face. The Hardy’s are here to remove Sonjay! In the ring, Jarrett has the guitar but Hangman sneaks in and hits the Buckshot! Lethal quickly grabs the guitar but Omega drills him with a V-Trigger and then plays guitar on his back before finishing this one with the One Winged Angel.
Winners: The Elite
Rating: ***1/4. Lots of “ga ga” in that match but it was entertaining from start to finish. Jay Lethal is great, by the way. The Elite have such a connection with the crowd and Singh and Jarrett played their parts perfectly.
Kenny Omega takes the mic and gives it to Hangman, who’s got an announcement. The Elite have re-signed with AEW for quite a long time! Omega takes the mic and tells us that whether its Dynamite, Rampage, Ring of Honor… heck, even Collision (pop), you’ll be seeing a lot more of all of these guys!
The Mogul Embassy are here. Fox says he wants to know why Darby couldn’t have called Fox in the last five years, since he was his hero. Swerve says he casted AR Fox in his latest movie. A video is shown of Swerve, Prince Nana, and AR Fox invading the Buddy Wayne Academy, where Nick Wayne trains. Fox and Wayne dispose of the other guys in the ring before breaking a picture of Nick and his deceased father over Nick’s head. Swerve says he’s going to leave the photo right where he was when he found out his dad died.
AR Fox has a piece of glass to the throat of Wayne, forcing him to unlock his phone so they can call Darby. Swerve tells Darby to shut up and listen, and berates him for leaving his mentor, AR Fox, in the dust. Wayne is left laying in a pool of his own blood.
Match #4. Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: Aussie Open (c) vs. El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander
Vikingo and Fletcher trade acrobatics to start. Springboard cross body by Vikingo and a tornillo into a tieres. Superkick to Davis. Komander walks over the shoulder of Vikingo and takes Davis over with a head scissors. Shoulder block, penalty kick, senton combo by Aussie Open. Double jump by Komander but Davis catches him and tosses him into a punt by Fletcher. Assisted diving cutter by Aussie Open to Komander gets two. Komander tries to quadruple jump arm drag but gets caught, yet still sends Fletcher to the floor. Assisted dropkick to Davis. Diving legdrop to Fletcher who was hung from the middle rope. Double suicide dive by Komander and Vikingo but they get caught by Aussie Open and crushed together on the outside. Delayed vertical suplex by Davis, who tags Fletcher, hands Komander off, and then drops him. Davis is back in and misses a senton. Vikingo is legal now and comes in the ring with a double jump dropkick to Davis. Cartwheel kick to Fletcher for two. Vikingo comes off the top but eats two boots to the face. Assisted inverted powerbomb to Vikingo gets a long two count. Vikingo fights back with chops but eats a pair of elbows to the face. Fireman’s carry by Davis but Komander dives off the top, off of Vikingo’s back, and into a destroyer to Davis! Crucifix bomb by Vikingo! Double rope walk moonsault to the outside! Vikingo and Komander go up top next to each other and hit double 450 splashes to Davis but Fletcher breaks it up at two! Komander misses the rope walk Shooting Star but eats a big boot. Double lariats by Aussie Open and the Coreolis finishes this one!
Winners: Aussie Open
Rating: ***3/4. This match ruled. Aussie Open are absolutely unreal and had amazing dance partners tonight. Vikingo and Komander, when their high impact offense is used sparingly, are so impressive, and it makes it mean so much more.
Match #5. AEW World Women’s Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Shida
Shida attacks first and Storm is forced to bail. Both women exchange shoulder blocks but Shida forces Storm down. Shida delivers some ground and pound before hanging Storm over the apron and hitting a big running knee to the face. Shida sends Storm into the barricade and delivers some mounted punches in the corner, but Storm drops her throat-first on the guardrail. Snap suplex into the turnbuckle by Shida. Two count. Storm goes to the eyes and pulls Shida to the apron. Running hip attack sends Shida crashing to the floor. Storm in control now, putting the boots to Shida and standing in her hair. Storm with a full nelson now but Shida makes it to the ropes. Storm looks for the running hip attack in the corner, but Shida catches her with a German suplex. Running knee strike by Shida in the corner. Make it two. Shida mounts Storm and delivers a bunch of punches and elbows to the face. Missile dropkick off the middle rope by Shida for two. Shida goes up top again and delivers a flying Meteora to a seated Storm that gets another two. Shida sets Storm up on the top rope but Ruby Soho pulls her off as Saraya distracts the referee. Swinging DDT off the top by Storm. Running hip attack in the corner by Storm and another tornado DDT! One, two, no! Storm just bullying Shida in the ring but Shida fires back some huge forearms. Chops by Storm. Forearms by Shida. Shida drops to a knee but Storm misses a charge and the big knee strike connects. Falcon Arrow by Shida! Two count. Saraya has Shida’s kendo stick and slides it into the ring. Shida takes the kendo stick and hits Ruby Soho with it instead of Storm! Referee takes the stick away and as he turns around, Storm sprays the green spray paint in the face of Shida. Storm Zero but Shida kicks out at two! Storm looks for another one but Shida rolls her up for the one, two, three! New champ!
Winner and NEW AEW Women’s World Champion: Hikaru Shida
Rating: ***1/4. Didn’t see that one coming, either! Can’t help but think of this as a “thank you” to Shida, who carried AEW’s women’s division throughout the whole pandemic era. Hopefully this is the start of a nice long feud for Shida, defending it against all of the Outcasts.
After the match, Shida is seen crying in the ring as we go off the air with confetti.
Final Thoughts: What a show! This show felt special from start to finish, as a celebration of the 200th episode of AEW Dynamite. This show was a buffet of everything AEW has to offer, trios matches, woman’s division, “lights out” matches, a fun storyline between MJF and Cole, and more. The homestretch to All In looks like it’s going to be a blast, and I’m here for it. 8.75/10.Â