- Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament: Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy
- Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament: Jay Lethal vs. Penta
- Matt Menard & Angelo Parker vs. The Young Bucks
- Dr. Britt Baker, Hikaru Shida, & Skye Blue vs. Anna Jay, Taya Valkyrie, & The Bunny
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Rampage 9/8/23
From the Indiana Farmer’s Coliseum in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Match #1. AEW World Title Eliminator: Jay Lethal vs. Penta
Penta lands a superkick on Lethal. Both men trade chops back and forth now. Low kick by Penta. Head scissors by Penta but Lethal holds on and looks for the figure four, but Lethal fights out. Lethal goes up top and Penta catches him and comes off the top with a draping double stomp. Overhand chop by Penta. Jarrett looks for the trip from the outside but Penta sees it and sends Lethal outside instead. Penta feigns a dive but Lethal moves. Far side now Penta dives on Singh and gets caught and thrown into the guard rail behind the referee’s back. Lethal looks to take the mask off of Penta and the referee throws Jarrett and company out in the meantime. Lethal beats on Penta in the corner with some overhand chops and big boots. Lethal ducks his head and Penta kicks him in the face. Slingblade by Penta as Lethal rolls to the outside and Penta follows with a suicide dive. Lethal charges into a boot but counters with a Lethal Combination for a two count. Pump kick by Lethal. Lethal looks for the Lethal Injection but Penta follows with a low dropkick and a two count. Penta looks for the Fear Factor but Lethal rips the mask off and the referee gives Penta time to put the mask back on. Lethal looks for the guitar but Alex Abrahantes pulls it from him. Lethal Injection by Lethal but Penta counters with a back stabber. Hammer lock into a shoulder breaker by Penta! Fear Factor! One, two, three!
Winner: Penta
Rating: ***1/4. Short match between two guys that could have put on a classic, but it was entertaining for what it was.
Sammy Guevara is here and approaches Jericho on commentary. Sammy tells Jericho that he’s pissing him off. Guevara says he’s pissing Jericho off too. They want to punch each other in the face. Jericho says they can’t get over the animosity they have, and they need to get it out of their system. Grand Slam… it’s on.
Match #2. Skye Blue, Dr. Britt Baker DMD, & Hikaru Shida vs. Taya Valkyrie, The Bunny, & Anna Jay
Taya floors Skye with a chop and a big facebuster off the middle rope. Taya is in control throughout the PIP before going to a complete commercial break. Back elbow by Skye and a tag to Shida. Shida lays the strikes in to Anna and then clears the apron of the rest of her team. Argentine backbreaker but Taya kicks Shida in the stomach before sending her into the buckle, and Anna into her. Bunny gets the tag and looks to take Shida Down the Rabbit Hole, but Skye kicks her in the face. Spear by Taya. Thrust kick by Baker and a butterfly suplex to Anna. Shida misses a Meteora and Jay sends Baker right into her. Rising knee by Jay gets two. Baker quickly reverses into the Lockjaw and Jay is forced to tap.
Winners: Dr. Britt Baker DMD, Skye Blue, & Hikaru Shida
Rating: *3/4. Didn’t see much of this match but it’s job is to move the Shida/Baker feud forward.
Match #3. Matt Menard & Angelo Parker vs. The Young Bucks
Assisted senton by The Bucks and a double dropkick to Menard. Arm ringer to Parker and a double stomp off th etop rope. Locomotion Norhtern Lights by Matt to Parker. Menard in now and it’s a double Northern Lights. Hager trips up Matt from outside and Parker hits a dropkick. Elbow drop and senton combo by Menard and Parker. Two count. Menard eats a pair of boots in the corner and Nick gets the hot tag. Diving crossbody to both guys. Rope walk tieres and a head scissors by Nick. Clothesline, enziguiri combo by Nick. Superkick party to both guys, and now Hager. BTE Trigger finishes this one.
Winners: The Young Bucks
Rating: **. What it should have been, an impressive win for The Bucks.
Mike Santana says the world has been asking questions, and now the world is going to get answers. No crew. Straight dolo.
Match #4. AEW World Title Eliminator: Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy
Dropkick by Hardy and a pair of boots in the corner. Diving clothesline by Hardy off the middle rope gets two. Joe cuts Hardy off with a running knee and pounds on him in the corner. JoeaNage in the corner. Joe locks in a chin lock as we go to a commercial break. Double armbar by Joe. Desperation jawbreaker by Hardy. Hardy tries a diving crossbody and Joe just walks away, like Joe does. Joe throws Hardy into the corner and he counters with Whisper in the Wind. Running elbows by Hardy and a reverse atomic drop. Double leg drop to the lower half of Joe and an elbow drop gets two. Rebound kick by Hardy. Hardy looks for the Twist of Fate but Joe snatches the neck and Hardy goes to sleep.
Winner: Samoa Joe
Rating: **1/4. This was fine. You know what you’re getting with Jeff Hardy at this point, but this was a fine use of him here. Joe winning is obviously the right call.
Final Thoughts: Decent episode of Rampage tonight, with two tournament matches making the show feel more important than usual. The wrestling itself was average but there was star power on it and for Rampage… I’ll take it. 7/10.